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    Friday June 25th 2004
    Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow 2:10 am-
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    It’s funny that you get used to a way a person looks. I’m really bad about this kind of thing. I look at life through comic book goggles. Every body is supposed to stay the same. A persons appearance doesn’t change drastically. Sometimes of course change is good. With any luck I’ll have more than a few changes in the not to distant future.

    But my best friend Troy changed. And it’s something I kid him about. If you take a look at the picture below you will see (from left to right) Me, Bob (Troy’s wife), and Troy. Mind you that this was taken a long time ago.

    Old Stuff

    I look the same. I haven’t changed much in a long time. Bob of course is a woman. And being like a woman she changes her hair often, from the length to the color of her hair. But that’s cool because it is a chick thing. Just as long as I’m not expected to notice a drastic difference. Now Troy has talked about shaving his head a few times. I’ve always laughed and never expected him to do it.

    You see I’ll let you in on a secret. I’ve always thought of Troy as one of those mythical heroes. He’s got to be you know? He has been and always will be there for me. I’ve been nursed through so many stupid things I thought were so terrible at the time by him. I can’t even think how many times he’s helped me through the loves of my life and the tragedy I thought it was then. And he never has let me down even when it was over silly matters of the heart. even more so he’s never let anyone down. He is the greatest guy I know.

    So it’s only natural for me to think of him just like poor old Sampson. In fact I’ve always thought that just maybe his hair was his source of power, just like Sampson. So I guess I’m getting superstitious in my old age maybe. It’s got to be it. I just worry I may need his wisdom again one of these days. But I know he won’t fail me. It’s not in his character.

    And seriously man I dig the new do.

    Views: 795
    Thursday June 24th 2004
    The Undead Rogue 7:52 pm-
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    So I rolled an undead rogue to see what World of Warcraft offered in the world of stealthers and liked what I saw. Like the warrior class you have combat moves (like Camelot’s styles). The neat thing about the rogue is that he has what they call finishing moves. These are special styles that you can only use after you build up a certain number of combo points. Certain styles give combo points when you use them. Now the more combo points you have the more damage the finishing move will do. If you look at the screenshot number seven you can see the five little circles indicating how many combo points you have earned.

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six
    Seven Eight

    Stealth works the way I imagine it works in all of these kinds of mmorpg’s. I’ll play around a bit more with this class so I can see what higher levels bring to it. So far I really enjoy it. And I’m not usually the kind of guy that plays a thief/stealther type of character. Check out the official rogue class page for a good rundown on what this class can do.

    Views: 896
    Wednesday June 23rd 2004
    World Of Warcraft! 11:43 am-
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    Woot! I’m in the World of Warcraft beta! I’ve been playing since around 9 am and just quit only because the servers went down for maintenance. I’ve already made level 5 and I got to say it is as fun as I hoped. Below are four screenshots showing off the game:

    One Two
    Three Four

    I got to take a nap now or I’ll be dead at work tonight. Questing is a huge part of the game just like the previews said. It’s cool how once you get high enough level you get a quest to go visit a region you have not been to yet. Also cool is that you get experience for exploring new regions. Lot of cool things in the game. Already it seems polished enough to be retail right now. And it runs like a dream even at a resolution of 1280×1024. Man I’ll probably never log onto Dark Age of Camelot again. Just kidding. Time for my nap.

    Views: 1,071
    Tuesday June 22nd 2004
    Warhammer Axed 2:01 am-
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    Poor Gawain this just isn’t his year for games. First Mythica gets the axe and now Warhammer is dead. Below is the note found at the games webpage:

    It is with a great deal of sadness that I have to inform the community that we have decided to discontinue the development of Warhammer Online and will be closing down this website with immediate effect.

    This has been a difficult and painful decision but it was taken following a following a full review of the progress of the game, costs to date and future costs of the project. As a result both Games Workshop and Climax Development Limited, the computer games developer, have agreed to terminate the development project.

    I would like to say a personal thanks to all of the people who have followed our development over the last few years, your constant support and enthusiasm has meant a great deal to us.

    Robin Dews

    And here are four screens showing a game that could have been:

    One Two
    Three Four

    It really is to bad the game got the axe. Read through their faq and see what you could have been playing.

    Views: 1,181
    Monday June 21st 2004
    Star Trek On DVD! 4:28 am-
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    Man I’ve been waiting for this a long time. It seems they are finally putting the classic trek on dvd. Below are shots of the box and here are the details on whats on this 8 disk set includes.

    One Two

    This here is well worth the estimated 100 buck price tag. Man I can’t wait for this one.

    Views: 952
    Sunday June 20th 2004
    What Makes Me 3:26 pm-
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    Saw this over at Gawain’s and it just seemed so appropriate for me. Want to make a Turk? Just check out the recipe below:

    How to make a Turk
    1 part competetiveness
    1 part silliness
    1 part empathy
    Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of lovability

    Personality cocktail
    From Go-Quiz.com

    Views: 1,085
    Friday June 18th 2004
    New Toy 12:19 am-
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    I replaced my old prehistoric cell phone with a slick flip top number I lovingly refer to as the T731. This thing has a color display and a number of little things that make me very happy. Number one being that names entered into it always capitalize the first letter of the name. I’m very easy to please like that. Also the ability (not the desire) to send text messages are now available to me.

    Now the one and only thing I don’t like about my T731 is the fact that it has a flip open face that can’t really flip open. I’m a Star Trek Geek ok? I want to be able to flip this sucker open like Kirk did with a communicator in the original (and best) Star Trek. And of course asking for it to make the same noise as the Star Trek communicator is probably to much right?

    Views: 838
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