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    Saturday July 10th 2004
    Spidey 2 Thoughts 7:14 pm-
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    I saw Spider-Man 2 again. I just got back from the show. I want to go on the record saying that Spider-Man 2 is the greatest superhero movie ever made. It is the purest translation of a comic book to a movie.

    Seeing this movie and the first Spider-Man flick reminds me just why Spidey is my favorite of all the superheroes. Peter Parker/Spider-Man is the every man. He’s me, he’s you. He worries about the shit that I worry about and I know I said it before.

    It’s just that how many of these superheroes are your average joe? And I’m going to aim my fire at those rich snob DC fucking heroes. Batman? A fucking rich guy. Superman? Another fucking rich guy. And sure there are a few Marvel guys like that.

    But how can I associate with fucking these rich got it all superheroes? If you take away their powers and their skin tight costumes they still got none of the problems I do. It’s nice to see poor Peter Parker and his normal problems. I can understand what he feels.

    I’ve seen Spider-Man 2 twice now. This movie is one of those I can watch a hundred more times. I know for a fact I’ll see it again. Shit I may even go see it again tonight. It was that good. If you saw the first movie and you liked it, if you even slightly dig the Spider-Man comic you got to go see this movie.

    Views: 902
    Thursday July 8th 2004
    My WoW TV 10:27 am-
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    So who is sick of the touchy feely shit? I know I am. Time for me to go on again about World of Warcraft. I think everyone knows by now I’m in the beta and that I love the game. Well now I got my own WoW TV thing, which can be found over here. I only really play during the morning hours. You can tell if I’m playing if the the little box on the left has in game image. If it has a WoW login screen I’m not playing. Below are some screen caps taken from my little WoW TV thing:

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six
    Seven Eight

    Blizzard released a patch yesterday and you can read about here in the patch notes. The biggest thing this patch for players is the return of Talents. Talents (shown in that second screen) allow you to customize your character a little bit. So that each player class can be a little different. With this patch only warriors and mages have talents to buy. It works a little like Camelots specs or even closer to Diablo 2’s skill system. The warrior has Protection, Fury, and Arms to choose from in the talents menu. Protection has different choices that affect armor class. Fury is about giving you a chance to go crazy thus improving your chance to crit. And finally Arms gives you bonuses in the different weapon categories.

    Also with this patch the game now has an auction system (third screen) that allows players to buy and sell items. There are auction npc’s in the big cities that allow you to use this system. It costs you a minor fee (it’s refundable) to place an item up for auction and once you sell it there is another fee (non refundable) based on the selling price.

    My human warrior is now level 12 and I’m enjoying him way to much. I can solo mobs at least two level ahead of me. And it’s not really a problem taking on two at once as screens shots 5-7 show. At some point I have to get back to the other classes so I can report on how they are. I’ll have more to say later and be sure to ask questions in the forum thread for this post.

    Views: 1,132
    Wednesday July 7th 2004
    Happy Birthday 11:43 pm-
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    Today is my Brothers birthday. He turns 27 today. We don’t always get along. But he is my brother and I love the guy. We had an argument on the 4th when we celebrated his birthday. And it happens. We both have our opinion on things and on occasion don’t see eye to eye. He called and apologized yesterday and I tried to tell him it’s no big deal.

    Each of us are different and quite honestly I’m glad that’s the way it is. It would be boring if we agreed on everything. And every now and then I need him to yell at me. Because the kid is right. I’m a free-loafer. I have it easy and hold no responsibilities. Sometimes I like to hear his take on things. It makes me think about the choices I’ve made in life so far. It reminds me of the shit I have to change.

    So you keep on doing what you do little brother and I hope you had a good birthday.

    Views: 798
    Saturday July 3rd 2004
    Spider-Man 2 12:39 pm-
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    First let me just say Spider-Man 2 was fucking awesome! Ok that’s out of my system. I hate to be back to my negative self here, but I have one problem to point out. Not really a problem even really. Just a thing I noticed. It’s the Spider-Man 2 Superman 2 connection. I was going to list this shit myself but I’m lazy and I found this instead over at the Penny Arcade forums:

    Superman 2

    • Villains from the past come back to haunt Superman
    • Superman looses his powers because he no longer wants to be a superhero
    • Several scene feature him running down the street and ripping open his suit to reveal the insignia on his chest
    • Superman’s identity is compromised.
    • Superman’s love finds out his identity.
    • Superman reclaims his powers after realizing the world needs him
    • Superman is visited by a disembodied vision of his parental figures to discuss the importance of his powers.

    Spider-Man 2

    • Villains from the past come back to haunt Spider-Man
    • Spider-Man looses his powers because he no longer wants to be a superhero
    • Several scene feature him running down the street and ripping open his suit to reveal the insignia on his chest
    • Spider-Man’s identity is compromised.
    • Spider-Man’s love finds out his identity.
    • Spider-Man reclaims his powers after realizing the world needs him
    • Spider-Man is visited by a disembodied vision of his parental figures to discuss the importance of his powers.

    So again this isn’t a bad thing. The second Superman movie was the best of that series. It works on so many levels. Why not pay homage (steal) to that great movie? And at least Sam Raimi is a smart enough guy to steal from the good movies. And Don’t get me wrong Spider-Man 2 has a lot going on. I’m not saying it’s a carbon copy of the Superman movie. It’s just that a certain recipe was used in making the flick. And it’s a good thing for all of us that enjoy these kinds of movies.

    Views: 912
    Thursday July 1st 2004
    This And That 5:33 am-
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    Months are breezing by and another June is done and gone for this year. I got to say this June has been pretty good. One thing in June I was looking forward to was Spider-Man 2. It opened yesterday and for the first time in I don’t know how many sci-fi/comic book movies I did not see it opening night. Generally me and Troy go and see these flicks and make his wife go see them with us.

    Every time we drag Bob to see one of our dumb sci-fi/comic movies I just feel for her sometimes. And we have made her see some dogs. Both of them are quick to point out the movies I’ve been responsible for. Tank Girl being the number one bad movie I’ve made them go see. No matter what we see now I always hear “It wasn’t as bad as Tank Girl” if the movie sucked.

    Looking back on it there are a lot of bad movies under our belt. I’ve been keeping the ticket stubs for the flicks I go to for the last four or five years now. It all started because Whenever we talked about what movies we had seen we could never remember the names of them. It’s because a lot of the movies the last few years have sucked really bad. Now lot’s of you won’t admit or just don’t know any better.

    Here is a perfect example of what I call a bad movie for you. The King Arthur movie produced by that rat bastard Jerry Bruckheimer. This one just oozes suckiness. I don’t think I could stomach watching the trailer for this piece of shit one more time without having to vomit. I can’t wait to to see the Bruckheimer classic scene where the heroes of the movie walk onto camera side by side in a heroic manner. I can just see it in my head. Fuck Bruckheimer and Fuck his King Arthur movie. I got two words for you people ok? Fucking Excalibur, ok?

    Troy called the other day and told me Wednesday didn’t look good for going and seeing it. He said Friday and I agreed. Now I had every intention to go see it without him yesterday. It’s supposed to be good. So good people are calling it the Empire Strikes Back of the Spider-Man movies. Now to me that means it really god damned good. I’ll be disappointed if it isn’t.

    Spider-Man just always felt close to home to me. Here was this guy who wasn’t popular and he didn’t get the girls. And wham one radioactive spider later he’s a superhero. But the cool thing is Peter Parker’s problems didn’t go away after he became Spidey. He worried about making money, he still was unpopular, and he still had bad luck with the ladies. The guy just seemed almost like a normal guy except he had the proportional strength of a spider and could stick to walls and of course those awesome web shooters. And who can forget that with great power comes great responsibility?

    Anyway I never did go see Spider-Man 2 yesterday. Something much better than Spider-Man came up. And while Spider-Man is one of my favorites I just guess there are some things more important. I can wait till Friday to see it. If it is as good as everybody says it will be worth the wait. I’ll find out Friday night if it is good as they say.

    Views: 895
    Wednesday June 30th 2004
    Now Your Fucked! 11:37 pm-
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    The following joke is my all time favorite. I often tell it making sure to scream out the punchline as loud as I can.

    One hot day on a beautiful beach, a good looking male is going for his usual jog along the shore. But, on this day he stops and notices something new in his travels. A woman, is crying her eyes out. And he could understand why, the poor lady had no arms and legs , and was sitting in a lawn chair. He feels bad for her and stops his jog to see what could possibly be wrong with her and if he could help.

    He asks, “Are you alright? I saw you crying and I couldn’t help but stop and ask you if your okay and if I could help.”

    She says, “Well, Seeing as how I have no arms or legs, everyone is afraid of me, and I’ve never been hugged before, so Can you hug me?”

    He says, “Sure, why not.” So the handsome stud hugs her. She stops crying, and he bids her goodbye and continues his run.

    The next day he goes for his run again. Yet once again, he see’s the same woman with no arms and no legs sobbing to no end. Out of pity he stops his run and goes up to her.

    He says, “Ma’am I couldn’t help but notice you were crying again, is there anything I can do to help you?”

    She says, “Well,seeing as how I have no arm’s and legs, everyone is afraid of me, so If you wouldn’t mind, could you kiss me, I’ve never been kissed before.”

    He says, “Sure, why not?” as soon as he kisses her, he bids her goodbye and moves on with his run.

    The next day he goes for his run as usual, and notices the same lady with no arms and no legs, lying in her lawn chair crying again. Now he’s starting to get really aggravated, and frankly he’s not in the mood to deal with any of the hassle today. But, out of pity he stops his run and goes up to her yet once again and says, “What’s wrong? I’m really willing to help you out, if you would just stop crying, so tell me.”

    So she says, “well, seeing as how I have no arms and legs, everyone is afraid of me, and I’ve always wanted to get fucked, so will you fuck me?”

    An expression crossed his face that no words could describe, so she wipes the tears of her face, he picks her up and throws her in the water, Shouting out as she starts to sink into the water “Now your fucked!

    This sums up my sick sense of humor.

    Views: 858
    Monday June 28th 2004
    Shake Rattle And Roll 6:53 am-
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    So it appears here in my neck of the woods we experienced an Earthquake! Check out the stats below (for those to lazy to follow a link):

    Magnitude 4.5
    Date-Time Monday, June 28, 2004 at 06:10:51 (UTC) – Coordinated Universal Time
    Monday, June 28, 2004 at 01:10:51 AM local time at epicenter
    Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
    Location 41.44N 88.95W
    Depth 5.0 kilometers
    Region ILLINOIS
    Reference 15 km (10 miles) NW of Ottawa, Illinois
    65 km (40 miles) SE of Dixon, Illinois
    120 km (75 miles) WSW of Chicago, Illinois
    190 km (120 miles) NNE of SPRINGFIELD, Illinois

    Location Quality Error estimate: horizontal /- 8.1 km; depth fixed by location program
    Location Quality
    Parameters Nst=26, Nph=26, Dmin=195.6 km, Rmss=1.20 sec, Erho=8.1 km, Erzz=0 km, Gp=108.6 degrees
    Source USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)

    Wild huh? Mike from work said he felt it. I was apparently asleep because I didn’t feel shit.

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