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    Thursday August 5th 2004
    Good Times Ahead 1:31 am-
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    The wedding is coming up really quick. And I’m really looking forward to it. It’s been a long time since me, Troy, and his wife Bob had a fun night out. They got a babysitter for the kids already lined up. It’s going to be like a little reunion for us old time Holiday Inn people.

    It’s funny how long it has been since the time I often refer to as the good old days. Those days were over a decade ago and to me it seems just like yesterday. Back then I was just starting out at the front desk. The guy getting married was the guy who trained me and back then the front desk manager used to say he was a bad influence on me.

    I can’t stress enough how fun it used to be working at that hotel back then. I feel sorry for all of these people working at this place now. They have no idea what it was like then. All they know is the horrible time it is now. But they do say all good things come to an end and this time now is a perfect example of that saying.

    But for just two nights I’m not going to think about any of this shit. I’m going to forget about any troubles I think I have and just have some god damn fun. I’ll go back to worrying about shit on sunday. I just wish the weekend could come a little faster.

    Views: 838
    Tuesday August 3rd 2004
    Off The Bus! 12:23 am-
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    We had another front desk meeting. One positive comment before I unload and let me just say that the old me is back. I really do like the new front desk manager. She is a nice person who’s trying to do what she’s told to do.

    Where to start? Let’s start with the metaphor this article’s title came from. Since this nice young lady came aboard I’ve heard “it’s time to get on the bus” time and time again and I’m getting sick of fucking hearing this tripe. She needs me on the bus or off, it’s my choice. Can you all what choice I’m going to make? Because it’s an easy choice. I don’t belong on the goddamn bus. I don’t want to be on the bus as long as these fuckers are all on it. I’ll walk thank you very much.

    Next subject. There is a new hotel (policy?) and it involves farming e-mail addresses from our guests for the sole purpose of spamming the fuck out of them. I got one for them and it’s brand new, offthebus at hotelblues dot com and I can be reached there. I flat out refuse to take a part in this new spam campaign. And the person who collects the most e-mail address’s will get a prize. Brings back that gay points system.

    Another thing is all of the goddamn paper work we have now. And it’s not just having all of these wasted paper. It’s all the fucking initialing one has to do in a day. I’m getting sick of all of it. They also don’t like my messy hand writing. I’m going to start signing my name minus the vowels. I’m a lazy fuck I admit it. We have like four binders we have to look at and initial. It’s insane. I’ve never seen any management company try so hard to have a paper trail made for the soul benefit of firing someone.

    What else? Oh yeah when I do something for a guest I’m supposed to say “It’s my pleasure” and I’m guessing I’m supposed to say it with some honesty. Which is the biggest problem for me. I can’t say that without it coming out like I’m being sarcastic. It’s fucking gay. It ain’t my pleasure, it’s my fucking job. That’s what we should say. No problem Sir it’s my job. It just so much more honest than that My Pleasure bullshit.

    Back to stepping off the bus. I’ve set a date for when I would like to get off the bus. I’m going to try really to get off the bus on November 28th of this year. Every day it’s harder and harder to just come in. The best part of my day is when I walk out of the front doors of this place. And I have no idea of what I will do. With any luck I won’t have any choice and they will be kind enough to fire me again and then finally it would be my pleasure.

    Views: 905
    Monday July 26th 2004
    A Secret 12:10 am-
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    I’m going to share with you all a secret. It’s something I’ve been thinking about now for a while. Something that’s been in the back of my mind for a long time. I will forget about this secret now and then. But events recently have brought this notion back to mind.

    The secret is that I’m going to quit the hotel. I’ve been at the place for a long time now. I’ve seen employees come and go. And I can’t forget the way things used to be. Almost all of the people that were my friends are long gone. I’m a dinosaur that should have went extinct a long time ago. Every time the place gets new owners or new managers I’ll hear the phrase change is good.

    Except I just can’t accept that. Change may be good for them. Change has always been something I have hated. There isn’t a spot at that hotel that doesn’t remind of the ways things used to be. Reminders of just how much the place has really changed. It’s got to the point that I just can’t continue. Going to work now is so hard. It’s just simply time to leave. Because those good days I remember so well can never come again.

    And this departure I plan probably won’t happen anytime soon. I can’t just quit. I will have to find a job first before I make my exit. It will be hard. It will be hard to leave the hotel. It will be hard finding a new job. I should have went to school. I should have made different decisions in life. But I have no one to blame but myself. Maybe I’ll get lucky. Just maybe things will go my way.

    Views: 793
    Friday July 23rd 2004
    This And That 12:47 am-
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    Radio silence has been in effect the last week or so. Of course you really can’t call it radio silence here on the internet. But the idea is meant to have the same effect. That and the plain fact of the matter is that I have had nothing really worth writing about.

    Sure I could have wrote about how I, Robot didn’t suck all the dick I had expected it to. But frankly I’m tired of the subject. That and the truth being I don’t really know Asimov’s book the film was loosely based on all that well. So I’ll leave that kind of discussion for people that know what their talking about.

    I really haven’t done much since the last post. I haven’t played World of Warcraft in while. Just been to tired to play. Work has been rough the last few days. Being broke sucks and affects the job. No money equals no pop which means no caffeine to keep me going through the night. I get paid on monday thank god.

    But that won’t fix to many problems. The wedding I get to be an usher in is on the 7th of August. Now I don’t get paid until the 10th in August. So I got to use the money from the check on monday to pay for this tux. Which sucks because this is the check I pay my dad a humble amount for rent. To make matters worse I may have to work the night of the 7th. Which is no problem really other than it will be a long night. I’m still pretty determined to stay quit as far as drinking goes.

    Other than that there is nothing else to report at this time.

    Views: 767
    Friday July 16th 2004
    This Space For Rent 12:44 am-
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    I go to get fitted for my tux tomorrow for the wedding on the 7th of August. I’m starting to remember how much I really like wearing tuxes. Get me one of those and I can’t help but think about my days as the prom king in high school. I really am kind of excited about all this wedding stuff to be honest. It’s going to be a good night. I’ll see a lot of people I haven’t seen in a long time.

    Also there is the birthday party for Mike (and one other person) tonight. I’m looking forward to that. It will be a lot of fun. And of course I’ll be getting drunk off my ass. I’ve been doing that a lot as of late. I’m thinking about quitting drinking. Not because of any worries of me having a drinking problem. Nah it’s more of an issue how counter productive it is to my mild effort to get into some kind of shape.

    I want to go into a whole tangent about a lot of stupid shit. But I keep finding myself holding back. It’s not that I really worry if Gawain calls me a pussy or not. I don’t mind that. It’s just this whole website thing used to be a lot more private. Well not private really, just a lot of you folks just don’t have any idea what the hell I’m talking about. Now it’s just read by to many people that know me and the subject matter. That’s what I get I guess.

    Views: 878
    Thursday July 15th 2004
    Clever Title Here 4:28 am-
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    It appears it once again is my duty to be a groomsman in another wedding. In the last ten years it seems like I’ve either been in the wedding or attended a wedding more times than I can remember. Troy’s wedding being the last one I had to serve in as a groomsman. It got to the point I said no more of this shit. I was determined the next time I went to a wedding it would be my own.

    But this time it’s different. I can’t say no to this guy. The guy getting married is/was my mentor at the hotel back in the day. Of the little band of hotel people it was me and him left yet to tie the knot. And this guy finally caught a break and met a nice girl. I even kidded with him a few weeks earlier about if he had enough people for his groomsmen. I told him how I just didn’t want to have to do that shit again.

    And the truth of the matter it would be a honor. Shit if I am just the guy who opens doors and shit it would be good enough for me. It’s nice to see the guy happy. It’s nice to see he met a nice girl. It gives a guy hope.

    Views: 1,039
    Wednesday July 14th 2004
    This And That 6:18 am-
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    So it looks like I’m overdrawn with my checking account. It’s something that does not make me feel happy. It sucks. I’m in the hole about 40 bucks and I’m hoping it doesn’t get worse. Worst of all I don’t get paid until the 26th of this month.

    Now this is a problem because as it is right now I’ll get charged 12.95 for my monthly fee for playing Dark Age of Camelot. I can’t really call it playing, but you understand what I mean. I had another account that I used to bot and I canceled that account last week. Which brings me to the decision to cancel my last account. I don’t plan on this being forever. This is a temporary cancellation until I get payed. But it is something that is coming. The more I play World of Warcraft the more I think to myself why am I paying for Camelot when I don’t even play the game anymore.

    I’m hoping my dad will lend me the money before I’m hit with a overdrawn account fee or something. Of course their are a few more problems to face because of my current empty wallet. One thing is there is birthday party for some of the people at the hotel on friday. It’s going to be hard to booze it up with no money. So I’m thinking about not going to that and make up some excuse later if asked why I wasn’t there. The second thing is there is a birthday coming up of someone special to me and it will suck not being able to get a present. I won’t have to make excuses for this one. But I feel bad anyway.

    But I guess that’s just life right? I should learn to budget my money better. I should learn a lot of things. But I don’t. I keep making all the same mistakes over and over again. Oh well. So it goes.

    Views: 715
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