This is old news and I’m sick of seeing this long ass post. Short story is vBulletin 4 sucks. Stay away from it and use an older version or something else. read more…
What a bunch of faggots. And yeah I don’t give a shit if I’m offending these gays/faggots/dykes. Grow a pair. It’s just words. Slang words on top of that. I’m surprised these guys never heard the childhood saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”
And for the record here is my count (not counting this post) of how many times I’ve used these words on my blog:
Dyke shows up just once. Faggot shows up seven times Gay shows up more than 15 times
All of these terms are used in replacement for words dumb or stupid. The exception being the Starbuck post. I still say the chick looks like a dyke.
“We couldn’t own Sci Fi; it’s a genre,” said Bonnie Hammer, the former president of Sci Fi who became the president of NBC Universal Cable Entertainment and Universal Cable Productions. “But we can own Syfy.”
They should be called the Shitty B-Movie Wrestling Channel. They have wrestling for fucks sake. I hope they fail and die some horrible death taken directly out of one of those shitty b-movies they show all the time.
Fuck Zach Synder ok? Here is a bit from the Watchmen movie Wikipedia entry:
Moore adamantly opposed a film adaptation of his comic book, arguing, “You get people saying, ‘Oh, yes, Watchmen is very cinematic,’ when actually it’s not. It’s almost the exact opposite of cinematic.” Moore said that Terry Gilliam, preparing to direct Watchmen for Warner Bros. at the time, had asked Moore how the writer would film it. “I had to tell him that, frankly, I didn’t think it was filmable. I didn’t design it to show off the similarities between cinema and comics, which are there, but in my opinion are fairly unremarkable. It was designed to show off the things that comics could do that cinema and literature couldn’t.”
Terry Gilliam did not make a Watchmen movie. Anyway who the fuck is Zack Snyder? A Dawn of the Dead remake and 300 are his credentials? Dude is unqualified to make Watchmen. Gilliam on the other had has made some good movies. And if anyone would have done it right it would have been him. I don’t think Terry Gilliam would have included Night Owl seeing Rorschach die. Or even worse upon seeing said death have Night Owl fall to his knees and raise his hands up and to scream into the night.
Another thing that bugged me. In Snyder’s Watchmen the name of the superhero group is Watchmen. Hopefully in the director’s cut they say the superhero team name enough that one can make a drinking game around it. The changes this guy made to the ending also bothered me. Blaming it on Doctor Manhattan seems just a lazy way out. I’m sick to death of this 9/11 bullshit. Water down the ending just because something bad happened? It’s a good thing the Japanese are not such pussies or we would have never got any Godzilla movies.
If you want to experience Watchmen read the comic. It’s how the creator Alan Moore wanted it. Or wait for someone with real talent to come along and do the source material justice.
Why do people use Twitter? I don’t get it myself. I have a website. I have an instant messenger client. These two things seem to be the function of Twitter. What is the need for all of these different social networking websites? Because when you really break it down this is what Twitter is. How many of these place does the world need? There is Myspace, Facebook, and the countless others I don’t want to know about. To me it all comes back to replacing websites and im clients.
When it comes to Twitter I don’t want to get it. I’m going to budge on this one. I let blog into my vocab. That is the last time I’m going to give in to this new internet lingo. I’m not going to be twittering or whatever the hell they call it. I am going to be a hypocrite though and use the Twitter Tools WordPress plugin to take advantage of what Twitter has to offer. If it has anything to offer.
If you’re from Las Vegas and you went to High School with me, this is for you. Everyone else ignore.
See I know you’re looking around here. I can see where people are from. You’re the only person in or around the Vegas area that I know who would do searches for the stuff you searched for. I can’t imagine what you think of me now you been inside my head. I didn’t mean to blow you off. Honestly. It wasn’t you. It was when we talked on the phone when I was at work. We talked about class reunions and how it would be fun to see how people we went to school with didn’t do as good as us. Something like that. I got to thinking, jesus I’m probably the least successful person in our class. That idea just freaked me out. It’s dumb really. I just didn’t know what to say if I came over. I’m the same. I’ve never changed. Probably never will change.
I like to think that shit doesn’t bother me. But it does. Anyway. I’ve got your number still. I just was too chicken to call. Sounds like I’m in high school still. So drop me a line if you’re not super pissed off at me. You can use the Contact Turk page to email me.
From:Gawain To: Turk Date: 04/21/08 6:56 PM Subject: And now a report.
7:00 – Hellgate Installed.
7:10 – Startup. Hellgate Begins autopatching.
7:20 – Patching Complete. ERROR: You must download the patch from the website.
7:45 – Patch Downloaded. Patch Installed. ERROR: Game is already patched with the latest version.
7:46 – Startup. Hellgate Begins autopatching.
7:55 – Game startup complete. Loading. Game is running.
7:55 – Character Creation
7:56 – Character Creation Complete.
Chat window still borked.
This doesn’t surprise me. I hope he got some screen shots of it. Here is the post from the beta when he first had the chat window problem.
From:Gawain To: Turk Date: 04/21/08 7:06 PM Subject: Further Reporting
Visit to knowledge base on = useless
Visit to forums = useless.
Again not surprised he didn’t find any help in the Hellgate forums. Not one Hellgate Dev responded to Gawain’s forum post when this stuff happened in the beta.
From:Gawain To: Turk Date: 04/21/08 7:21 PM Subject: Update
8:21 – Uninstalled.
I’m not surprised Gawain lasted as long as he did. If the bugs didn’t get him, the souless Hellgate gameplay would. The game had so much potential. It’s a shame the Hellgate Devs all had their heads stuck up their own asses. me on a place to find good blogs that interest you. Acolytes of Destruction a Bors Server Guild Gawain the Blind The new home of Gawain on the internet. Penny Arcade News Fucker 3000 Zero Punctuation The Escapist’s groundbreaking video review series starring Yahtzee The Awful Forums The Something Awful Forums Broken Toys A blog about stuff, by a guy who breaks and sometimes fixes stuff. TWiT This WEEK in TECH Evil Avatar Daily Gaming News… With Attitude Kotaku Kotaku: a gamer’s guide that goes beyond the press release. Voodoo Extreme is the #1 gaming site on the web! Reviews, ratings, etc. Blue’s News All the carnage that’s fit to post!