Fuck I just can’t come up with a decent entry. I’ve made a few attempts. Nothing really ever felt right. I’ve also made a few attempts to write about some of the things going on at the hotel as well. But I get maybe three sentences in and I loose my steam. I just think that I’ve grown tired of the bullshit of that place. I feel no need to publicize the retarded goings on at the hotel anymore. I’m certainly not going to write about my new boss for a number of reasons.
So other than that I’ve been doing my usual. Which isn’t a lot. I’m still a non smoker. And I’m still wasting a lot of time playing games. Currently I’m playing a lot of Fable and a little of City of Heroes/Villains. Fable I never played on the Xbox for maybe more than 15 minutes so I never got to into it. On the pc it seems to have captured my attention no problem. Sure it’s short even with the “lost chapter”. It’s just the little things I like about Fable. Like how townsfolk keep certain hours. Don’t expect to go buying/selling loot late at night. They also move around in a manner that I’m sure is scripted, yet seems more natural than in other rpg’s.
City of Heroes is still fun for the moment. City of Villains I can’t really go into because of those pesky NDA’s that usually involve beta tests. I’m not all to sure how long my affair with City of Heroes will last. I’m pretty sure that as soon as the Dark Age of Camelot expansion is out I’ll jump back over to it to get my horse. And then maybe back to World of Warcraft. I’m starting to think I just may be burnt out on mmorpg’s in general.