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    Wednesday February 26th 2003
    Search Download 12:39 am-
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    Here is a neat download that will let you highlight any text and with a right click of your mouse search my website. And this works from any webpage, it doesn’t have to be mine. The file to download is here.Unzip this useing something like winzip and stick hb.htm in the root of your drive. Which is usually c:\. The hbmenu.reg can go any where you want. But you have to click it to make it work. It just adds a bit to your registry and is harmless, I promise.

    This is all thanks to the Screen Savers and one of their own Kevin Rose. You can find the original files and a small bit on how to do this in one of their Free Download of the Day pages.

    [drain file 26 show]

    Views: 1,014
    Sunday February 23rd 2003
    3 R’s, 4 F’s Are History 1:30 am-
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    The 3 R’s, 4 F’s Are Dead! Long Live The 3 R’s, 4 F’s! It is a tragic moment in the history of the hotel. I want a moment of silence. Ok that was enough. Carry on. Here they are one last time:

    Views: 1,172
    Saturday February 15th 2003
    DareDevil 7:32 pm-
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    It sucked. I’m sorry but this one can’t be argued. If you disagree, your wrong. It’s not a matter of opinion, it sucks and that is a fact.

    It was all wrong. And that is something I can’t understand for the life of me. How can this movie suck when they have such excellent source material?

    All these pinheads had to do was follow the stories from the classic comics. And I’m not talking about the the original stuff that Stan Lee wrote. Sure some of that was good. No when I say source material I refer to the great Frank Miller run on the comic in the early/late 80’s. Man that was good stuff.

    One point that really irks me. Is how they changed the accident that made DareDevil what he is. What we have in the movie is the kid getting his powers and blindness in a stupid accident pretty much caused by himself. What does this add? In the original DareDevil gets his powers in an accident sure. But he gets in that accident saving an old guy. That’s heroic. That say’s a lot about the character. The movie version just cheapens the character of DareDevil. It’s to bad.

    Another point and then I’m done ranting. Did you notice that DareDevil killed more than a few people? Either directly or indirectly, he killed people? That’s another thing I don’t remember about the character.

    Well they all can’t be as good as the Batman or Spider-Man movie. Here’s hoping that the Hulk and the second X-Men movie are better than this piece of shit.

    Views: 1,196
    Bad News For Hotel 12:15 pm-
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    Well I have some bad news for the hotel. They have been asking me about helping them with a website for the hotel (vote in the poll). I also have been waiting on the Public Library to get back to me. The Library ladies had asked about me helping them almost a year ago and I had been waiting to hear from them.

    So this means that I will not help the hotel with their website. And really I can’t be happier. I’ve been looking for a reason to tell the hotel no and I finally have it. Does that sound bitter? Well your right. I don’t care that the people who fired me from that hotel are not there any longer. I hold a grudge against the whole place whether it be past present or future.

    That place fired me and I guess I hold the grudge against the hotel. It’s become an entity to me. Not just a place, but a monster that eats people with no remorse. So this decision doesn’t bother me one bit. And I’m happy this worked out like this.

    Views: 1,010
    Lost Art 2:10 am-
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    So a long time ago in a galaxy far far away I wanted to be a comic book artist. Lots of time have passed and some of the dreams I had have been relinquished. But the product of that dream still survives.

    I have put up my feeble attempt at a comic book here. It’s not pretty. It’s doesn’t have a great story. But it’s mine. The only good thing about these pages is that I look at them and remember the how I used to feel about art. Take them for what they are.

    Views: 1,017
    Tuesday February 11th 2003
    Unreal 2 Shots 5:00 pm-
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    Unreal 2 has been out for a couple of weeks and I finally picked it up. I was hesitant because I heard it needs a hefty system. But apparently my computer is still hefty enough to get around 30 fps at 1024×768 with almost all settings on high. Sure 30 fps isn’t the best, but it’s playable. Here are six shots showing off the amazing graphics of Unreal 2:

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    Yeah I’m a guy. Isn’t it amazing how advanced these games get, the more advanced boob computer generation gets. Look at those boobs man. Those are some high tech computer generated boobs. But really did you see them? What is it with computer games and women with big breasts? I’m not complaining. It’s just a thought.

    Views: 857
    Monday February 10th 2003
    Why I Don’t Chat 4:48 pm-
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    It makes me wonder why I even run the damn thing. AIM is full of stupid fucks. Sorry that may be kind of harsh. But I just hate playing childish games.

    Session Start (AIM – Turk:lilangelbabe468): Mon Feb 10 16:27:01 2003
    lilangelbabe468: Hi. I’m from Hotel Blues
    Turk: Hi
    lilangelbabe468: im just kidding
    lilangelbabe468: whats up
    Turk: Not much
    lilangelbabe468: cool
    lilangelbabe468: where are you from?
    lilangelbabe468: how old are you/
    Turk: why?
    lilangelbabe468: i want to know
    lilangelbabe468: im not going to stock you gay lord
    Turk: you first
    lilangelbabe468: MA
    lilangelbabe468: now u
    Turk: Il
    lilangelbabe468: what are u a lil chicken butt
    lilangelbabe468: ll
    lilangelbabe468: whats that stand for
    Turk: Illinois
    lilangelbabe468: ohh
    lilangelbabe468: how old are you
    Turk: 30
    lilangelbabe468: off
    lilangelbabe468: *ohh
    lilangelbabe468: well i g2g
    lilangelbabe468: i havta take a shower
    Turk: great
    lilangelbabe468: bcuz im going out w/ my b/f
    Turk: great
    lilangelbabe468: im 13 if ur wondering…
    Turk: I’m not
    lilangelbabe468: w/
    lilangelbabe468: e
    lilangelbabe468: g2g tho
    lilangelbabe468: bye

    This pinhead makes the last time I chatted with someone I didn’t know look like a genius.

    Views: 1,092
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