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    Tuesday November 1st 2005
    Good News 3:45 pm-
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    Saw this over at Gawain’s Maybe, just maybe, we are free of Uwe Boll:

    Uwe Boll’s days as a human tax write-off are over: in January 2006, the Make Money By Investing In Failed Movies loophole will be closed. So, where is the guy going to get his funding now? Are you thinking what I’m thinking? FREEDOM!

    One can hope that his movie making days are numbered.

    Views: 963
    Monday October 31st 2005
    I Still Hate My Job 11:55 pm-
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    Work is something I just hate now. I hate getting up for work. I hate getting ready for work. I hate going to work. I hate being at work. The only thing I don’t hate about work is leaving work. But then it’s just a vicious circle and it just keeps repeating itself.

    In fact I’m starting to suspect that I hate work so much that I’m starting to hate myself for letting myself get stuck in this job. Because that’s what it feels like. I’m stuck in this job. I just can’t escape it. I try of course. But I have doubts that I will be able to leave the place.

    It’s simple really. Work has become a safe haven. It’s not a hard job really. It’s rather easy. I don’t get paid much of course. But in the long run the people that pay me are the ones that are getting fucked over. Their lucky if I do two hours work in my eight hour shift.

    Fuck. This is just me talking just to try to keep posting on a semi regular basis.

    Views: 970
    Friday October 28th 2005
    Bright Spot 6:35 am-
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    Man you know a guy is an asshole when one of his co-workers comes to the desk and apologizes for the shit that happened that morning. As it turns out my assessment of the asshole wasn’t far off. Everyone who works with him thinks he is a loud rude obnoxious asshole. It gets even worse because he is a manager of some kind. So he thinks that his salary affords him the right to be an asshole to everyone.

    This nice guy who came and apologized was there that morning. He was part of the reason I got yelled at. He was the guy checking in. The guy who’s reservation should have been under the company name like the old sales lady told the asshole. So this guy had to stand next to the prick while he yelled at me. Which may explain why he felt he had to apologize to me.

    But unlike some people I don’t make a broad generalization about others based on my experience with one person. I figured that the guy wasn’t liked by his co-workers. I figured he was an asshole to everyone. And the the guy who apologized certainly didn’t need to do that. I told him as much. But this kind of thing happens often from what the nice guy said.

    So I had my one bright spot for the day. It happens every now and then.

    Views: 934
    Good Morning 5:24 am-
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    The lengths I’ll go to fuck with somebody. Honestly I have issues. But I just can’t forgive. I’m mistreated and there is no making up for it. This old guy who I’m making it my mission for fuck with checks out today. I’m wondering just what kind of loud rude obnoxious bullshit I’ll get to listen to today?

    I’m proud to say the USA Todays are sitting out front still. I had to carry them back once after the morning cook brought them in. Then just a little later I had to step outside to make sure the nice old lady in housekeeping didn’t bring them in like she does. I’ve got my bitch to fetch the papers for me. It’s just that this old prick doesn’t now he’s my paper fetching bitch yet.

    It’s also a shame that the scissors are still borrowed out. It’s just these little things that make my day. I’m also toying with the idea of emailing/calling the home office of this crappy cookie place to let them know what an old fucking asshole they have representing them up here in the north. Not that it would do any good.

    It’s just the basic idea of it all that bothers me even now. I’ve always hated that kind of customer. The kind that thinks his seven to eight rooms makes him the sole contributor to keep this hotel running. Or that since he works for Crappy Cookie Inc that I should get down on my hands and knees and bow to him. I’ve seen people like this guy come and go in my time at the hotel.

    The sad fact of the matter is that this guy and his company and his overall business lumps him in the category of small fries. It’s just the current state of this hotel that we have to cater to this kind of asshole. It used to be when this kind of asshole bitched you out it kinda really mattered because they had over 100 rooms a month (at the very least). And now we jump through hoops for some asshole and his eight rooms? It’s just a sad state of affairs.

    But why am I complaining? It’s because of this asshole and the way the hotel is currently run that I’ve got motivation to get the fuck out of dodge. Leaving the poor little Sheriff to fend for himself. November 28th people will be my last day. Granted a lot can happen between now and then. But I’m going to do my damnedest to get out of here. One way or another.

    Views: 864
    Thursday October 27th 2005
    Nefarious Plans 6:01 am-
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    That old fuck from yesterday just came down. He didn’t seem to be as big a baby as he was yesterday. Maybe someone changed his depends and fed him those shitty cookies they make. The best part was that I was able to be the ignorant northern pain in the ass he ranted about yesterday so well.

    His morning routine is to come and get a copy of the USA Today and read it in the lobby. The nice guys that deliver the papers have this bad habit (good in this case) to toss the bundle of papers out the window of their moving car and continue to speed on to their next destination. Usually I would go get the papers and bring them in. Today I let them sit out there. And the old redneck had to bring them in himself. Next when he asked for some scissors to cut open the bundle I informed him I had loaned them out last night and they had not been returned. I watched with glee as the old prick had to pull out a paper from the tight bundle of papers.

    So the moral of this story is to do onto others as you would wish them do onto you. I’m going to make it my mission to be as big of an ignorant northern dolt as I can legally get away with when it comes to this piece of shit. I’m going make sure I am the pain in the ass this guy claims I am.

    Can you tell I’m still just a little fucking angry? Something magical happened while I was looking at the calender that has something to do with my current state of mind. It’s almost the end of October. What’s the next month? Yes my beloved November! I think I will stretch out my remaining time until the 28th of November. And it will be the one time I will be more than happy to work on that day. What I will do that night will probably be borderline criminal. Which really is just payback for not being able to enjoy my last day when I got fired.

    Views: 856
    Quake 4 Shots 5:18 am-
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    After dealing with such a colossal asshole yesterday morning I was in the mood to kill. So I went and bought Quake 4 to fulfill my thirst for blood. I was even able to score the Special DVD Edition of the game that comes with Quake 2 and both of it’s expansion packs. Since it’s using the Doom 3 engine the first thing I did after installing the game was find myself a good tweak page. I ended up just using the same site that made Doom 3 playable for me. UpsetChaps Quake4 Guide‘s Framerate and Visual Tweaks made the game really run better than I had hoped. And so far I think it’s a great game. Here are some screen shots:

    quake4_001.jpg quake4_003.jpg
    quake4_005.jpg quake4_006.jpg
    quake4_024.jpg quake4_025.jpg

    As you can see from these shots it is a dark game. But it is no where near as dark as Doom 3. Quake 4 retains that futuristic metallic look of the second game. It’s a hell of a lot of fun killing Stroggs again. If you enjoyed Quake 2 I would say this is a must have.

    Views: 1,135
    Wednesday October 26th 2005
    This Is It 7:50 am-
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    I’ve fucking had it. This morning I was verbally abused by some foul mouthed asshole who thinks that all the people like me up north are rude unintelligent clods who are not able to speak. On top of that this old fuck thinks working for some hick company out of Kentucky makes him special. Fuck him and fuck his company. I hear their cookies suck anyway.

    What bothered me the most about this incident was the fact that this guy refereed to me and the area I’m in as “these people from the north” or “the north”. I just had hoped that this kind of confederate I fuck my sister bullshit would have ended a long time ago. It’s all one big country. Do we really need to keep this north and south bullshit going on? I don’t care if this fucker is from the south. I know some people from down south and they are not assholes. Assholes are a universal thing. This guy who happens to be from the south is an asshole. He could just as well be from Mars.

    Dealing with these kinds of assholes just drives me crazy. But it makes me even fucking madder is that half of the shit this old fuck was yelling at me about was because of someone in the sales department. If your going to outright lie to this sonuvabitch let the rest of us know. Telling a guest that all reservations will be under the company name and then putting the reservation under the persons name is just another example of how the hotel just doesn’t communicate. WinPm reservations call for a persons last-name and first-name. There isn’t any place to put in or call up a reservation by company name.

    So here I’m trying my damnedest to tell this cocksucker that he’s right and I’m wrong. Because that’s what you do right? You don’t argue with them. You take it on the chin and tell them that everything they say is the god honest truth. It just really pisses me off when I’m made to look like a goddamn idiot because someone else is telling this guest a fucking fairy tale. I understand we need business. I think there is a big difference in telling the guest he is right as apposed to out right lying to them. This sales person decided that keeping this old pricks business is so important that they had to lie to him to keep the old fuck happy. I think there is just so much of this ass kissing a person should do. And this sales person has done and gone far beyond the call of duty here. If the nose of this person isn’t permanently brown and has that constant smell of shit I’ll be surprised.

    So this old guy who has already raised up a storm is going to go and bitch again to management. I’m sure this time he will be using me (the northerner) as one of his gripes. Because I’m such a rude nasty retarded sonuvabitch and the whole hotel is like that. I wish that at times like this I was able to record these kinds of nasty ass chewing’s just so that others can hear just how rude these assholes that I call customers really are. Of course it wouldn’t matter if I did have it recorded. The management of the hotel would sell their souls to the devil for business. I’m really expecting to get it for this one just because the hotel is so hard up for business.

    And it couldn’t happen at a better time. Two weeks vacation and then some will be coming my way soon. So I’m going to assume that my ass is going to get fired for this and spend the next two weeks finding another job. Two weeks and I’m saying goodbye to that worthless shithole. My last day will be one for the record books. If by chance they don’t fire me for this shit I won’t be to hard on myself to stick to the two weeks deadline (a guys got to eat). But this is the last straw. This is it, it is all I can take. I have to get out of that place. As soon as I find a job I’m done. No notice. No going back. This time the bridge won’t be burnt. This time I’m going to blow the goddamn bridge up.

    And I don’t have the slightest idea of what kind of job to look for. I do know for a fact of what kind of job I won’t look for. I’m even going to put together a resume, and I hate those things. This has been a long time coming. In a way I really need to thank that old cocksucker for this. One way or another because of him I’m going to get out of that hotel.

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