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    Wednesday September 13th 2006
    TT’s Memoirs 1:39 pm-
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    Interested in another persons take on the goings on at the hotel I work at? Want to an inside look directly on how the place is managed? Then ladies and gentlemen I present to you the first four parts of TT’s account of her less than two weeks working at that hotel:

    And just to wet your whistle to get you to click those links here is an excerpt from day one describing the Accounting Manager? that trains her:

    She deletes phone messages from creditors, she shreds mail, she throws important documents relating to state and federal payroll taxes? in a file she calls stuff I don’t handle?. She is an angry employee? who hides it and has been operating like this for a long time. I help her open the mail and we get a notice that the power is going to be shut off in 2 days. Now this to me is funny. I open more mail, we bounced some checks I see, we are having our phones disconnected, we owe back taxes, shit is getting deeper. Didn’t the City give us $400,000 3 years ago? She takes the big stack of bills that came in the mail and puts them on top of a pile on top of a filing cabinet. What are you going to do with them? I ask. Nothing, she says.

    With any luck we I’ll be able to put the rest of this when she gets it to me.

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    Tuesday September 12th 2006
    The Hotel Owners 2:45 pm-
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    Let’s take a look at the owners of the hotel I work for. Just some links for you folks to wet your whistle on some new info that has come to my attention. Below are the links:

    And for those really interested in finding out about the owners of the hotel I work for be sure to check out this pdf found at the PACER site:

    [drain file 29 show]

    And for those who wonder about the usage of this document please read:

    What are the acceptable uses of the data obtained from the PACER system?
    The PACER system provides electronic access to case information from federal courts across the United States. The information gathered from the PACER system is a matter of public record and may be reproduced without permission. However, the PACER customer assumes all responsibility for consequences that arise from use of the data.

    What a great vacation.

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    Tuesday July 29th 2003
    Hotel News 5:35 am-
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    Ramada Inn getting $2 million make-over is a Beloit Daily News article that appeared on the 25th of this month. It covers a lot of ground, which makes it an interesting read. Here are some amusing bits, well amusing to me.

    Tejany said he had been looking to invest in the hospitality business in this area and liked the location, but he also admitted the project has been a challenge.

    “I couldn’t find anything right,” he said of the facility’s initial condition. “It was hard to know where to start, the parking lot, the roof, the signage …”

    How about the air conditioning? That would be my suggestion.

    The big news in this article is the part where it tells about the new hotel restaurant and bar. The name (and I’m not joking here) of the place is called Cattails. And no it’s not a titty bar. Here is a bit that tells about the menu of Cattails:

    The food is described as new American with an infusion of Asian, French, Hispanic and Mediterranean.

    “It’s fine food served with a flair in a relaxing atmosphere,” Thompson said.

    Some of the house specialties include steak Dianne, chicken Marsala, pork tenderloin thermidore, veal Marsala, chicken Parmesan and pecan crusted chicken. One entree with an intriguing name is “devils on horseback” or sauteed veal scaloppini and cappriccola ham wrapped shrimp.

    Flaming desserts also are served and salads prepared table side.

    I’m not sure who their target audience is with a selection of fine cuisine like this. But I can tell you I sure as shit won’t eat there. Not with a menu like that. And what the fuck does “new American” mean exactly? Of course me being a “common” employee (peon) I have yet had the opportunity to sample this selection of “house specialties”, which makes it hard for me to recommend Cattails to the guests. They ask me I tell them to go across the street.

    One last bit from this piece and I’m done. This is an example of how informed employees are of the goings on at the hotel.

    The conference area will be renamed the Rock River Valley Conference Center with each of the five rooms named after the counties which have come together to form marketing strategies, including: Rock County in Wisconsin and in Illinois, Winnebago, Ogle, Stephenson and Boone counties.

    News to me. It’s a good thing I read the paper or it may have been ages before I knew about this one. This kind of thing is nothing new. Follow the link at the beginning to get the bits I didn’t cover.

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    Wednesday January 1st 2003
    Hotel News 4:44 am-
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    Ramada’s new owners put hotel in landmark shape is a Rockford Register Star article that talks about the hotel’s new years eve party. This was a very informative news item. As the usual with this kind of thing here are the good bits:

    “We were hoping to get 500 people,” said Kimberly Thompson, Ramada Inn sales director, “but we just didn’t get them.”

    And here is one more quote from this article:

    “This is my own personal project,” said owner Noor Tejany, who is in South Beloit for the New Year’s Eve event. “This hotel was here for 35 or 36 years. It’s a landmark to the city. We definitely want to keep it alive and bring it to the next level.”

    Lets examine these quotes for a deeper meaning.

    The first one “We were hoping to get 500 people but we just didn’t get them” what does that say to you? This is a quote from the sales director according to the paper. Now what is a sales director supposed to do? To me a sales director is supposed to get business to the hotel. The Rockford Register Star hits it on the head when it says:

    For weeks, the hotel planned but failed to advertise its “Rockin’ New Year’s Eve Mardi Gras” party.

    I would have to say that this sales director is to blame, wouldn’t you? Again this is just my opinion and I am no sales director. But who else can you blame this on? No one else except for the person who approved this half assed “Rockin’ New Year’s Eve Mardi Gras” . Can you guess who approved this fiasco?

    Who do you think a sales director answers to? First would be the general manager. Why would the gm allow this mess to go on? Maybe the gm was under orders himself. So who gives the gm orders? Well look no further than the second quote taken from the paper. The owner must have let this failed party come in to creation. Why would he do this? The paper’s quote says:

    “We definitely want to keep it alive and bring it to the next level.?

    According to the paper this is what the owner said. Well I guess this failed “Rockin’ New Year’s Eve Mardi Gras” is his mistake. He wants to “keep it alive and bring it to the next level”, doesn’t sound like he’s doing that yet does it? In fact if you look at his quote from the paper again you may see that even the owner doesn’t have high hopes for the hotel:

    “This hotel was here for 35 or 36 years”

    Was here? That sentence is in the past tense. Was here? Where has it gone? Apparently even the owner of the hotel himself doesn’t have that high of hopes for his “personal project”? This isn’t a very supportive thing to say when he plans to keep it alive and bring it to the next level is it? It’s shame that a landmark of the city has to be run by the obviously incompetent. Maybe the next bunch of owners that come in when these people finally give up will do something with a landmark of the city. This statement can be the new year resolution of the hotel.

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    Wednesday July 24th 2002
    New Owners 1:14 am-
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    Ramada to be improved is an article over at the Beloit Daily News. Here is a picture of the new owner and a selected bit from the article for those of you too lazy to read the full thing:

    “I’ve associated with friends and family’s hotels, but this is my first on my own,” Noor Tejany said. “I wanted to pick a hotel I would be proud of in the future. Once my plan is completed, I’ll be proud of this hotel.”

    New Owners

    Well I wish him luck. Because he’s going to need it.

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    Saturday May 18th 2002
    New Owner Revealed 6:30 am-
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    Here an interesting article from yesterdays Beloit Daily News called “Ramada owners identified“:

    Two Chicago area people have been identified as the new owners of the Ramada Inn of Greater Beloit. Noor and Farida Sadruddin of Bloomingdale, Ill., have registered through the Illinois Secretary of State’s office to create a limited liability company to run the hotel at 200 Dearborn Ave., South Beloit.

    It appears they started a company just to run the hotel:

    According to information provided from the Secretary of State’s office, the company will be known as Serena Hospitality LLC. The papers were filed May 9. While an Internet search indicated Noor and Farida Sadruddin living in Bloomingdale, Serena Hospitality LLC has a business address listed at 200 Dearborn Ave. _ the same address as the Ramada Inn of Greater Beloit.

    The new GM even got in the paper again:

    Noor Sadruddin was the highest bidder when the hotel was auctioned April 30 in Chicago, according to current Ramada Inn of Greater Beloit manager Reaz Chowdhury. “He’s going through due diligence right now,” Chowdhury said. “He was the highest bidder and needs to make sure of everything.”

    The auction guy brought up again the notion that these people are supposedly from the stateline area:

    …the auctioneer of the hotel, would not confirm Sadruddin was the buyer, but did say the person who bought the hotel has a local connection in the Stateline Area. “There’s a local connection there, and it’s going to be great for the community and it’s going to work out well,” Kravets said.

    Sadruddin sure doesn’t sound like a stateline area name to me. I can see why these people didn’t want to give out their name.

    I’m going to end with soothing words of wisdom from the Dude:

    “I think they’re going to put a lot of money into the hotel. We think the buyers got a great deal.” Chowdhury said Serena Hospitality plans to continue operating the property as a hotel and at the least a Ramada Inn. “At the minimum, it will stay a Ramada, but they are looking at flying other flags,” Chowdhury said. “They are very excited and looking forward to working with the community here.”

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