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    Thursday February 6th 2003
    A Democratic Process 1:34 am-
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    Have you seen the new poll? The question is Should I do a website for the Hotel that fired me? So here is the deal. I will make my decision to help the hotel based on the outcome of this poll. Democracy in action, isn’t it wonderful? Currently the results look like this:

    Should I do a website for the Hotel that fired me?
    0% (0)
    100% (3)
    Total votes: 3

    So go and vote and help me decide if I will help the hotel.

    Views: 1,187
    Sunday February 2nd 2003
    Dungeon Siege Again! 2:37 pm-
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    I’ve been playing the piss out of Dungeon Siege again. It’s just a fun mindless kind of rpg. Hack and slash is it’s bread and butter. This one has even been eating into my Dark Age of Camelot time. The last time I showed shots of this game they were very boring. So here are six screens that are not so boring.

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    And I still love that packmule!

    Views: 972
    Saturday February 1st 2003
    Shuttle Columbia Down 3:24 pm-
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    NASA Emergency Notice – 02/01/2003, CNN.com – Seven astronauts killed as shuttle shatters – Feb. 1, 2003, Space shuttle breaks up on re-entry and for live video of the Nasa Press Conference going now try MSNBC – Live Video page. All I can say is what in the fuck is going on? I’m watching this press conference and just about shit when Chief Flight Director Milt Heflin says at the press conference:

    “this is a bad day”

    And all I can think is no shit Milt. But what about the bad day those seven Astronauts just had? George Junior said:

    “journey into space will go on”

    Well yeah I’m going to buy that George. We will throw money into the bottomless pit that is Nasa when we are getting already to warmonger? Nah I don’t buy that at all. This will be a good excuse for them to cut funding to Nasa.

    And don’t get me wrong I’m all for space exploration. But don’t you think that between losing shuttles and all of those lost mars probes that Nasa is the most competent organization to handle our space program. I think the space program needs to be run by a private company. No government interference. Man this sucks.

    Views: 1,781
    Friday January 31st 2003
    Five Years Old! 7:49 am-
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    Hotelblues.com Opens! was the first post to this website of mine. That was five years ago today. My site is five years old. It’s been a pretty wild five years. Well not really, it’s been up and down as far as the fun goes. So five years have come and gone. I wonder if this site will make it another five? I hope it does.

    Views: 961
    Thursday January 30th 2003
    I Hate People 3:50 am-
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    I did a quick search for this posts topic and came up short. This surprises me. So let me say with no doubt in my mind, that I hate the hotel’s guests. I hate them all. They are the stupidest people I’ve had the displeasure to meet. Drunken hillbilly stupid sonsabitchs.

    Take that in for a moment and you may ponder why it is I work at a place of business that one has to deal with customers. If you asked me this question I would have to just stare blankly at you. Because I don’t have the slightest clue why I work at the hotel.

    Back to the drunken hillbilly stupid sonsabitchs. I don’t care who they are. What I mean is if the guest is just some family traveling to those assholes that are with some place of business. It’s that last group I hate the most.

    I don’t give two shits what company you are with. Just because you happen to work for the guys who make the machines that makes the shakes at McDonald’s doesn’t mean I’m going to treat you like your god. Fuck you and fuck your company. I treat everyone the same way they treat me. Of course this may not be the best way to handle a hotels clientele.

    But why is it that people act like that? Does working for so and so company make them a better class of person? No I think it doesn’t. And I understand that these fucks are big money for the hotel. But I will not take this kind of shit from these before mentioned drunken hillbilly stupid sonsabitchs. If your an asshole to me, then I’m going to be an asshole right back at you.

    These guys that motivated me to write this for instance are either to drunk or stupid (possibly both) to look up a phone number for a bar. So naturally these fucks call me and want me to get the number for them. I tell them I don’t have a phone book handy and to try the phone book in their room. Then they ask me what time this bar closes. In their drunken stupor and possible ignorance assume I work at this shithole bar part time. So I tell them I don’t know. A simple truthful answer.

    Well this isn’t good enough for these fucks. They hang up and call back, but this time a different asshole asks the same thing. The skill of looking up a phone number is to much for these guys? I tell them the same answer as before. This is when I get the “I work for so and so” line. I again state that I don’t have a phone book handy and they hang up on me. So I decide to look up the number and I call the shithole bar and ask what time they are open till. I call the incompetent asshole back and relay the information.

    Then these great guests of the so and so company walk out the front doors of the hotel with open bottles of beer. Which is kinda illegal in these parts. I would have liked to called the cops on them, but didn’t. The very brief one hour goes by and these even drunker fucks come back.

    One of the gentleman (and I use the term lightly) asks me how much a cab ride costs from the shithole bar to the hotel. I was kind of baffled that the guy who just took a cab didn’t know what he paid for the cab ride. Again I give him the honest answer that I don’t know what the going price is on a cab ride. This jackass then goes on with his drunken hillbilly cohorts on how he “can’t believe that this guy doesn’t know what the cab costs.” I say to him that I don’t use the cabs, I have a car. Hence I don’t know what the prices are on the cab rides.

    Again to me this is a pretty logical answer to his drunken statement. But this drunk fuck keeps repeating how he can’t believe that I don’t know the cab prices. It was around this point I wish I could sterilize the whole lot of these asshole, for the sake of mankind. I’m sure that if these drunk fucks can even remember the events of the night in the morning they will probably complain about me.

    And the thought of this doesn’t bother in the least. I do my job. And the one thing I know is part of my job is not putting up with the kind of drunken hillbilly stupid sonsabitchs the hotel attracts. Man I hate people.

    Views: 1,084
    Wednesday January 29th 2003
    Still Here 12:13 am-
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    I seem to have let the site go again. Not much has been going on. I still am into my Dark Age of Camelot kick and spend much of my time running the Guild website. I’ve been fighting a cold the last couple of days and that really is the highlight since my last post.

    The only thing of note is that the hotel may be going broadband. And new computes. Computers that are not shit. I will be able to kiss my AOL account goodbye. “They” also are thinking about doing a website.

    Which brings up a funny thing. If “they” do a website “they” think I’m doing it. Not that I’m saying I won’t. It’s just something I got to think about. Maybe I’ll make a new poll with this as the topic. Yeah that’s what I’ll do.

    Views: 777
    Thursday January 16th 2003
    Sales Director Defense 2:31 am-
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    I just had a talk with the sales director of the hotel. The sales director who used to tell me how she and “The Dude” would read my site and have a good laugh. The sales director who came to me and actually started to defend her position on the new years eve debacle. I was going to not mention who the person was I talked to, but then I looked at my Standards Of Conduct and saw I didn’t have to bother.

    She wasn’t even talking about the hotel directly, she was referring to my news item on the Rockford Register Star article. I hope she knows how much our conversation meant to me. I don’t write this stuff to be liked. I write it to be read. And her coming to me shows that at least one person reads my stuff. She may not like it, but you can’t please everyone can you? What validation.

    What this also means is that if the sales director read it, then the rest of them have too. I wonder how the owner feels about it? Then I think to myself “I don’t really give a shit what the owner thinks do I?” Nah I don’t give a flying fuck what any of them think. If I was doing something wrong they would have fired me a long time ago, again. Wouldn’t you have? Nah and “they” know “they” can’t fire me for this web site. But you would like to wouldn’t you? Damn that Freedom Of Speech.

    Anyway, the sales director also mentioned how I said the hotel didn’t get behind the Sobos when they kicked ass at football. Her pathetic excuse was that they did have GO Sobos on the great sign. Which is like really white of them seeing how they had it up for like not even twenty four hours.

    The sales director informed me that her and the hotel had bought radio ads during the games and also purchased ad space in the yearbook. And I’m sorry to inform that this just isn’t good enough. Support is not buying ads that just are there to pimp the hotel. Ok? Support is the Dairy Ripple. Next time you drive by that place take a look what they have on their sign still.

    You still laughing now?

    Views: 826
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