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    Friday September 19th 2003
    Spreadsheets, Piracy, And You Buddy 2:48 am-
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    Now hear me out on this one. And then tell me I’m wrong. I was told by my “supervisor” that I was to show the other guy how to use an Excel spreadsheet. Now this all sounds good on paper.

    Before I go on let me bring you a public service announcement from my friends at Microsoft:

    Common Types of Piracy

    License Misuse

    Software programs may originate from legitimate offers and channels, but they are then subsequently misdirected during distribution. As a result of this misdirection, the software is unlawfully transferred in violation of its original licensing conditions. Software programs that “leak” from their original channels are typically those distributed under the “Academic,” “License Fulfillment” or original equipment manufacturer programs.

    Sorry about that. So I’m to show the other auditor how to use the Excel spreadsheet but I don’t have the Excel spreadsheet. Now I explained this to the “supervisor” when I was told about showing the other guy how to use the spreadsheet. I pointed out that I didn’t have the disk that has the spreadsheet. It’s hard to show someone how to use something when you don’t have it. I pointed this out to the guy a couple of times. But of course no spreadsheet.

    Now don’t you think that the disk should be here for me to use and so I can teach the other guy to use it. Wouldn’t you think that this “supervisor” would have made sure I had the disk before he called the other guy in to be taught how to use this spreadsheet? You understand what I’m getting at, right? This doesn’t make sense right? Or is it just me?

    Now that is out of the way I wanted to talk some more about piracy. The Better Business Bureau has a informative page here that explains all about Computer Software Piracy. Did you realize that the fines could be up to $250,000 and jail terms of up to 5 years. There also is an organization called Business Software Alliance and they are the place to go if you think your workplace is pirating software. But of course no one at the hotel would be stupid enough to do something like that. And I’m glad because an angry guy like me would be likely to report them if they did. Thank you for your time.

    Views: 661
    Thursday September 18th 2003
    Oh Yeah! 7:59 pm-
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    Here is another questioner kind of thing I saw over at Gawain’s called Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You? My results say I’m like this guy:

    Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

    A caring rascal with situational ethics, you enjoy a good adventure and a great challenge.

    You like me because I’m a scoundrel.

    Han Solo is a character in the Star Wars universe. See his character entry at the Star Wars Databank for more information.

    I can live with that.

    Views: 777
    Still An Asshole 12:53 am-
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    Fuck it. I was going to write about how the job sucks the big one. I was going to write about how I don’t give a fuck about whether I have the job or not. I was going to write about how I feel about the people I work with. But then I went over to Gawain’s site and listened to the Tom Petty song The Last DJ and then I read the lyrics to the song. And in a weird way the song could apply to me. The more I listen to the tune the more I like it. The first two verses I like the best:

    well, you can’t turn him
    into a company man
    you can’t turn him into a whore
    and the boys upstairs
    just don’t understand anymore

    the top brass don’t like him
    talking so much
    and he won’t play
    what they say to play
    and he don’t want to change
    what don’t need to change

    I realized that writing all of this angry shit I want to spew to the internet won’t do anything. It won’t make the shit change at the job. It’s to bad. The place used to be fun. But I guess all good things come to an end.

    Views: 647
    Wednesday September 17th 2003
    I, Asshole 7:46 am-
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    I’m pissed. But more importantly I’m an asshole. Just so you know. I don’t think I’m going to work tonight or any other god damned night.

    Views: 961
    Friday September 12th 2003
    To Many Maybes 1:37 am-
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    Some times the humor of a situation escapes me. This forum post made me want to just say whatever kind words I could muster. I figured I would try to contact the person that made the post. But I’m not sure of how to do that. So I tried iming the hotmail account that’s in the last post over at Chrome’s site. I wasn’t sure who the account belonged to so I tried to just get a conversation going. This is the response I got:

    To Many Maybes

    Now death hasn’t been something I’m good at dealing with. When given the chance to prepare for it, I do ok. But when it just happens I kind of have a hard time. I didn’t know Chrome for as long and as well as some other people. But the response I got wasn’t what I expected. It kind of pissed me off to be honest.

    I didn’t act in my usual hostile manner. I just exited politely. And maybe this all shouldn’t bother me as much as it does. But it does. Chrome passing has been hard for me. I guess it goes back to the post Band Of Brothers. But I didn’t take into consideration the thought of losing these “virtual friends” I have made.

    Maybe it’s more than that. Maybe it’s because I saw a lot of me in Chrome. Enough for this to bother me as much as it is. Maybe it makes me realize my mortality. I don’t know. I don’t have any answers. I’m not even sure of the questions. Maybe it’s just me. That’s to many maybes.

    Views: 833
    Wednesday September 10th 2003
    Ad-aware Report 12:03 am-
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    Lavasoft Ad-aware Personal Build 6.181
    Logfile created on :Tuesday, September 09, 2003 11:15:13 PM
    Created with Ad-aware Personal, free for private use.
    Using reference-file :01R217 08.09.2003

    Ad-aware Settings
    Set : Activate in-depth scan (Recommended)
    Set : Safe mode (always request confirmation)
    Set : Scan active processes
    Set : Scan registry
    Set : Deep scan registry


    Views: 1,159
    Spyware! 12:02 am-
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    I can’t personally stress how much I like Ad-aware. Because I just hate spyware so much. My hate for spyware equals my hate for spam. Some people at work don’t understand these kinds of things though. Look at the below screenshot and ask yourself would I click yes or no on the Security Warning window?


    Well someone here at the hotel clicked yes. They clicked yes lots of times. Take a look at this cut and paste of Ad-aware results after doing a scan. It makes me wonder sometimes. But thanks to good old Ad-aware the work computer is back to normal.

    Views: 992
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