Gawain tries retail Hellgate: London. Below is his e-mails to me detailing how it went.
From: Gawain
To: Turk
Date: 04/21/08 6:56 PM
Subject: And now a report.7:00 – Hellgate Installed.
7:10 – Startup. Hellgate Begins autopatching.
7:20 – Patching Complete. ERROR: You must download the patch from the website.
7:45 – Patch Downloaded. Patch Installed. ERROR: Game is already patched with the latest version.
7:46 – Startup. Hellgate Begins autopatching.
7:55 – Game startup complete. Loading. Game is running.
7:55 – Character Creation
7:56 – Character Creation Complete.Chat window still borked.
This doesn’t surprise me. I hope he got some screen shots of it. Here is the post from the beta when he first had the chat window problem.
From: Gawain
To: Turk
Date: 04/21/08 7:06 PM
Subject: Further ReportingVisit to knowledge base on hellgatelondon.com = useless
Visit to forums = useless.sigh.
Again not surprised he didn’t find any help in the Hellgate forums. Not one Hellgate Dev responded to Gawain’s forum post when this stuff happened in the beta.
From: Gawain
To: Turk
Date: 04/21/08 7:21 PM
Subject: Update8:21 – Uninstalled.
I’m not surprised Gawain lasted as long as he did. If the bugs didn’t get him, the souless Hellgate gameplay would. The game had so much potential. It’s a shame the Hellgate Devs all had their heads stuck up their own asses.