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    Thursday February 5th 2004
    The Case 12:29 am-
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    Here are some shots of what that case I bought looks like on the outside and the inside.

    The Case 1 The Case 2
    The Case 3 The Case 4

    I continue to wait for my order to get to me. The Fedex site says not till the 9th. I can’t wait.

    Views: 1,170
    Wednesday February 4th 2004
    New PC 8:45 am-
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    So I filed my tax return online and I’m getting a modest sum back. Do I save it? No. I just blew it under two minutes. I had prepared a list of hardware that I wanted over at New Egg and have been waiting for the money to show up in my checking account. The stuff I’m getting is here. The only thing is I have to wait to buy two of the components on my list. I bought everything but the monitor and video card. I will be getting those items next wednesday. I’m like a kid who can’t wait for christmas to come.

    I also have some other issues ahead to face. Like where in the hell am I going to put this new computer? Or more specifically where am I going to put my old pc when the new one is built. I’ve been looking all over the house for things to use (temporally until I can afford a desk or something) as a makeshift desk. I’ll go the milk carton route if I have to.

    And then I have to learn all about networking to computers together. Because what good would be one pc without the net? I have a buffbot waiting to be used in the correct manor. Not like I do now, running in two windows. I don’t know dick about that kind of thing though. With any luck I’m sure there is guildie or two that will be able to offer me advice on this area.

    Now back to waiting. I’ll check to see if my order has shipped a few more times before I go to bed. Man I can’t wait.

    Views: 1,133
    Saturday January 31st 2004
    Six Years Old 10:31 am-
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    Today my website turns six years old. It my be a dubious achievement. I’m not certain I should celebrate the occasion or wonder if this site has been a waste of my time. Because what has it done for me? It has caused me nothing but trouble, one way or another.

    Yet I choose to celebrate when it all comes down to it. Why not? I have met some nice people because of this site. It also allows me to stay in touch with people I do meet on the internet. And with any luck my site will make it another year.

    Views: 1,193
    Tuesday January 27th 2004
    EQ Emulation! 4:32 pm-
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    Me, Gawain, and Purify have been tearing around the lands of Norrath for the last few hours. It seems that there is a working EQ emulator out and you can find it here. Lot’s of kinks still need to be worked on, but it is playable. Below is a screen of the group as we killed polar bears in the Everfrost:

    One Two

    It’s a nice change of pace from running around Camelot. But it’s just a diversion. If you want to join in the fun just follow these directions and look for the server called “Turk’s DAoC Retreat” and see if you can get in.

    *Updated with a pic of my guy with the fancy graphics enabled.

    Views: 1,389
    WoW Beta Sign Up! 1:08 am-
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    What is the first thing I’m going to do on the 28th? Here is a hint from the official World of Warcraft site:

    At 6:00 pm PST on Wednesday, January 28th, the signup period for the World of Warcraft Beta Test will officially begin. Testers are not going to be chosen on a first-come, first-served basis, so you will be able to submit an application and receive equal consideration anytime during the signup period, which will end on Wednesday, February 4th at 6:00 pm PST.

    They do say “Please note that multiple submissions from the same household will result in complete disqualification”, so I can’t sign myself up a hundred billion times. Doesn’t stop me from using all of my friends address’s though.

    Views: 1,224
    Thursday January 22nd 2004
    Nice People 12:43 am-
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    You know what I have always wanted to hear on the phone at work when someone calls in for a reservation? I’ve always wanted to hear the line “your the hotelblues guy right?” or something like that. I got my wish tonight at work. But it wasn’t a total stranger that called. It was actually a couple I’ve met down at the Bop.

    A really nice couple named Nick and Becky. Nick has been to my site before. He commented on my review of the Bop, quoting back my spartan line to me. And Nick is a great guy no matter what. Sure visiting my site helps. He’s a big fan of the band Oasis and you got to respect that. Becky is a great girl. I can’t say anything bad about her. If I were an younger attractive man she would be the kind of chick I would fall for.

    These two are some of the people I always like to run into when I go down to the Bop. They are the kind of people that make the Bop a fun place. Makes me wish I could run down there now. Maybe this weekend I will stop in and say hi.

    Views: 782
    Wednesday January 21st 2004
    Old Games 10:26 am-
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    I played some MechCommander 2 with Gawain and it didn’t play like I remembered. Being the screenshot grabbing whore I am, I got a few shots form me and G’s games. The outdated graphics and lack of multiplayer co-op brought down the fond memories I had of the game.

    Old Games 1 Old Games 2
    Old Games 3 Old Games 4

    The next game we dig out should be System Shock II. This would be a great game because it’s a rpg and it has co-op play built in thanks to a patch. And the best thing about it you can get it free from the the Underdogs here.

    Views: 1,097
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