Two Cents
guest editorials
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

First Amendment U.S. Constitution

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The Soap-box Rented Out!
Simple enough of a premise, other people bitching and moaning.
Dear Gman
dear g-man

I've heard of a rumor on the Internet about managers of this hotel being excrement, I wish you would address these rumors and put an end to all this.I can not believe that the truth has gotten out to the general public, and nowi'm worried that our idiotic employees may hear this rumor prior to scheduled lobotomies. we need to find out who got a hold of our prerequisite sheet for hiring of management and released it to the public. This Turk guy must be investigated and silenced before our groveling butt kissing employees find out the truth, just how unqualified we really are and that if it was not for themis managed corporation we all work for we would all have to go back to living welfare, and my clothing bill and liposuchsion payment would take all thatup leaving me with no funds available for my scheduled face lift and removalof lip stretch marks.

we can not have our sales director running around looking as if I've blownall my accounts, and all their management employees for the $200.00 a yearthey spend with us. That would make us all look bad.

I know you will be right on top of this and will do anything necessary protect the false assumption that we know what we are doing.

thank you

the sales director

To All Fellow Degenerates


Whats up. This is my first venture into the world of online bitching. I'm not going to sign this, I'll just let you guess.

First off, what up at the Front Desk? the WWF has smarter managers than this little slice of heaven(sarcasm, can't you tell?). So what's up with the blowhole, she's been really nice lately. She probably has been getting more protein since she and spiderlady have had a falling out. And I have noticed that our knee pads are missing. If you haven't figured out who this is yet. Then you should think about going to work for the Front Desk, seeing how they could use all of the brain matter that they can get.

For Housekeeping I've got just one thing to say. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. And are we having ham today? What a surprise.

I'm still waiting for someone to tell me to fix the roof with duct(proper spelling)tape. Oh, by the way what's the frequency for the radios Mr. K? our radios would like to know. Poor Mark if he stress's much more he'll look like Goldberg(sorry Mark had to).

Bye. Be nice and remember your next.



P.S. Two words for ya. Suck it.

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