Friday, March 25, 2005 |
CSR What? - Antiroleplay at 2:26 PM
Okay. After the 3-22 patch I decide it would be a good idea to find a group to go to the instance dungeon. I DID discover that this was an idea that was, as Davaelis would say, AN ERROR. Cosmos was killed in the last patch. It is dead. No longer functional. UI gone, poof, kaput. Along with my damn left sidebar so now I don't have heal next to group members. Also when Cosmos died, so did my ability to view pet health. So hunter pets now just eat it. So, in my group without my UI, the hunter pet dies. Whups, sorry there, heh, no UI=no pet health bar. I'll rez your pet. ERROR As soon as I rez the pet, I get rez sick...huh.. don't remember seeing that in the patch notes. I guess I'll bug report it. After my entire group is annoyed by a priest with rez sickness for the next ten minutes, we do another pull and the pet dies again. ..Well... sorry but I'm not rezzing your pet! That sucked last time. You rez it. ERROR AGIAN!Before I knew it, we were still out of combat and I was dead. I clicked over on my combat log and here's what it said. (Whatshisface casts Resurect Pet) (You Die) Huh... didnt see that in the patch notes either. I guess.... I'll add that to the bug report. Several HOURS later I get an in-game tell from a GM asking me to not rez hunter pets until the issue is resolved. This in no way, however fixes the issue of hunters killing priests when THEY rez their pets. dammit.
Tuesday, March 8, 2005 |
Wednesday, March 2, 2005 |
ok so this is a rant post, i'll be honest. but last night, kaeden, lexxen, a couple other people and i all got into teamspeak and were going to go hit Sunken Temple in swamp of sorrows. Lag was extremely bad, it took us about 40 minutes of the game crashing and trying to reload to get us all in the same zone. low and behold, the game crashes again. (i'd already been in stonard for a good 20 minutes doing duels. one of the guys in the group couldnt get his arcane missles to work and was upset because i kept beating the snot out of him.)when the game crashed again, and i was finally able to load, i wasnt in stonard. i was on a wind rider leaving kargath. lexxen had a lag death, and kaeden was teleported to stranglethorn vale. after about an hour i said i wasn't going to stare at a loading screen anymore and we'd have to get together to try it a later time.
On top of that Bliz has a fix to make the lag better that makes logging in after being booted miserable. Realm is full, position in que 792.. yay..
Sunday, January 23, 2005 |
Tuesday, January 18, 2005 |
OK folks, you all heard me rant before about groups not giving me time to med after large pulls, pulling again, then complaining when I can't toss them a heal. Of course I can't. No mana= no heals. This seems to be an idea that most WoW players I've run across can't simply grasp. A priest in the group = fountain of never ending heals, sets you into god mode, making you inveunerable. er.. no.
This aside, similar thought when priest is polymorphed. "Where's my fucking heals?" as I'm dead, and a frog.
I'm going to have to make a macro that says "medding to heal your ass so stfu"
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 |
TRAIN - Antiroleplay at 11:53 AM
here's some insta death
Monday, January 3, 2005 |
Thursday, December 23, 2004 |
After 3 calls to Blizzard support, the first two of which consisted of me being told there is no correspondence address to send a letter of complaint and then being given a non-working email address to send a complaint to, I did obtain an address. Which, if you are interested can send your own letters to
Attn: GM World of Warcraft PO Box 18979 Irvine CA 92623
Let it never be said that I am in the least bit bitter or hold a grudge ever. ;) but here's what I sent to Blizzard. I'll keep you updated on what happens
In regards to World of Warcraft's Naming policy and complaint for <GM> Raclin
Recently I have had my name on World of Warcraft changed due to an offense of a “partial sentence.” Shortly after this I proceeded to report a large list of player names that similarly did not fit your naming policy. If you manually go through the names on-line any server at any time you will find at least a third of your customer base is in violation. I, personally, along with many of my friends think that the majority of these names are not only harmless but comical, and add fun to the game. However your naming policy needs to be particular to either everyone in the game, or allow non-offensive names. I am very upset that you have disallowed me to use the character name “Antiroleplay” as this has been my on line name for years with other mmorpg's which I am considering revisiting. My personal on line community and group of friends doesn't recognize me unless I paste my name for them nearly every time I speak.
After I opened my ticket reporting the large number of names that did not follow your naming policy I had an in game conversation with <GM> “Raclin.” I inquired about my ticket because a large portion of the partial sentence names that I had reported have remained unchanged. I inquired about the naming policy, and then I asked how some of the names I reported could possibly be more presentable than my characters previous name, since all of the names I reported were either partial sentences, allusions to outside material, or offensive. All of which are simply stated in your naming policy as off limits. <GM> Raclin, informed me that some of the names on the list were deemed as “OK” and instead of answering my question gave me an auto-response, telling me to open a ticket with a GM if I had an issue that needed to be addressed. Is Raclin not actually a GM in your employment? Why couldn't I get an answer to my question? I am deeply upset that I was ignored when asking a direct question, and with that, ignored with an auto-response to contact an in-game GM... as if I hadn't been talking to one in the first place.
I would like farther answers as to how roughly a third of the players are allowed to have “OK” partial sentences for names, where others are not. My personal opinion is that the players that report bugs as they happen are the only ones that suffer the partial discrimination of your partial-sentence naming policy. Since I can not get an in-game answer, the letter is necessary. I now feel that I need not bother reporting any bugs in the game because I will most likely be ignored and your partial scrutinizing over your player based rules has destroyed my enjoyment of the game. I will include a list of some of the names I have reported, most of which I think are comical, a large portion of which, are allowed to remain in the game.
I would also like a response as to how you can make this better.
Thanks for your time Shelly
Here a portion of my list of names I have reported:
Darkmistress, Crazyjay, Magickkfrost, Novacane, Souldrainer, Hawkmage, Diefenbaker, Deadwalker, Thornblood, Shankmeister, Daggerfell, Greenshade, Wyldcarride, Craterstomp, Furryleader, Lamminator, Nightjaguar, Foxplay, Wolfwhisper, Spinaltap, Zedsdead, Iamlinden, Darkholme, Krunkjuice, Firstwarrior, Drakeman, Windfury, Neverheal, Deepmist, Greenshade, Beowulf, Dikembe, Bloodscream, Nagashadow, Liveleyness, Silverspring, Myrcykilla, Leatpeople, Shootingstar, Thornwalker, Darkrituals, Pnasty, Royalmage, Skindogg, Redalert, Saberliner, Monkbit, Soothsayer, Starshadow, Bloommeanie, Stormcaller, Frostbyt, Pitborn, Randomnaccess, Beaverbranch, Headsmasher, Geistlich, Destinee, Massmurderer, Gametime, Hatbitch, Fallenshade, Scathatch, Faithfade, Bumhug, Baldburns, Masterthief.
I could easily report 100 names a day but I prefer not being ignored.