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    Friday April 11th 2003
    Late April Fools? 5:16 pm-
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    Oh sweet jesus let this be a cruel and late April Fools Day joke. This link has got to be a cruel joke. Here is a snip:

    Hollywood couple J.Lo and Ben Affleck have secured a deal to remake the classic movie Casablanca, according to reports.The pair are said to be delighted with the multi-million pound deal and are now in talks wirth American producers.The original film was a hit in 1942 starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.

    Someone please tell me this is a joke. Why lord why?

    Views: 754
    Thursday April 10th 2003
    Shadowbane 1:39 pm-
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    Well I got the game Shadowbane and I installed it and I tried to play it. My first problem is that the games auto patcher is all fucked up. The first screen shot shows what I’m talking about. It tells me and lots of other people that one or more of the .cache files are corrupt. It advises you to reinstall this piece of shit. And this doesn’t work. Check out this thread at the Shadowbane forums for what the developers tell their paying customers to do. And what they have you do has about a 1% chance of working. Check out pages 9 and 10 of that thread for my comments.

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    Needless to say I’m done with this steaming pile of shit called Shadowbane. I wish I could return this game. But it was purchased at Walmart and those guys are impossible to get then to give refunds. So my Shadowbane disk has become my new beverage coaster. Stay away from this game if you know what’s good for you.

    Views: 1,658
    Monday April 7th 2003
    Work Morale 11:31 pm-
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    About a week ago they took away the computer I used. Granted when I say I used, I mean the computer I played on. There has been no work related use of that PC for a long time. Of course that’s not saying having that PC didn’t affect my work performance.

    Which is something this brain trust at the hotel doesn’t care about. Morale. My morale is low now since the computer moved to sales. And I’m only talking about the state of my morale. I don’t give a shit about the rest of them. And again this morale issue isn’t something the present regime at the hotel gives a shit about.

    Because a happy me is a better employee. Of course right now I’m not happy. It works like this. They do me a favor, I do them a favor. And for this to work they have to do me a favor first. So as it is right now I won’t do them any favors. Life is tough.

    Which also brings me to what I refer to as my time/their time. I’m on their time when I’m at work and punched in. My time is any time I’m not punched in and at work. From now on if they want to talk to me, the have to do it on their time. My home phone is turned off. I don’t need it any more. I only had a phone to get on the net. And since I got the cable modem, the phone is no longer needed.

    And when I’m on my time I got no time for them. It really is as simple as that.

    Views: 924
    Sunday April 6th 2003
    SWG Beta 3 1:53 am-
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    So I mentioned before how I got into the Star Wars Galaxies beta. The beta is now into it’s third phase. In beta 2 it was hard for me to get any play time in. With beta 3 the servers are up more and I have actually played the game for a long stretch now.

    I’m under a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) so I can’t divulge any real details. But let me say that my opinion of the game has changed. At first I thought it was just a Star Wars EverQuest mod. And maybe it is in a way. But the environments are right out of the movies. And so far I have yet to notice the leveling treadmill that so many mmorpg’s have. I’m sure it’s there, I just have been caught up in the movie like worlds I’m exploring to notice.

    The beta has even been getting in the way of my time playing Dark Age of Camelot. Which sucks, because Turk (my main) is still holding at level 39. Of course I’m not quiting Camelot. SWG has a long way to go before it’s in any shape that would make me quit playing DAoC. Time will tell.

    Views: 893
    Tuesday April 1st 2003
    This And That 12:16 pm-
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    Today is generally the day one would put up some kind of bullshit about something bad happening. I have decided to not bother with it, because I can’t come up with anything good or believable. My usual thing is some kind of “the hotel shut me down” kind of April Fools Day prank. But unfortunately these new people are way to incompetent for this to work this time.

    So I’m just going to skip the whole thing. It’s not even fun to take shots at these guys. They make it way to easy. And it’s sad the way things are.

    On another note I was asked again about helping them with a website. They apparently didn’t get the message the first time. So one last time let me answer the question of me doing a website for the hotel (in bold type no less): No Fucking Way. Not for free, not for money, and not even if you begged. And if you have to ask why? It’s because I can.

    Views: 699
    Friday March 28th 2003
    My Birthday 2:03 am-
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    First thanks to everybody who wished me a happy birthday. Here’s how my birthday day went.

    When I got home from work today (yesterday now) I had planned on going right to bed. But I ended up playing Galactic Civilizations from 8:00 am (when I got home from work) to about 1:00 pm.

    I slept from 2:00pm to about 4:00 pm, and then had dinner with my Dad and Brother. Then I was going to log on to DAoC and just about fell asleep at the computer while my computer booted.

    I go back to bed and sleep till about 10 minutes before I had to get my ass to work. And this is where it gets fun.

    I go in to work around 10:05 pm and just about ten minutes after I punch in something odd happened. And the following is kind of gross.

    This guy who is painting or whatever stumbles up to the front desk and he has this really nasty wound to his nose. He’s drunk so he’s only mumbling, but apparently his old lady slashed his face and she cut his nose straight down the middle.

    So this drunk dumb poor bastard is standing at the desk with half of his nose hanging only by a little bit of flesh and blood is pour onto the counter. The guy has a towel that he was wiping his face off with, but he wasn’t trying to apply pressure to his huge gapping wound. I could see the bone in his nose. It was really gross.

    I call the cops and they come down with an ambulance and they talk to the guy first and then take him to the hospital. The girlfriend is arrested and the area CSI team comes to look at the evidence.

    Now it’s about 1:50 am and this all happened around 10:10 pm, and all the blood is still on the desk drying up. It is gross. I asked the guy (he’s in charge of remodeling) who’s friends with the owner, about having someone clean it up. He just shrugs and walks off.

    So that’s how my birthday went. Overall it was a pretty lousy one.

    Views: 1,120
    Thursday March 27th 2003
    Happy Birthday 3:40 am-
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    So here it is the day I have come to dread. I not the kind of guy that ages gracefully. I don’t say I’m 31 years young. That’s bullshit. I’m 31 years old.

    As it was last year I have received my first birthday greeting from a person I only know through the internet. Which was nice, so I need to say hi to Hana. Hana is a member of the Dark Age of Camelot guild I am in.

    This year I will be working. Not happy about working on my birthday, but what can you do?

    Today is also my best friends birthday and the birthday of another one of my good friend’s wife. So happy birthday to both Troy and Karla.

    Views: 806
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