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    Friday July 22nd 2005
    No Air 2:26 am-
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    Right now it is 70 Fahrenheit and do you know what that means for guests of the hotel? It means that the odds are good that they are sweating their asses off in their room. Now unless certain conditions are met this is how it pretty much works at the hotel. Our air conditioning in the building sucks. From what little I know about it, it works like this. On the roof are 4 chillers. These chillers are what makes the air cold in the rooms air conditioning.

    Now the problem is that only 2 of these chillers work. So unless it’s really cold out or we don’t a lot of people staying in the place the air conditioning just doesn’t work well. And tonight we have enough people in the place to make those poor chillers work to hard. And the demand is to much on the system. So some rooms have little to no air conditioning at all. Which is something that I have a problem with.

    For the last ten years or so it’s been like this. Every owner and or management team in the hotel has decided to take the easy route and ignore the problem. The costs to fix these chillers are to much for these people I guess. And it makes my job hard. It makes any of the front desk clerks job hard. Basically nothing is said to the guests when they check in. Why advertise the problem? No what happens is people either get a room where it works or it doesn’t work. And you can either lie or tell them the truth.

    So you lie a lot. Of course I hate lying about this shit. It makes me feel like I work for a bunch of cheap sons of bitch’s (which I do). So I don’t lie. I just don’t mention it. Unless I have no choice. Like tonight for example. This nice old guy is checking in. He happens to hear me talking on the phone with a poor lady who has a room with no air conditioning. When I get off the phone the guy asks me if his room will have air.

    I tell him the truth. I tell him I have absolutely no idea if the room he is going into has air or not. I say to him that he will find out before I do. What else can I really say to the guy? I will not lie and say yes the air will be working. I can’t say that. I do not inspect the rooms before every shift. I don’t have a clue what the rooms are like before a guest gets in the room. I just wish the owners would fix this problem. Because it’s only going to get worse.

    Views: 901
    Thursday July 21st 2005
    Not The Boss 2:53 am-
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    You front desk clerks that I was going to shit can if I became the boss can sigh in relief. The tyranny of my reign has been cut short before it ever even started. I myself am a little relieved that the owners didn’t pick me. In the end it’s probably the better choice. I was told this today after the front desk meeting. The gm was nervous to speak with me I have heard. He was worried that I was going to tear him a new one for not picking me. The gm told me that in a staff meeting the managers voted to pick me. Which is nice to hear.

    Of course I can’t help but feel a little disappointed after hearing this news. At the same time I find it pretty damn funny because it just puts another nail into the “we promote from within” coffin that these management types like to spout. And again I’m not complaining mind you. I’m just thinking of the front desk clerks that will be spared getting showed the hatch since I won’t be in charge. Of course this brings me to the next subject.

    Your all are still in trouble people. No it can’t be said your even out of the woods yet. The gm (for whatever reason) is damn determined to make me management. And while they did pick the other guy to be the front desk manager it seems I’m to be this guys second in command. I’m of course very hesitant about this new offer. I’m thinking about the new guy. I wouldn’t want to be saddled with a second in command unless I had a part in choosing him. I told the gm to let this guy meet me first, and for me to meet him. Hell we may not be able to work together.

    The new front desk manager is slated to start around August 1st or so. It will be interesting to see what happens as this guy takes over. I of course wish him the best of luck. He’s going to need it.

    Views: 922
    Monday July 18th 2005
    Not Working Again 9:28 pm-
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    Yeah well strike all that I said last post. Coranto is not working. It times out building the news. So right now if I want a site with “content” it’s back to WordPress. Some links in older posts to pages in my website will not work because of some of the minor difficulties I’m having. It will get straightened out eventually.

    Views: 1,118
    Working Again 5:37 am-
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    Things now are more or less back to normal once again. Just a few minor hiccups are left to fix. You may notice that WordPress is not powering this site any longer. It was once of the causalities of the recent problems my host experienced. It is a nice system there’s no doubt of that. It just doesn’t fit my personal attitude of what it does. It’s frequent use of the term blog for one is something that annoyed me. So it’s back to Coranto for me.

    Other than that it does a lot of things that Coranto either can’t do at all or needs an addon to function. RSS feeds, trackbacks, pingbacks, just to name a few. But when it really comes down to it these are things I don’t really need. I can live without them. Plus the whole WordPress community is a bunch of snobs. Honestly they just are not my kind of people. I’m used to the people over at the Coranto Forums. When you have a problem some one will at least reply to the forum post. I tried that with WordPress and I didn’t get any help at all.

    Views: 1,478
    Thursday July 14th 2005
    Website Problems 11:52 pm-
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    Hotelblues.com had it’s host’s hard drive have some really bad problems. That’s the short explanation of what’s wrong. Slowly things are being put back together thanks once again to my wonderful host at Pas-Com Web-Hosting.

    A number of things are still not working. As one look at the Camelot AoD site will tell. Email is down, ftp, cgi, and a few other issues. But it’s all coming back up. For now if anyone needs to get me via e-mail just use turk@email.com for the time being. I’ll keep everyone posted on what’s going on.

    Views: 1,132
    Friday July 8th 2005
    Fantastic Four 11:44 am-
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    So is this guy full of shit or what? He says and I quote:

    Fine job, one and all. The direction, the story, the wowza special effects are excellent. Comic fans need to be aware that, as they’ve probably picked up from the previews, the story is different from the one presented by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby back in 1961, particularly as it relates to Dr. Doom.

    He goes on to say:

    If they are able to put that aside, fans can enjoy the movie for living up to the spirit of the Fab Four. I’d rate it a bit below Batman Begins but on par with the Spider-Man and X-Men flicks. And it’s way above Hulk and Daredevil.

    Which by this point the son of a bitch has blasphemed quite enough and I stop reading. Ok I didn’t really stop reading. I just don’t think the guy is qualified to make this kind of call. I also say that the changes to Doctor Doom are to much to overlook. I’m a firm believer that certain things like the origin of Doom can’t be altered. It takes away from just what Doom really is.

    It’s a moot point of course as I have yet to see this movie. But in a few hours that will change. Then we will see if this guy is right or wrong. And I say he’s wrong.

    Views: 957
    Monday July 4th 2005
    Church of Galactus! 2:02 am-
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    Well I found this not a moment to soon. I say this only because I hope and pray that the Big G will smite the infidels that made the (I’m quite positive it’s going to suck) new Fantastic Four movie. I’m really terribly afraid that if this movie is even a mild success that we will see a just as fucked up Galactus as this Doom origin having him on the fucking rocket with the FF.

    Views: 945
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