The beta for World of Warcraft is live. People are playing the game and probably having a shit load of fun. Dirty rotten bastards, every single one of them! Now I’m not bitter or anything. I’m not mad I didn’t get in the beta. This is just the first phase of the beta. So I could get in it later.
But it’s a good thing I’m not in the beta. I would have (and eventually will) spent to much time playing the game. In fact I see myself becoming one of those people. You know the kind of people I’m talking about. The ones that do nothing but play the game. And I’m not saying that is a bad thing. I’m that way with Dark Age of Camelot, in controlled short bursts.
Life will go on. Staying on the subject of mmorpg’s, I do need to cancel my Horizons account before I’m billed. I wrote earlier that I had canceled already. I wrote that under the impression I could cancel via a web based form of some kind at the games site. But no that’s not how it works. You have to call them to cancel. Which makes me think they are glutton for punishment.
“Why are you canceling your account with us?” The Horizon support guy asks.
“Well frankly your game sucks and so do you.” I say to him. You hearing crying on the other end of the phone.
It just doesn’t seem the way to go. But then I’m not very knowledgeable about these kinds of customer related issues. Wait yes I am. And let me tell you I love getting people to tell me I fucking suck (happened just once). So maybe these Horizon support guys are all sadistic evil fucks who get off on it. Just seems that must be the case. Seeing how they are making it hard on their customers to cancel the game. What can you do?