No I’m not dead. Neither have I been beat up. I do have a sore neck from all of the wasted back watching I’ve done. Numerous individuals wondered about my demise. And I say fuck you to you pricks. Those of you not wanting me to get the shit kicked out of my I offer my thanks.
Gawain googled my dads phone number. I don’t think that speaks enough of his character. He joked about road tripping up here to see what was up. I like to imagine that he would do that for his friends. I think he would. I would do the same for my friends.
My brother has offered more than a few times to beat the shit of this little fuck who called me up on the phone last week. I often wonder how me and my brother will end up. If we will be like my dad and his brother (totally alienated) or if we can manage to stay close as time passes. It’s little things like this that makes me think me and my brother will do ok. The sad thing is the my brother was/is dead serious about kicking the shit out of this guy. It’s also the thing that makes me smile.
The hotel is unchanged after a weeks time gone by. Idiots still work there. Bills are still not payed. Credit Card authorization/processing is still down. This is the best time to stay at the shithole. Go stay. Pay (hah) with a canceled card. Guess what no one will tell you the card is bad. Charge everything you can to the room and smile fucking wide as you pay with your credit card. It will be a long time before the hotel would figure out what happened.
My boss is a pussy. Rather Mybossisapussy.com is still out there. Anyone buy a shirt yet? Me either. I’m waiting on payday. Shirts (the I Work With Idiots shirt is coming) are now on sale! At cost. Go Go Go! Honestly I don’t care if no one buys any. Mybossisapussy.com!