The South Beloit City Council approved Monday allotting $10,000 in Hotel Tax Funds to help pay for the Sept. 19 grand opening of the Ramada Inn of Greater Beloit.
Well that sure is mighty white of the City Council. Everyone put the Sept. 19 grand opening on your calenders. This next quote brings up some skeletons in the hotels closet:
The Ramada Inn has undergone more $1.5 million in renovations over the last year, and another $500,000 is expected to go into the hotel and conference center, said Kimberly Thompson, director of sales for hotel.
The money will be used to help market the grand opening. Thompson explained a Mardi Gras theme is planned, with entertainment and food centered around the New Orleans-style event.
Alas poor Mardi Gras themed party, I knew you well. Do you remember the last time Mardi Gra and the hotel tried to mix? No? I do. Of course this next and final bit was also pretty amusing:
Cattails Bar & Grill, will have its grand opening at 5 p.m. Wednesday. In addition to a ribbon cutting, a press conference is scheduled. A private reception will take place after the press conference.
A press conference? I’m sure that was a hoot. It’s funny how this newspaper article appeared on the 5th and here it is the 7th already and no article is in the paper about this titty bar sounding Cattails grand opening and press conference yet.
For those really interested in the sounds like a titty bar named restaurant at the hotel, head over to this page.
Tejany said he had been looking to invest in the hospitality business in this area and liked the location, but he also admitted the project has been a challenge.
“I couldn’t find anything right,” he said of the facility’s initial condition. “It was hard to know where to start, the parking lot, the roof, the signage …”
How about the air conditioning? That would be my suggestion.
The big news in this article is the part where it tells about the new hotel restaurant and bar. The name (and I’m not joking here) of the place is called Cattails. And no it’s not a titty bar. Here is a bit that tells about the menu of Cattails:
The food is described as new American with an infusion of Asian, French, Hispanic and Mediterranean.
“It’s fine food served with a flair in a relaxing atmosphere,” Thompson said.
Some of the house specialties include steak Dianne, chicken Marsala, pork tenderloin thermidore, veal Marsala, chicken Parmesan and pecan crusted chicken. One entree with an intriguing name is “devils on horseback” or sauteed veal scaloppini and cappriccola ham wrapped shrimp.
Flaming desserts also are served and salads prepared table side.
I’m not sure who their target audience is with a selection of fine cuisine like this. But I can tell you I sure as shit won’t eat there. Not with a menu like that. And what the fuck does “new American” mean exactly? Of course me being a “common” employee (peon) I have yet had the opportunity to sample this selection of “house specialties”, which makes it hard for me to recommend Cattails to the guests. They ask me I tell them to go across the street.
One last bit from this piece and I’m done. This is an example of how informed employees are of the goings on at the hotel.
The conference area will be renamed the Rock River Valley Conference Center with each of the five rooms named after the counties which have come together to form marketing strategies, including: Rock County in Wisconsin and in Illinois, Winnebago, Ogle, Stephenson and Boone counties.
News to me. It’s a good thing I read the paper or it may have been ages before I knew about this one. This kind of thing is nothing new. Follow the link at the beginning to get the bits I didn’t cover.
“We were hoping to get 500 people,” said Kimberly Thompson, Ramada Inn sales director, “but we just didn’t get them.”
And here is one more quote from this article:
“This is my own personal project,” said owner Noor Tejany, who is in South Beloit for the New Year’s Eve event. “This hotel was here for 35 or 36 years. It’s a landmark to the city. We definitely want to keep it alive and bring it to the next level.”
Lets examine these quotes for a deeper meaning.
The first one “We were hoping to get 500 people but we just didn’t get them” what does that say to you? This is a quote from the sales director according to the paper. Now what is a sales director supposed to do? To me a sales director is supposed to get business to the hotel. The Rockford Register Star hits it on the head when it says:
For weeks, the hotel planned but failed to advertise its “Rockin’ New Year’s Eve Mardi Gras” party.
I would have to say that this sales director is to blame, wouldn’t you? Again this is just my opinion and I am no sales director. But who else can you blame this on? No one else except for the person who approved this half assed “Rockin’ New Year’s Eve Mardi Gras” . Can you guess who approved this fiasco?
Who do you think a sales director answers to? First would be the general manager. Why would the gm allow this mess to go on? Maybe the gm was under orders himself. So who gives the gm orders? Well look no further than the second quote taken from the paper. The owner must have let this failed party come in to creation. Why would he do this? The paper’s quote says:
“We definitely want to keep it alive and bring it to the next level.?
According to the paper this is what the owner said. Well I guess this failed “Rockin’ New Year’s Eve Mardi Gras” is his mistake. He wants to “keep it alive and bring it to the next level”, doesn’t sound like he’s doing that yet does it? In fact if you look at his quote from the paper again you may see that even the owner doesn’t have high hopes for the hotel:
“This hotel was here for 35 or 36 years”
Was here? That sentence is in the past tense. Was here? Where has it gone? Apparently even the owner of the hotel himself doesn’t have that high of hopes for his “personal project”? This isn’t a very supportive thing to say when he plans to keep it alive and bring it to the next level is it? It’s shame that a landmark of the city has to be run by the obviously incompetent. Maybe the next bunch of owners that come in when these people finally give up will do something with a landmark of the city. This statement can be the new year resolution of the hotel.
Changes at Ramada continue is the name of a Beloit Daily News article. The news item tells about the changes going on at the hotel. It is also worth mentioning because it has a picture of the infamous “Temporary Gm” who created and then forgot the 3 R’s, 4 F’s. The picture below should have a caption saying “and it was this big” don’t you think?
The picture doesn’t do the guy justice. Or either I just never noticed what a huge Cro-magnum forehead this guy has. I mean that in the nicest way possible.
…the hotel’s heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system has been repaired.
I am of course not saying the Rockford Register Star is lying. The roof thing I could be wrong about. But I find it odd that last night I’m told to be expecting complaints because the ac was on the fritz again. I’m just saying their fact checking skills are a little weak. Take it how you will.
Here is another article from that made me laugh. This one isn’t related to the hotel or me, it’s just funny. Wosconsin News In Brief is the catchy title. This joke I will explain. You see this is a newspaper. They are supposed to be journalist’s. Their offices are in Wisconsin. You think they would know how to spell the state they live in.
Ramada to be improved is an article over at the Beloit Daily News. Here is a picture of the new owner and a selected bit from the article for those of you too lazy to read the full thing:
“I’ve associated with friends and family’s hotels, but this is my first on my own,” Noor Tejany said. “I wanted to pick a hotel I would be proud of in the future. Once my plan is completed, I’ll be proud of this hotel.”
Well I wish him luck. Because he’s going to need it. me on a place to find good blogs that interest you. Acolytes of Destruction a Bors Server Guild Gawain the Blind The new home of Gawain on the internet. Penny Arcade News Fucker 3000 Zero Punctuation The Escapist’s groundbreaking video review series starring Yahtzee The Awful Forums The Something Awful Forums Broken Toys A blog about stuff, by a guy who breaks and sometimes fixes stuff. TWiT This WEEK in TECH Evil Avatar Daily Gaming News… With Attitude Kotaku Kotaku: a gamer’s guide that goes beyond the press release. Voodoo Extreme is the #1 gaming site on the web! Reviews, ratings, etc. Blue’s News All the carnage that’s fit to post!