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    Wednesday October 24th 2001
    Liars In The News 2:14 am-
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    Hotel management seeking feedback is the link of the day. This BDN headline of course pertains to some of the things I have spoken of time from time. Read the article and note the lies. There are many so be prepared.

    First lie:

    Once a week, training sessions are held to help employees understand the importance of getting feedback from the people who stay in the hotel and use the restaurant, bar, banquet rooms and meeting rooms…Improving service is a priority.

    This is funny because I have yet to get any training. Next we got this one:

    “We have to train and coach…”

    Here is this putz’s football reference continued. Yeah coach me asshole. And Finally here is the last one and it is a dozy:

    However, he didn’t say when a decision whether or not to change the name of the hotel would be made.

    Say goodbye to Holiday Inn. It’s gone. Waiting for them to come and take the sign down. I got the camera loaded.

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    Saturday August 25th 2001
    Rumor No More 4:51 am-
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    On the 21st of this month I talked about the rumor of the hotel getting sold. The Beloit Daily News had a interesting article in yesterday’s paper called Panel told sale near at Holiday Inn hotel which pretty much ends the rumor. It seems it’s now a matter of time before we get sold. Here is the obligatory quote:

    “The intent is to keep it a Holiday Inn and retain all of its current employees.”

    Sure, though I think us by the hour peons are ok. The article also mentions how they plan to stay with the same brand. Time will tell.

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    Thursday December 28th 2000
    Banditos 8:52 pm-
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    A few people have been expecting me to mention something from a couple of Thursdays ago. Now I have been not mentioning this subject on purpose. But, by popular demand here I go. On early Friday morning the 15th of this month I was robbed. Two guys came in to the hotel and held me up at gun point. It was an interesting experience. I never expected this kind of thing to happen at the hotel. I worked for over a year at an convenience store and always expected this kind of thing to happen there. But it never did. This is what the local newspaper had to say about it:

    South Beloit hotel robbed early today

    A South Beloit hotel was robbed by two armed individuals early this morning.
    Two men, one armed with a gun, walked into the Holiday Inn of Greater Beloit, 200 Dearborn Ave., in South Beloit, at 12:53 a.m. today and demanded money from the front desk attendant.
    The men fled the scene with an undisclosed amount of cash.
    South Beloit Police Department Acting Chief Richard King said the investigation of the robbery will be turned over to the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department for further investigation.
    King also said a witness was able to provide physical descriptions of the two suspects.
    No one was harmed in the incident.
    The sheriff’s department was called to the scene last night to help with the crime scene investigation.

    So I came to adopt a way of thinking about a event like this. I always said if something happened I would not think about it. My reasoning was that if you spent time worrying about something like that, when it happened you would either panic or do something heroic. And hey I’m no hero. The hotel doesn’t pay me enough to be a hero.

    So back to my banditos. These two goons walk into the hotel. One white, one black. The white guy had the gun. It was a nice shiny pistol. Long barrel, yet kind of tiny. This guy asked for the money in a tone of voice of someone who might be a little afraid of what he was doing. The black guy was definitely nervous. Me, I was more nervous myself than scared. What can you do in a situation like this? You just do what the asshole wants. So I gave the scumbag the money. I even asked if he wanted the checks and coins. The only ting I didn’t do for the guy was give him a bag that he asked for. I didn’t have one. Then the crooks left wishing me a merry Christmas. On foot. The local police didn’t get them. Crooks on foot, cops in police cars, go figure?

    A bartender from the hotel had the privilege to be with me for this little episode. The local cops had me and the bartender fill out statements. Nothing professional or anything it was just us writing down what happened on the hotels legal pads. In my statement I refer to the crooks as banditos and say that they were nice enough for not stealing my personal money. The county cops are handling the investigation, and they felt my statement was a little odd. They still have yet to contact me. They called the hotel and talked to the general Manager. He tried to explain to the cops that just was the way I am. I figured they would make me a suspect. Just because I have a smart ass attitude. Oh well. Live and learn.

    So the lesson we should all learn from this is that when you fill out a police statement don’t be a smartass.

    xjnbMT T jcNA
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    Saturday November 28th 1998
    I’m Not Happy 3:00 am-
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    Well the event I have personally been waiting for has happened. As of 10:00pm I was let go from the hotel by Shawn Kennedy. His reason for letting me see the hatch was that I was not happy at the hotel. So what happens now?

    First I plan on getting ass drunk. Then on Monday I plan on calling my friends at the ACLU. Then I plan on contacting the media. They might like the corporate bastards against the poor little webmaster angle. So any way. Troy’s here, we have to go.

    I would like to thank in no particular order: Shawn Kennedy. Larry W. John W. Paula M. And anyone else that deserves my thanks. You all have been to kind.

    cW pRHxWKqj HhJ
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