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  • Saturday September 5th 2009
    Ramada Owners Removed! 8:09 am-
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    Man I’m smiling on the inside and the outside. Two news articles to link and do minor quoting. First the links. Missed payment costs Ramada owners and Court names receiver for Ramada. The Rockford paper has the better article so I’ll use that one. Here is the good shit right off the bat:

    The owners of the Ramada Inn and Conference Center were removed Thursday night after failing to make a payment to the city.

    Owners Nooruddin and Farida Sadruddin (Tejany) were removed from the premises, and court-appointed receiver M. Neal Eckard, president of Nationwide Asset Management Group LLC, took over the hotel.

    Good riddance! Hot damn! It goes onto say:

    Eckard will run the Ramada Inn until it is in foreclosure; then the hotel will be for sale.

    Now its auction time again and you got to hold your breath something worse than these fucking idiots buy it up again.

    “We called over there; they said they were going to bring a check right over,” Kirichkow said. “Obviously, that didn’t happen.”

    Manager Zar Zahid told the City Council she was trying to buy the hotel, but Kirichkow said she was removed from the hotel Thursday with the owners.

    They even threw out the cousin/sister/aunt that was trying to save the hotel. This chick was going to turn the place around. She did a wonderful job didn’t she folks?

    Kirichkow said the situation is good for the city.

    “We’re guaranteed to get paid now. The court will see we get paid,” Kirichkow said. He’s confident the hotel will be under new ownership soon.

    “It seems nothing but positive from this day forward,” Kirichkow said.

    Kirichkow is a dreamer. These douche bags they just threw out were in the worst hotel ever because of a similar situation. In 2002 Tejany bought it for less than 2.3 million dollars way back in 2002. The place surely won’t get 2.3 million here in 2009. Only trash worse (and/or related) to the kicked out owners would buy that shitheap the worst hotel over. No I hope someone buys it and tears it down and builds a parking lot. Only then will the damage done by these removed owners begin to heal.

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    Thursday August 6th 2009
    Taxes On Track 12:16 am-
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    Bad news for me good news for the worst hotel ever in a Business Rockford articles called Ramada Inn’s taxes back on track.

    The previous owners had failed to pay their bills to the city since October and were facing foreclosure.

    And as long as the new manager, Zar Zaid, keeps making the payments on time, the city will not revoke the hotel’s liquor license.

    I have faith that this Zar Zaid will continue to fuck things up and the worst hotel ever will resume it’s swirl down the toliet.

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    Tuesday June 30th 2009
    Worst Hotel Ever Dying 2:50 am-
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    It’s starting out to be a good day! Here is some news hot off the internet about my favorite sinking ship the worst hotel ever in an article called South Beloit Ramada’s future in the air. Below are the highlights:

    South Beloit’s largest hotel is still accepting reservations despite the foreclosure notice filed by Chicago-based PMC Commercial Trust Bank.

    The bank filed the notice in Winnebago County Circuit Court May 15, claiming the Ramada Inn and Conference Center, 200 Dearborn Ave., had defaulted on its mortgage payments and owes the bank $2 million.

    Me and a few others have been waiting for these assholes to go under and this may be the start of them dying.

    But the foreclosure also would affect the city since Ramada owner Serena Hospitalities owes about $26,000 in delinquent sewer bills, $33,000 in hotel taxes and the remaining $200,000 of a $400,000 low-interest loan.

    Fuck the city of South Beloit. They should have never lent those cocksuckers money in the first place.

    “We’re in a position like so many banks: People can’t make their payments,” Kirichkow said. “If they go out of business there’s no way of us recouping our money owed, or the chance would be very small. However, if they stay open, hopefully business would improve (and) they would be successful.”

    I hope Kirichkow is smart enough to know business won’t improve at that hotel. It’s too late for that. They should count their losses and move on. Hopefully the property can be torn down and turned into a parking lot or something.

    Officials from Serena did not return repeated calls for comment.

    And this doesn’t surprise me. What are these dumb fuckers going to say? I think we should go back to the beginning for one of my favorite quotes from the owner to get perspective on their silence now:

    “I’ve associated with friends and family’s hotels, but this is my first on my own,” Noor Tejany said. “I wanted to pick a hotel I would be proud of in the future. Once my plan is completed, I’ll be proud of this hotel.”

    The guy has ruined two hotels so far. I hope he’s very proud. The one I worked at in South Beloit and the poor hotel in Indiana.

    Here is another link to a new article about this topic called S. Beloit to discuss hotel’s liquor permit.

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    Thursday July 24th 2008
    Bar Fight! 12:08 am-
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    I love seeing bad press about the worst hotel ever. And it’s good news (as far as I’m concerned) in this Beloit Daily News Stateline Area News in Brief from the 21st:

    Police respond to large fight
    At least three people were injured at a Stateline Area hotel early Sunday after a large fight, South Beloit police said.

    An officer arrived at the Cattails Lounge of the Ramada Inn, 200 Dearborn Ave., about 1:10 a.m. and requested help from two other officers and units from Rockton, Roscoe, Winnebago County and Beloit, according to police reports.

    The officer reported seeing blood stains on the wall, broken bottles on the floor and a broken table. The parties involved already had left or were fleeing by car.

    Police did not know how many people were involved but said the lounge was over capacity.

    A person received treatment at Beloit Memorial Hospital for blunt force trauma to the head, and two people received care for cuts at Rockford Memorial Hospital.

    Sgt. Brad McCaslin said this was the third fight in three weeks. Police warned the Ramada Inn future incidents may affect its liquor license and ability to do business in South Beloit.

    On the 22nd the Daily News posted this article about sewer plans. The good bit there is this:

    In other business, the council noted there will be a liquor commission meeting Monday when the commission is expected to have a hearing concerning recent problems at Cattails, the bar inside the Ramada Inn. Police Chief Tom Fearn noted there have been two incidents since June 29 where the police have been called to the bar. In an incident Sunday, at least three people were injured in a large fight at the business.

    Having that shitty bar Cattails closed down would be one step closer to the worst hotel ever dying for good.

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    Monday October 15th 2007
    Hotel Insider Chat 4:02 am-
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    Here is my chat with the Hotel Insider. We cover a few topics of interest regarding the worst hotel ever. What happened when the cops came to talk to me. What the hotel is like now. The newb auditor turned into a front desk supervisor. And a shared dislike for the biggest douche bag in the universe.

    [3:31] Turk: you work at the desk?
    [3:32] Hotel Insider: no
    [3:32] Hotel Insider: I did do night audit before though at another hotel
    [3:32] Turk: how did you find out about my site?
    [3:32] Hotel Insider: back when you were fired and they were all investigating you etc
    [3:32] Hotel Insider: actually when I seen your site
    [3:32] Hotel Insider: I was like.. “man wish I could of met that guy he sounds pretty cool”
    [3:33] Turk: wow did they make a big deal out of it?
    [3:33] Hotel Insider: cause of the the idiots who stole crap from regal beloit
    [3:33] Turk: oh
    [3:33] Turk: right that shit
    [3:33] Turk: heh
    [3:33] Hotel Insider: well, we had just got regal beloit again for banquets
    [3:33] Hotel Insider: and they were doing like meetings for this new program they paid a mil for or something for managers
    [3:34] Hotel Insider: well these 3 people that use to work there I’m pretty sure stole this like big chest that they would keep there laptops in for the trainees
    [3:34] Turk: yeah
    [3:34] Hotel Insider: and they were watching you and seeing what you were posting etc seeing if maybe you were the one who did it

    read more…

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    Wednesday October 10th 2007
    Hotel Insider 12:39 am-
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    In response to the post Hotel Watch Day 7 I was able to get someone from inside the worst hotel ever to comment on just what happened.

    The flooding took out the water boilers in the basement. the executive wing is open because it has a separate boiler. And yes the paper does not say all the problems, you know how the owners are at this place…

    I know the owners believe me. I asked a few questions. So what is morale like in the hotel for the regular employees? What is the situation with the latest gm leaving? This is the answer I got back:

    I would say 70% of the employees quit. thats managers too. theres no GM, no F&B, no director of operations, and of course no one knows anything thats happening for the future or has a specific time when they will get the hotel working again. but I’m sure they will find someway to try and get around not having to do things properly to get the hotel going.

    This of course paints a very grim picture of what things are like inside the worst hotel ever. Which is great news. If possible I will try to get more info from this Hotel Insider.

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    Friday August 31st 2007
    Hotel Watch Day 7 8:26 pm-
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    It’s back.

    One wing of the Ramada Inn with 54 rooms will reopen today, after being inspected by South Beloit Fire Chief Ken Morse, South Beloit Mayor Randy Kirichkow said.

    The hotel was closed last week because flooding in the basement caused damage and health concerns.

    The hotel is working with its insurance company before reopening other areas, Kirichkow said.

    Kirichkow said they hope the banquet facility and Cattails Restaurant will reopen in the next few weeks.

    Makes you wonder just how bad the flooding was to have only one wing open? Seems like there is more to this story than what the paper says. I would like to think that the worst hotel ever is on it’s last legs.

    JiVZDxH kyTz LxxlnGx jNi GDehZiR
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