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    Monday July 28th 2003
    Geek Download: IECapt 6:28 am-
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    Here is a neat little program I found. Here is the info on what it is and what it does (cut and pasted from the site):

    IECapt is a small command-line utility to capture Internet Explorer’s rendering of a web page into a BMP, JPEG or PNG image file.

    You can use IECapt for example for batch processing, to make screenshots of the entire web page rather than the currently visible area or in a CGI script hosted on a Windows web server to provide access to IE’s rendering engine from non-Windows computers.

    Geek Download: IECapt 1 Geek Download: IECapt 2

    I can’t think of any real reason to use this little program. But it’s handy for taking a whole screenshot of a webpage. It does seem to default at a screen width of 800. I say that only because most sites are best viewed at 1024×768.

    Views: 1,821
    Wednesday July 23rd 2003
    A Secret 8:11 am-
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    Ok I don’t often reveal secrets regarding myself. But today I am. Here it is. I hate being called buddy. I just can’t stand it. Nothing annoys me more. I really mean it. Even my friends don’t refer to me as a buddy. And my friends would be the only people I would allow calling me buddy. Of course people who don’t know me just won’t know this. If you read this you can consider yourself warned.

    Of course there is nothing I can do to stop people from calling me buddy. It is a free world. I just wanted to make sure that this is known. An example of the usage buddy in a sentence (just so everyone understands what I’m talking about):

    “I’m sorry for being late to work Buddy.”

    There I hope everyone is on the same page now.

    Views: 1,168
    Saturday July 19th 2003
    Jedi Guilt 6:27 am-
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    So I’m playing the Xbox game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and I’ve been enjoying running around in this rpg. It’s a game made by Bioware, the same folks that made the great Baldurs Gate games. Kotor (as it will be refered to here on) plays more like the above mentioned Baldurs Gate games than Bioware’s other rpg Neverwinter Nights.

    And this is a good thing. Really it is. I mean come on who doesn’t want to have fake romances with computer controlled npc’s? And this little point is were I may have a problem with the game.

    First let me explain the setup here. As long as you haven’t had your head buried in the sand for twenty years you will probably guess a Star Wars game is going to let you be a Jedi. And I say this because I don’t want to ruin anyones experience with the game.

    My biggest problem is I want to be evil. I like being evil. I’m not Gawain evil, but I enjoy taking candy from babies. So I want to become a Dark Jedi. No problem there right? Wrong. I picked this goody two shoes Jedi chick and she constantly rides me about my “so called” evil deeds. And some of the things I do don’t really rate high on the evil meter.

    How bad is it to threaten a weakling npc vendor with death so I can get a discount? Not that bad the way I figure it. But oh no, the game gives me a Dark Force Point! Bad me. And the nice Jedi chick tells me she’s so disappointed in me. This should be no big thing, right?

    Well I notice that I reload my game and I go and be all nice with this little puss vendor. I pay full price for my purchase and everyone is happy. Except me. I didn’t really want to reload my game. It was some kind of guilty reaction to a stupid computer game character. I mean how bad is my life that I have to worry about how computer characters think about me?

    Not a lot really is the answer I expect I will get. But of course I do plan on murdering this nice Jedi bitch and getting some nice Dark Force points for it. Of course the damn game probably won’t even let me kill members of my own party. But hey I wouldn’t be truly evil if I didn’t try.

    Originally appeared at Digitalalloy.com

    Views: 797
    Friday July 18th 2003
    This And That 1:57 am-
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    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is everything I hoped and heard it was. Wow what a game. If you dig Star Wars and you have a Xbox go and get this game. You can see the influence of Baldur’s Gate in this game. The boys at Bioware have another hit on there hands.

    I’ve already become a Jedi and I’m working through Dantooine right now. The D20 rules work perfect here and my guy is one duel wielding bad ass. I need to find another saber. Right now I’m using a lightsaber and a vibro sword. A cool thing they did with items is allowing some items to be upgraded. Kind of like the way items are handled in Diablo 2.

    I guess I’ll be on vacation from Dark Age of Camelot for a little bit. But don’t worry I’ll still check in now and then while I enjoy my time in a good Star Wars rpg.

    Views: 769
    Wednesday July 16th 2003
    Denied! 5:39 am-
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    It appears the isp provided to the hotel is picky about what you try to view.


    Funny how it lets my site get past it’s blocking filter. I wonder how long it will take for my domain to be blocked?

    Views: 776
    Needs And Wants 4:03 am-
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    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is a game that I must have. It is a game I want. It is a game I need. Yeah I’m a geek. More to the point I’m a Star Wars Geek. But this game has what a Star Wars fan wants and needs in a rpg. Forget the mmorpg based Star Wars game. Buy this one.

    If you don’t believe me read this. Yeah it’s just an IGN review. But if what this guy writes is true, well I will find myself very busy with this game.

    Needs And Wants Needs And Wants
    Needs And Wants Needs And Wants
    Needs And Wants Needs And Wants

    And it looks great. I just can’t wait to get it. It’s in stores today. And I will be camping out the local Gamestop if I have to. I may even need to take a break from Dark Age of Camelot for this one. But not for to long of course.

    Views: 1,000
    Saturday July 12th 2003
    Been Busy 12:52 am-
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    It’s been a while again since I posted. I had a reason for a little bit. The MySql database was acting funky the first week of this month. Then I had six glorious days off. I didn’t do dick on my time off. Well I did play a lot of Dark Age of Camelot. Well I played a lot for me.

    Since then I’ve been busy with work. We are getting a new computer system. Encore is going bye bye. The new system is a Windows based os and is a lot more user friendly. So I have been working my usual 3rd shift and on top of that I’ve had training for the new computer.

    The system that is replacing Encore is called WinPM and it is produced by Multi-Systems, Inc. It really is better than the old Unix based Encore. The guy training us on it is also pretty cool. So Let me give a shout out to Mike the MSI Trainer.

    Other than this stuff, I don’t have much else going on. I have a community service announcement I have to put up. But I’ll get to that later.

    Views: 1,111
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