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    Tuesday December 12th 2006
    WoW Again 3:50 am-
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    This post is for my own purposes to track my gaming habits really. As of the 15th my City of Villains account is closed. On a whim I’ve rejoined the ranks of the World of Warcraft. I’ve installed the game again and patched up the newest patch. When I log in on my 30th level human warrior the game renders unknown entities and my character is invisible. Then out of goodness of the games heart WoW drops my internet. It’s so good to be back.

    One Two Three

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    Wednesday January 19th 2005
    WoW Stuff 12:25 am-
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    So World of Warcraft has me firmly in it’s grasp once again. I’ve been playing quite a bit (for me) this last week and have managed to level up to 25. The game is of course still not a finished product. Granted that can be said for all mmorpg’s on the market. But WoW just at times feels like it’s unfinished. Gameplay mechanics aside it has to be the constant god damn Weekly Scheduled Maintenance that Blizzard seems to relish inflicting on their paying costumers.

    And now that I want to play the game again it pisses me off when I can’t. I’ve done a few of the lower level instances and I’ve grown to enjoy the rewards that comes from them. I’m talking about the phat lewt man. It has to be one of the most important reasons to play a game of this type. When I’m not working or sleeping I’m playing WoW. At work I spend all of my time checking out my character profile over at WoWRankings.com trying to figure what kind of gear I need to replace. I’m trying to get all of the stamina and strength items I can find.

    Which is odd. In Camelot I never really thought about item stats and how it really affected my character. I just played the game in a daze really. But this stuff is important here in WoW and I do pay attention to the details. I’ve also noticed I’m really worried about how I spec out my talents for my Shaman. Again this wasn’t something I thought about in Camelot to heavily. But I do wonder what will make my character the best. It is a PvP server I’m on after all and I’m sick of getting ganked and I want to be able to be the one doing the ganking when the time comes.

    And with all of that said I’m in no hurry to hit the level cap. I don’t plan on setting any records in leveling up quickly. Of course this time I don’t plan on taking over two years to hit the cap. This time I would like to be able to do it in under a year. But we will have to wait and see if I manage that.

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    Wednesday November 24th 2004
    WoW First Day 4:04 am-
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    World of Warcraft retail day one is over and that’s something I wouldn’t have imagined would ever come. I’m not sure it’s been the smoothest launch. Waiting to login to the game is crazy. I understand that everyone and their bother wants to play this game. It a lot of fun. But jesus I hate waiting for something that I will be paying for. Granted I’m on a free month here. It’s just the idea that maybe this game wasn’t ready to go live yet. I’m still shocked of how fast the closed beta ended.

    Waiting To Login

    I can’t help but think WoW was rushed out to compete with EQ2 and to fill the pockets of those french fucks at Vivendi Universal. I’m sure I’m probably wrong about that. But it just seems odd. But don’t get me wrong, I’m glad the game is finally out.

    You know the weird thing though? Now that it out I kind of feel like I’m leaving my first love. I didn’t even un-install Dark Age of Camelot. It would just feel odd with it not being on my computer. I do miss the game. It’s just that Camelot stopped being fun for me a long time ago. But I can’t help but have a special fondness for that game. And who knows, maybe I’ll give Catacombs a shot when it comes out. Just to see how things are and to visit old friends.

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    Friday November 5th 2004
    Open Beta Date! 12:34 am-
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    World of Warcraft comes out the 23rd according to this press release. Which makes you wonder about just how long open beta will be. The final stress test started the 1st of this month. Well thanks to the Blizzard Insider we know when the open beta starts:

    Also here is the beef on what this game is going to cost me and you:

    After the initial free one-month subscription ends, players of World of Warcraft will be able to continue playing under one of three different subscription plans. The month-to-month subscription plan costs $14.99 per month, the three-month plan costs $13.99 per month, and the six-month plan costs $12.99 per month. World of Warcraft subscription fees can be paid by major credit card, PayPal, and pre-paid game cards, which will be available in stores where World of Warcraft is sold.

    I admit it’s more than I expected it to be. But regardless of the price I will be playing this game. If you have doubts make sure to try it on the 8th.

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    Monday November 1st 2004
    Stress Test/Open Beta Fileplanet Signup! 11:55 pm-
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    If you pay for Fileplanet.com get over there now and sign up for the World of Warcraft Stress Test/Open Beta! Again this is for paying costumers of Fileplanet. If your not it’s only 7 or 8 bucks. And whatever you do make sure you say no thanks to the 15 buck quarterly rate they offer. Because the next page you get after saying no offers you 7.90 a month.

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    Thursday October 28th 2004
    Closed Beta Ends! 11:03 pm-
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    Holy shit! I got this e-mail today:


    If you are receiving this email, you are one of the valued testers currently in World of Warcraft’s closed beta test. This message is to inform you that the beta servers will be coming down at 3:00 PM PDT on Friday, October 29 and will remain offline for a few days in preparation for another stress test. Your account and characters will be active for this stress test, but a new client download will be required. After the game servers come down on Friday the 29th, you will be able to log in to the community site and download the new client.

    Once the beta-server preparations are complete, we will announce the start of the stress test, and the servers will come back online. When that happens, you will be able to log back in, download a quick patch, and then continue playing. Please keep an eye on WorldofWarcraft.com for more information about the stress test in the days ahead!

    We want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the hard work you’ve been putting in to make World of Warcraft a better game. You’ve done a great job, and without you, the classes would not be where they are today, places like the Barrens would not be as rich as they are today, and the changes implemented from your suggestions would never have taken place.

    We hope you’ve been enjoying your exclusive look at World of Warcraft these past few weeks and months, and we hope you’ll take some satisfaction in knowing that you’ve played a big part in shaping its destiny. We’ll see you again online soon!


    Blizzard Entertainment

    I didn’t see this happening so soon. So another stress test is coming and then open beta? And then woot retail! Bye bye Camelot! See you all in Azeroth!

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    Monday September 6th 2004
    My First Instance 11:33 am-
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    So I made it into my first instance of a dungeon today in World of Warcraft. I had logged into the closed beta server just to sell some stuff from the last time I played there. And it was just luck that a group was going into the Deadmines in Westfall to go after Van Cleaf. This is a big deal because you need one full group at the least to take on all the elite mobs in there. We passed through the shimmering blue portal and did really good until we met up with a goblin shredder.

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six
    Seven Eight

    The screen shots kind of speak for themselves in this case. One by one the party of two (levels 20 and 22) warrior and one (level 29) rogue met their doom and the sharp whirling blades of the goblin shredder. We never did make it to this Van Cleaf guy and it’s probably best. I think Van Cleaf and his men would have handed us our asses faster than the goblin shredder did. All in all it was a fun experience. Even though I died and took a exp loss (in the negative no less). I did manage to get a lot of nice loot that I will sell or send in the mail to my alts.

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