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    Sunday August 26th 2007
    Hotel Watch Day 2 12:52 pm-
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    The big question on my mind is how long can the worst hotel ever go with out generating revenue? Today is day two of Hotel Watch here at Hotelblues.com. Hotel Watch is a record of the full days the worst hotel ever is actually closed. Everyday it is closed for business is another nail in it’s coffin. I eagerly await its final death. The proverbial stake through the heart. Below are some shots took this afternoon of the two notices on the front doors of the worst hotel ever.

    Notice of Hazardous Building Flood Damage Note

    As a bonus here are some pictures of the entrance to the flooded basement the Beloit Daily New article mentioned. Also take note of the picture of the generator powering the four pumps used to get the water out of the flooded basement.

    Flooded Basement 1 Flooded Basement 2
    The Power Generator

    I’ve saved the best for last. Pictures of the empty parking lot. Honestly it brings happiness to my cold bitter heart to see such bad things happen to that place.

    Empty Parking Lot 1 Empty Parking Lot 2
    Empty Parking Lot 3 Empty Parking Lot 4

    I honestly won’t be happy until the day I can take pictures of the place being demolished. I worked at that hotel for a long long time and it pains me to see the state it now is in. Blame can be firmly placed on the backs of those so called “new owners” (who call themselves Serena Hospitality) of the worst hotel ever. I wish only failed ventures on these inept people. If you read between the lines you will see that they ruin everything they touch:

    In an interview, Vezzoso said the management style of the inn’s new owner, Noor Tejany, and his management style were somewhat different.

    It’s so sad that they ruin everything they touch. Stick around for Hotel Watch as I count the days the worst hotel ever is closed for business. Hopefully leading up to the point it’s closed for good.

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    Saturday August 25th 2007
    Hotel Watch Day 1 10:36 pm-
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    What a great night. It’s like waking up x-mas morning and getting the presents you always wanted. Read the great Beloit Daily News article Ramada Inn shuts down over flooding. This is my favorite part:

    Noor Tejany is the owner of the Ramada Inn, according to South Beloit Mayor Randy Kirichkow. Calls to Tejany were not returned by press time Friday evening.

    I like how the owner doesn’t comment to the press.

    In order for the Ramada to re-open, Wilder said a contractor will have to make sure the fixtures are operating safely and the electric company will need to check levels of humidity and ensure there are no moisture problems.

    Each day closed is lost revenue. How long can the worst hotel ever stay closed? I will be counting the days.

    Below are some pictures taken at night. My camera was acting weird, so in the morning I’ll try to go and get some better pictures.

    Notice of Hazardous Building Flood Damage Note
    Front Doors Locked

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    Wednesday June 6th 2007
    Hotel News 12:29 am-
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    Look out worst hotel everBest Western to open in a few weeks” which can only be bad news for that shithole. This new hotel will have 67 rooms and one meeting room. The Daily News article says the amenities will be:

    …an indoor swimming pool and a whirlpool, a fitness center, free breakfast daily, six whirlpool suites, wired and wireless Internet, a guest laundry facility, iron and ironing boards, hair dryers, coffee makers, in-room guest safes and more.

    The article also mentions that the place is hiring:

    The hotel will hire 20 full- and part-time employees. Those interested in a job at Best Western can apply at the site of the hotel in the front vestibule. On average, the wages will be $7 to $9 an hour

    I’ll throw my resume in there just for shits and giggles. It would be great to be able to only drive five minutes to work.

    I like the mayors comments:

    “We welcome them with open arms,” Mayor Randy Kirichkow said. “We’re looking forward to having their name near the interstate.”

    It’s like the city mayor acknowledges they only have bad hotels in the city. The city certainly went out of the way to get the Best Western here:

    The City of South Beloit offered Best Western a property tax abatement that will last two to three years, depending on the assessed value of the property. The hotel was also constructed in South Beloit’s Enterprise Zone, which means that there was no sales tax on the building materials for the new structure. The city also reduced the sewer connection fee from $85,000 to $20,000 for Best Western and allowed for a variance in the height of the hotel and its sign.

    It shouldn’t be no surprise why the city went out of it’s way to attract this new hotel:

    South Beloit has a 4 percent hotel room tax, which means Best Western will bring in about $50,000 to $60,000 each year for the city, Kirichkow said. The 1 cent sales tax will generate an estimated $10,000 to $20,000 a year from the hotel, Kirichkow said.

    I’m sure the city will profit more off of this brand new hotel than the dying worst hotel ever. With any luck this will be the last nail in the coffin for the worst hotel ever.

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    Sunday September 17th 2006
    Fired Again 1:02 pm-
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    Fired again. It’s official. Damn near word for word transcription of the recorded phone conversation.

    Sheriff: Good afternoon this is the Sheriff.
    Turk: Hi Sheriff this is Turk.
    Sheriff: Hey yeah.
    Turk: Hey I checked the schedule last night. I’m not on the… I don’t have time on the schedule.
    Sheriff: Oh yeah, I guess I… I guess I forgot to put you on the schedule.
    Turk: So I’d.. Just you know… Am I working or not?
    Sheriff: Umm… No actually, no your not working.
    Turk: Yeah er. Could you care to explain?
    Sheriff: Yeah I will explain. Actually I was going to be in here tonight anyways. But uh, the powers to be have decided to let you go.
    Turk: So I’ve been fired?
    Sheriff: Um. Yeah. I… I’d… If you want to put it in that sense. Yes. It wasn’t my decision. But they’ve let you go.
    Turk: What was the reasoning for my being let go?
    Sheriff: Well like I say. The powers that be let you go.
    Turk: Was there a reason or did just decided just to just let me go?
    Turk: Theres got to be a reason.
    Sheriff: I think part of it was just to let you go. I think they they deemed that the morale of the team would be better without you.
    Turk: (laughing to myself) Ok.
    Turk: Alright I guess that works.
    Sheriff: Yeah. But um. But no I didn’t want to see you go. But of course my vote was out voted by everybody else.
    Turk: No of course. Of course. Thank you Sheriff.
    Sheriff: But no. Because I think. I think your one hell of an auditor and I can work with you. I don’t care what your attitude is or anything like that. I just said your a hell of an auditor and I can work around all… all your attitudes and stuff like that.
    Turk: (laughing again) Well I think my attitudes justified.
    Sheriff: Yeah. And I agree also.
    Turk: Ok well thanks Sheriff you have a good day.
    Sheriff: You do the same Turk
    Turk: Yeah I’ll try.
    Sheriff: Ok.

    The Sheriff ladies and gentlemen. Give him a round of applause for that performance. Bravo!

    Here is the mp3 of the above conversation:

    Fuck him. I think the sheriff has to be heard. Just so one can understand the magnitude of his pussy factor.

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    Thursday August 3rd 2006
    IM Chat Log 4:02 am-
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    [03:52] Turk: Shithole Inn plans for future
    [03:52] Gawain: is that you?
    [03:52] Turk: yep
    [03:53] Gawain: hows that cattails?
    [03:53] Turk: Colleen Vivian is a twat
    [03:53] Turk: it sucks bad
    [03:53] Gawain: aw
    [03:53] Gawain: but it serves good home cooked food at an afordable price!
    [03:53] Turk: bad food
    [03:53] Turk: worse service
    [03:53] Turk: jesus
    [03:54] Turk: that end of the building would be burned down if I was in charge
    [03:54] Gawain: Vivian currently is working on her master’s degree with the American Intercontinental University online. She received her bachelor’s degree from them in business management, with emphasis in marketing. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA
    [03:54] Turk: yeah
    [03:54] Turk: she’s a twat
    [03:54] Gawain: holy crap dude. the Intercontinental University Online
    [03:54] Gawain: seriously.
    [03:54] Gawain: god I wouldn’t want that published.
    [03:54] Turk: heh
    [03:54] Gawain: Id just say I was getting my degree.
    [03:55] Turk: well she is working for the bottom of the barrel
    [03:55] Gawain: This whole article is written poorly. I wonder if I should call your hotel up and ask them If they need a new public relations manager.
    [03:55] Gawain: because jesus christ.
    [03:55] Turk: no such thing
    [03:56] Turk: thats as good as the daily news gets
    [03:56] Gawain: I can’t believe she referred to your area as “working class”
    [03:56] Turk: heh
    [03:56] Gawain: thats rule number fucking one.
    [03:56] Gawain: you NEVER put your customers in a “class”
    [03:56] Gawain: jesus.
    [03:56] Turk: twat
    [03:56] Gawain: what makes me sad is that she probably makes more than me.
    [03:56] Turk: god
    [03:57] Turk: don’t make me think about that
    [03:57] Gawain: lol
    [03:57] Turk: a twat makes more than me
    [03:57] Gawain: her plans include adding a new vending area? THAT IS HER BIG PLAN? ANOTHER GODDAMN SNACK MACHINE??!
    [03:57] Turk: no
    [03:57] Turk: there are no snack machines in the hotel
    [03:57] Turk: none
    [03:58] Turk: as it is now
    [03:58] Gawain: it says shes adding a new vending area.
    [03:58] Turk: yeah sure
    [03:58] Turk: when?
    [03:58] Gawain: I guess that could be a little in-house shop or something.
    [03:58] Turk: news to me
    [03:58] Gawain: lol. its you.
    [03:58] Gawain: they’re gonna give you some boxes of candy bars to sell.
    [03:58] Turk: we have a “gift shop”
    [03:58] Gawain: HAHAHAHAH
    [03:58] Turk: they are open 7am-11pm
    [03:58] Turk: thats it
    [03:58] Gawain: “we’re adding a new vending area. Here he is now, working behind the desk.”
    [03:58] Gawain: HAHAHAHHAHA
    [03:59] Gawain: “hey vending area, go peddle these candybars”
    [03:59] Gawain: im dying
    [03:59] Gawain: hahahahaahaha
    [03:59] Gawain: I can see you wearing a little paper hat
    [03:59] Gawain: hahahahahahahah
    [03:59] Turk: not very funny from were I’m sitting
    [03:59] Gawain: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHHAHAHAhihagovrebaw
    [04:00] Gawain: oh jesus. oh god. hahahah
    [04:00] Gawain: I woke meg up. shit.
    [04:00] Turk: heh
    [04:01] Gawain: I can’t explain to her why this is so funny.
    [04:01] Turk: heh
    [04:02] Turk: it’s not funny

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    Tuesday June 27th 2006
    Robbed 1:35 am-
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    You just can’t buy this kind of bad press:

    Police seek two in armed robbery
    South Beloit police are looking for two men who robbed the Shithole Hotel early Sunday morning. According to police reports, the desk clerk said a black man carrying a long-barreled shotgun approached the desk from the north hallway at 1:02 a.m., pointed the gun in her face and demanded money. She gave him money and noticed a second black man standing around the corner, who then also approached the desk.

    All of this I personally find very funny. When I got robbed back in the day we had cops doing security. Which makes this post even more of a “I Told You So” than before.

    One thing worth mentioning (for comedy value alone) is that after I was held up the hotel management at the time decided to install four cameras. Two of these cameras look at the front desk area, One looks in back at the drop box, and one looks at the first floor pop machines. The idea was that the cameras would stop anyone from robbing the hotel. Which up until now it did I suppose.

    Being as old as this camera system is the recording device is just a vcr. Now this thing will record about 24 hours a tape I believe. When you watch it time is played back at faster pace so it all looks like some bad black and white keystone cop movie. But on the night of robbery there was no tape in the vcr. Which one has to wonder just how incompetent is the hotel management that they can’t put a blank tape in the vcr?

    Lets go back to the Security topic again. Now the two guys had a shotgun. What would the hotel engineer (yes it’s still the hotel engineer doing security) do if he happened to come up while the place was getting robbed? At the most the guy has his tool belt and maybe pepper spray. The guy also is one of those guys that wants to be a cop. So the guy would have most likely got himself and possibly the desk clerk hurt.

    Is the money the hotel is saving by not having cops security worth risking it’s hotel employees? Because that’s the way I see it. These cheap fucks are even too stupid to figure out that all the cops wanted was a raise or two now and then to make them happy. A month later and a fucking engineer is still doing security on the weekends? According to the gm engineering was a “temporary solution”. Does it take a month or more to get rentacops? I’m starting to think that this is just how it is now. Which really is sad.

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    Friday May 19th 2006
    Hotel News 12:54 am-
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    I want to talk about communication tonight. I’ll start with the definition of the word since I know that hotel managers don’t have a clue what it means.

    com·mu·ni·ca·tion (k?-myu-‘ni(-ka-‘sh?n)

    1. The act of communicating; transmission.
      1. The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.
      2. Interpersonal rapport.

    Pretty simple I think.

    Two quotes follow. The first quote is from the local paper published May 13th:

    …free calls to both the 815 and 608 area codes appeals to those visiting town to visit different attractions…

    And then in the staff notes from April 27th (bolded and underlined to stress it’s importance?):

    Phone Calls for guests: all 815 & 608 #’s $.50 for guests, free for frequent stayer Members!!!!

    Now I guess my question is at what point do we the employees get to be told officially about this? Or has the hotel fallen so far into chaos that we now have to get our information about hotel policy changes from the local newspaper? I think at the core this is one of the biggest problems at the hotel. The lack of communication. Even worse is either the incompetence of the managers or them just not caring (whats worse?) that prevents this info getting out to the front desk employees.

    Because this is a big change. The all calls 50 cents to a lesser degree can be handled by changing info in the computer I would assume. The same can be said for the free calls. I’ve checked in the computer and these people are getting free local calls. The problem is when these people come in or call in and ask if they get free calls I tell them no. And people want this kind of thing. It’s a feature people won’t stay at your hotel if you don’t have it. And the management here can’t even afford the time to type up one simple memo that informs the front desk about this change.

    Until I see such memo or one of these “managers” chooses to inform me about this change I’m going to continue to not acknowledge this change. If they don’t care I don’t care. The way the hotel is run I swear that our company mission statement is made up entirely with the goal of fucking over the guest the best they can.

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