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    Wednesday October 5th 2005
    The Recap 12:27 am-
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    It’s been a long time since I wrote about the hotel. I’ve only briefly mentioned that there is a new front desk manager. I wanted to take the time to bring everyone up to speed on what’s going on. Because I’m thinking really hard about what my future holds at the hotel. And to be honest I want out of the place more than I ever have.

    So let’s start with this front desk manager. Like his predecessors this guy never felt obligated to meet his employees. It was four or five days until I even met the guy. Which I have never understood about these people that come in and don’t make an effort to meet their employees. Then the guy schedules a mandatory meeting on payday. At the time we actually get the checks. So right off the bat this guy is going out of his way to inadvertently rub me the wrong way. These items I have mentioned before and I just wanted do the recap.

    On the day of the meeting I go in a hour early. Because I was either going to get my check then or I would come back in a hour and get my check and not come back to the meeting this guy scheduled. Needless to say I got my check. I also introduced myself to the guy. Because it was obvious that he didn’t give a shit to meet me. I had the opportunity to tell the guy some of the things I felt were wrong with the front desk. The exact thing I said to him was that the front desk was like a western town without a sheriff. It was in chaos and everyone did what they wanted because there was no law there. I told him that it was my opinion that he had to step up and make sure they all understood he was the new “sheriff” in town.

    And to my surprise the guy actually used this metaphor in his meeting. He mentioned to the front desk that he was the new sheriff in town and that his word was law. I thought it was neat little gesture on his part. But it also meant (to me) that he more or less promised that he would do the job the correct way. That this chaos that had befallen the front desk would be put to an end.

    Here it two months later and what has changed? Nothing has changed. The new sheriff in town isn’t worth the tin in his badge. Things are still wrong as chaotically as before this guy came into the picture. The front desk clerks do what they want. There is no consistency in what they do. Which is funny because the guy went on in great lengths about how the front desk has to be on the same page. That everyone has to follow the same procedures. And it’s just not happening. And the sheriff? I don’t ever see the guy. It’s kind of hard to be the sheriff when your never there.

    And let me also touch base on some of the other issues I’ve mentioned in the past (and some I haven’t). When I was “interviewed” for the front desk manager job it was mentioned that extra duties would fall on the front desk manager. The gm was very cryptic about all of it and would not spare any details. The usual cover story was given to me that he didn’t have all the details himself. So as it turns out the front desk manager is doing two jobs for the price of one. Which I think is foolish if the rumor is true that the sheriff makes under 20 a year. I wasn’t really excited at the idea of more to do and I was offered 25 a year. So it makes me wonder about the new guy.

    I’ve also thought about this “gm” and his offer to me about running the front desk. I think it was all bullshit. A fabricated story to give the appearance that people within the company can go higher. It’s a fairy tale these assholes have tried to spread since they came into power back in 2002. A fairy tale I helped spread thanks to my own big mouth here on the net and in the real world. It was all bullshit. I honestly don’t think they ever had any intention of making me the front desk manager. It also appears that the gm’s claim of me being the second in command was also bullshit. Again I’m not surprised or hurt by any of this. I’m more pissed I let my self eat this shit hook line and sinker.

    Not that any of this matters. I don’t care anymore. The hotel will continue it downward spiral and not one thing will change for the better. My only hope is that I will be able to get my two weeks vacation in before I quit or get fired again. Of course there is the off chance that the place will finally close. Either way it doesn’t matter to me. I just know I have to get the hell out of the place.

    Views: 936
    Monday October 3rd 2005
    New Poll 10:58 pm-
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    There is a new poll over on the sidebar. It asks what is your favorite mmorpg? I’m more than just a little burnt out as of late with this genre and wondered what everyone else played? If anything needs to be added just post a comment to this entry.

    What is your favorite mmorpg?

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    Get IE! 1:58 am-
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    See now it’s shit like this that I personally find very amusing. Someone has made a spoof of Get Firefox called Get Internet Explorer. It’s of course probably not meant as anything other than a joke. But I like it. In fact I’m so sick of all of these Get Firefox links I see when I use IE I’ve added a special link down on the bottom of my site. You’ll only see it in anything other than IE.

    Views: 984
    Wednesday September 21st 2005
    This And That 12:37 am-
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    Fuck I just can’t come up with a decent entry. I’ve made a few attempts. Nothing really ever felt right. I’ve also made a few attempts to write about some of the things going on at the hotel as well. But I get maybe three sentences in and I loose my steam. I just think that I’ve grown tired of the bullshit of that place. I feel no need to publicize the retarded goings on at the hotel anymore. I’m certainly not going to write about my new boss for a number of reasons.

    So other than that I’ve been doing my usual. Which isn’t a lot. I’m still a non smoker. And I’m still wasting a lot of time playing games. Currently I’m playing a lot of Fable and a little of City of Heroes/Villains. Fable I never played on the Xbox for maybe more than 15 minutes so I never got to into it. On the pc it seems to have captured my attention no problem. Sure it’s short even with the “lost chapter”. It’s just the little things I like about Fable. Like how townsfolk keep certain hours. Don’t expect to go buying/selling loot late at night. They also move around in a manner that I’m sure is scripted, yet seems more natural than in other rpg’s.

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    City of Heroes is still fun for the moment. City of Villains I can’t really go into because of those pesky NDA’s that usually involve beta tests. I’m not all to sure how long my affair with City of Heroes will last. I’m pretty sure that as soon as the Dark Age of Camelot expansion is out I’ll jump back over to it to get my horse. And then maybe back to World of Warcraft. I’m starting to think I just may be burnt out on mmorpg’s in general.

    Views: 904
    Tuesday August 30th 2005
    Pandora 7:27 pm-
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    Pandora is something thats seems worth a further look at. Below is their description of what it is all about.

    Can you help me discover more music that I’ll like?

    Those questions often evolved into great conversations. Each friend told us their favorite artists and songs, explored the music we suggested, gave us feedback, and we in turn made new suggestions. Everybody started joking that we were now their personal DJs.

    We created Pandora so that we can have that same kind of conversation with you.

    I’ve been playing around with it and so far it seem pretty neat. They give a 10 hour free trial to anyone who wants to play with it. So far it is very interesting how this thing decides what to play for you. You have the ability to tell it if you like what it plays for you and it fine tunes what it gives you based on your input. Head over here to listen to my little test station. Keep in mind after the first 10 hours you have to pay them 36 bucks a year.

    Views: 809
    Monday August 29th 2005
    City Of Heroes Again 5:54 pm-
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    I really blame this on Kiltorn and his post in the forums. That and of course I’ve just not felt really at home in any mmorpg as of late. World of Warcraft has lost it allure. Dark Age of Camelot has once again left that stale taste in my mouth. So it only seemed natural after reading his post that I should revisit City of Heroes. I forgot how fun it is. I forgot how quickly things move in the game. I haven’t forgot my past issues with the game.

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    Although it does appear that they will be adding the arch nemesis for your super hero into the game in the form of a stand alone sequel called City of Villains. The problem I have is that since this is not an expansion pack it means to take advantage of this feature you need to pay for both games.

    For now I’ll just not worry about that kind of thing. I have to admit it is fun playing the game, especially since I’m such a comic book geek. I of course don’t expect it to last. I get in these kicks and they seem to only last a month. But I’ll concentrate on having fun.

    Views: 952
    Wednesday August 24th 2005
    DS2 Mods 10:40 am-
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