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    Wednesday January 21st 2004
    Marines In War3 6:26 am-
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    It’s a good game!

    Marines In War3 Marines In War3

    Views: 730
    Tuesday January 20th 2004
    This And That 1:16 am-
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    So I’ve been quiet and have not updated in a while. Mostly I’ve been getting used to working 40 hours a week, every week again. I have to learn how to manage my free time better. Which should be something I can do. I only work eight hours a day now. So it should be pretty simple getting a schedule together for my time not at work.

    I’m slowly losing interest in Dark Age of Camelot. I hate to say it. The grind is just become unbearable. All I need is eight bubs of experience. But the energy just isn’t there. I hate to bring up World of Warcraft again. But it just sounds like the grind won’t be as bad. The way it sounds so far is that quests will be a big part of the game. Just go and take a look at the WoW Quest page, and tell me you can’t see the difference in WoW and how other mmorpg’s handle quests. Just look at these screen shots below:

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    Perhaps downloading the alpha leak was a bad idea. Not because it’s leaked software (and yeah that’s bad too). Just wandering the world these guys have made makes me want the game more than I ever did. For me it seems the perfect game of this genre. The beta test is supposed to start soon, at least the sign up for the beta will start soon. I would give my left nut to get into the beta for World of Warcraft.

    Views: 939
    Tuesday January 13th 2004
    WoW Alpha Leak 10:17 pm-
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    I couldn’t help it. I had to do it. I needed to know. I had to know. I grabbed the World of Warcraft leaked alpha via BitTorrent. The almost 2 gigs of data took almost a day and a half. I had to extract it a few times just to get all the files out un corrupted. At one point I had only 30 mb’s left on my 80 gig hard drive.

    Of course the question one may ask is why download this alpha leak? You can’t play the game on Blizzard’s servers. So you have a worthless directory that weighs in at 2 gigs. And this would be rue if it wasn’t for some creative people on the internet. And before you get all excited, you can only walk around the world. Thats it, nothing else. But man what a world.

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six
    Seven Eight

    My biggest worry and the main reason I even got this alpha leak was to see if it would run on my current pc. And it does I’m happy to say. Did I mention the beautiful world? I personally really like the look of the world. It’s just so more epic feeling than the other mmorpg’s out there.

    But keep in mind this leak does not reflect on the gameplay of the game Blizzard is making. I have faith in them and I am even more convinced this game is the mmorpg for me. But as with all things, only time will tell. Also keep in mind I will not help you get the alpha leak. I won’t tell you where to get the “sandbox” hack. I did it myself and so can you if you try.

    Views: 2,682
    Thursday January 8th 2004
    Can It Be? 12:26 am-
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    It doesn’t happen often. Usually I hate it. But tonight was different. I actually had fun RvRing in Dark Age of Camelot. For those of you who don’t play Camelot or mmorpg’s in general, RvR is realm versus realm. Which is what Camelot calls PvP (player versus player). RvR in general is a chaotic mess in Camelot. It is unorganized and the side with the most numbers wins. It’s called zerging in the game. A term coined from the game Starcraft. There are no tactics involved to the RvR portion of the game.

    Below are a few screen shots showing off my kill spams. You have to look in the upper text window to see it. It just says “you killed so and so”, to others it says who did the killing.

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    In the group were two fellow guildies, Dderapapp and Etnoan. When I do play I enjoy the company of my guildmates. Dderapapp is the leader of the guild and a guy that has been playing as long as me. Except he has the level 50’s to show for the time he’s spent playing the game. Etnoan is funny guy and will probably soon hit 50, way before I do.

    One of these days I do plan on getting at least one character to 50. It’s kind of become my goal in life, at least my life in this mmorpg. You could say it’s my New Year’s resolution. One resolution I would like to fulfill. I’ve added my in game experience bar under my character picture on my website (on the right hand side down towards the bottom) to remind myself just how far I have to go.

    Views: 925
    Monday January 5th 2004
    Long Live The Consultant! 11:27 pm-
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    The consultant is dead, long live the consultant! The consultant was only mentioned twice directly. The first time I wrote about the consultant it was only obvious to me. In fact if you read that first post that was all about my first meeting with the guy, my feelings now may be apparent. And what are my feelings about the consultant now? Simply that I outlasted another one of the people that come to the hotel to change it for the better. Not that the consultant didn’t make changes for the better. Thanks to the consultant I’m able to smoke in back without reprimand. Other than the now discarded Points System, I guess that was all that the consultant did really. But really that is enough isn’t it?

    Views: 760
    Sunday January 4th 2004
    Points No More 12:05 am-
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    It didn’t even last as long as I had thought it would. It’s funny really. The Points System only really lasted for a month and a half. I figured this pseudo rewards system would go on for at least a year. I knew it was coming when they took down the one from December and didn’t put up a new one. It really is to bad, as I took the time to work this whole points system into my site layout. You can find the previous two months here and here. The current one can still be found here.

    It seems I will be receiving a 10 buck gift card from Best Buy for the points I got for fixing the spyware problem. Which is a nice gesture, but as I explained to the front desk manager it is not necessary. As always if the hotel wants to reward their employees all they need to do is give us raises. But what can you do?

    If they really want to reward me they can start the new schedule as I’ve discussed with the front desk manager. Working Sunday through Thursday would make me a very happy employee. That’s 40 hours a week, every week. That would be a step in the right direction. In fact that is the only way to make me happy. Because I know I won’t be getting a raise.

    Views: 983
    Saturday January 3rd 2004
    The GuestBook 12:15 am-
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    I’ve been ignoring my GuestBook when people sign it. It’s just nothing has caught my eye that was worth mentioning here. But I find it amusing when people find my site when looking for info on how to do the night audit. Which is the case with Andy who stumbled onto my site and had this comment:

    I’m a Holiday Inn Express Night Auditor. *yay* : I was looking around for a site that tells how to do the Year End Procedures and stumbled across this neat li’l place. I use Encore and can’t wait for the Pegesus Upgrade… I think.:/

    It’s been a while since I did the end of year with Encore, hell I can’t even remember how it went. I know it may or may not have been pretty complicated. Your workplace didn’t supply instructions on how to do the year end? I feel for you man. What is this Pegesus you speak of? Is it an up to date and windows compatible Encore perhaps? That whould be cool. Anyway thanks for stopping by the website Andy.

    Views: 2,333
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