I have never had to deal with this kind of situation. Not in the virtual world which I play in. I’m kind of at a loss for words. Here is what sad news Gawain had to deliver in the forums this morning:
For those of you who were wondering where Marisin has been these last couple months (or even remember he was in the guild) his name was Scott Maddox, and he has been in the hospital with some serious health problems. He died today. I got the call at about 9:30am, and I don’t know the details yet, but there you are.
I really don’t know what to say. Marisin was a great guy. He was one of the few guildies I truly looked forward to talking to online. I didn’t know him that long. But in the time I had to pleasure to know the man, I know that logging in to DAoC now knowing he will not ever be there again to exchange witty comments with; well it saddens me in a way that I just don’t have the words to explain.
Please take a chance to stop by the forum thread. Leave a few kind words. Tell a story about the man named Scott Maddox who you may or may not have known as Marisin. Also if you have the time and you want to know more about the man behind Marisin, stop by Scott’s website. When more info comes my way I will post it here.
This post was more or less a cut and pasted from the AoD Site. Marisin was an in game character for the man named Scott Maddox, who has never been mentioned at Hotelblues.com before. Scott’s website (it’s the one called Chrome Magnum Man) has been over in the quick links over on the right for a while now. I wanted to put this up here as well just to make sure that any guildies who may or may not check this site first sees this message.
I have opened the forum that Gawain’s post is in up so anyone can reply to this thread. But I want to make it very clear that anyone who takes advantage of this and says anything that even in the slightest way comes off like disrespect I will ban you from my website and from the forums. No warning. No second chances. Please have some respect on this subject.