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    Saturday July 15th 2006
    Titan Quest 8:37 am-
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    For the last couple of week all I’ve really been doing is play Titan Quest.

    One Two
    Three Four

    Not going into details. But it’s a Diablo clone. A pretty good one. But it lacks something. Possibly the story is lacking. Blizzard had a way of sucking you into the game with their awesome cut scenes. They made you want to play to be able to see the next one. Needless to say if you enjoy these kinds of hack and slash rpg’s be sure to grab Titan Quest.

    [drain file 3 show]

    Views: 1,203
    Thursday July 13th 2006
    Times Up 3:44 am-
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    I make eight dollars and seventy five cents a hour. I've not received a raise in over five years. That's half a decade. I've been told that is a long time to go without getting a raise. I'm also told quite often that I should have my head examined for still working at the hotel. For this half decade it's not really bothered me all that much. It's not bothered me because I knew that the hotel was not getting it's 8.75 a hour from me. If they are lucky they get about 1.25 a hour from me any given night.

    This all changed late sunday/early monday. You see not only did I not give them a full days wage I also played computer games every night at work. It ended when Node 1 died. Which it's not very surprising when you look at how the hotel handles computers. How any of these computers have lasted as long as they did is nothing but luck. When we got WinPM we received 8 computer systems. We now have 2 or 3 left running. I've often told these stupid fucks what they need to do. They choose not to listen to me. Which is fine. Let their retarded "IT" guy handle this shit.

    So I played games. I played a lot of games. I played EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot, World of Warcraft, and City of Villains at work. Each night I played these games for just about the entire 8 hours. It's what made having this crap job ok. It's why I didn't mind making only 8.75 for the last 5 years. Where else could I get a job were the bosses are so dumb that they let the employees play computer games all night? It's even worse when you realize that the management had no clue I was doing so. Nor could they stop me if they wanted to.

    But now this job just isn't good enough. The lack of raises has finally caught up with me. I can go and find another job and get payed more to do the same (no games) thing. Why settle for this piece of shit job now? It's not like these clueless fucks at work even give a shit. So while I go from playing computer games all night I now will be getting my resume put together and be using work time to look for a new job. It also means I have more time to work on my website. Which is the next best thing to playing games at work.

    It just feels like my time is up. My time has been up for a long time. I've just postponed it. Maybe in august I will do the unexpected. Next month is special because that is when the lady who does the audit on the weekends is supposed to quit. It would be rather satisfying to quit at the same time just to really fuck them over good. No two weeks notice either. Eight dollars and seventy five cents a hour doesn't get them a two weeks notice. At 8.75 they would count themselves lucky if I called them up in the middle of then night to say go fuck yourselves. Nope I'm going to leave nice and quiet. When the times up.

    Views: 1,413
    Wednesday July 12th 2006
    SALR 1:42 am-
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    SALastRead (SALR for short) is a Firefox extension to enhance your Something Awful forums browsing experience. It adds several features to the forums, including highlighting threads and posts you’ve already thread, adding a “Jump to New Posts” button to threads on the thread list page, Quick Quote and Quick Reply windows to post new replies to the forums without having to wait for the forum reply page, Text-to-Image functionality to convert links to images into inline images, tracking threads you’ve posted in, and a SA Menu allowing quick access to your favorite forums.

    New Version
    SALR Nightly Build from the official site

    Views: 1,269
    Friday July 7th 2006
    Nightaudit.com 1:30 am-
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    Every now and then I look around for other sites like mine. Not that there are any site just like mine. What would the odds be on that? No I just look for other sites that cover the hotel/audit topic. So now and then I do a google search for night audit just to see what I can find. Mostly I find links to sites that really are not what I’m looking for. And of course I’m usually in the top 10 in this google search.

    This time when I did my search I found another site. I found Nightaudit.com. A forum that’s set up for people just like me. They currently only have 9 registered user and a total of 2 post (one is mine) and I felt like maybe just maybe I could shift them a little hits by writing about them. Because I know what it’s like to not get a lot of visitors. My first five years were like that. I’ve already informed my forum guys about the place. It would be nice to get some kind of community going regarding this line of work.

    But let’s be clear on what my idea of a community should be. Gawain sums it up perfectly in this aim chat excerpt:

    [00:27] Gawain: lol. its like the luke skywalker to your darth vader.
    [00:28] Gawain: you’re all like.. luke… I am your FUTURE!
    [00:28] Gawain: and they’re all like.. NOOOOOOOOO
    [00:28] Turk: according to whois it’s been registered since 04
    [00:28] Gawain: lol. with zero posts?
    [00:28] Gawain: jesus, you shouldn’t even bother.
    [00:28] Turk: first post there is from 2/6
    [00:28] Turk: yeah
    [00:28] Turk: well
    [00:28] Turk: what the hell
    [00:29] Turk: a community type thing has always been my goal
    [00:29] Turk: just tainted with hate of course
    [00:30] Gawain: lol. and a pinch of disgust.

    I’m not interested in management. Nor do I want to maintain any kind of management friendly vibe in any community I happen to be a part of. I think that (taking a quote form Alan Moore’s V for Vendetta):

    Employees should not be afraid of their managers. Managers should be afraid of their Employees.

    That would be the basis of any community on the net for night auditors that I would have a part in. Which really is what my website is all about really. I’m sure that anyone who frequents my site probably already knows this. I’m sure as that website grows and picks up some people we will find out just what kind of place it will become. Either way if your an night auditor be sure to head over there and sign up so we can see what kind of community it will become.

    On a side note if your idea of a night audit community falls in line with mine make sure to visit my night audit forum and register for my forums. We have over 20 members and over 700 posts. Which until Nightaudit.com gets going you can be sure to find a little more activity in my forums.

    Views: 1,648
    Tuesday July 4th 2006
    Independence Day! 11:36 pm-
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    Here is a one sided conversation with Gawain:

    Session Start (Turk:Gawain): Tue Jul 04 23:23:39 2006
    [23:23] Turk: Happy Independence Day!
    [23:24] Turk: do you realize of the five people so far I’ve seen at the hotel, they have looked at me oddly when I said that. And responded isn’t it the 4th of july?
    [23:25] Turk: which makes me feel to smart and sad that americans as a whole are fucking stupid
    [23:25] Turk: one person answered my question of how old the country is by saying 235 years old
    [23:26] Turk: so not only are they ignorant of their own history, they are also bad at subtraction.

    Be proud America in your people.

    Views: 1,391
    Wednesday June 28th 2006
    Cheap Fucks 5:29 am-
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    It’s been a year and a half since the hotel’s anti-virus license has expired. They still run the useless outdated McAffe Virus scan on some of the computers here. But it appears that more than a few of the computers are running AVG Anti-Virus Free now. It’s funny how management totally disregards the License Agreement:

    AVG Anti-Virus Free is for private, non-commercial, single home computer use only. Use of AVG Anti-Virus Free within any organization or for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

    So I’ve decided to narked them out. Fuck them. I’ve had it with these fucking cheap ass cocksuckers and their continued nickel and diming. It seems these people never have heard that you have spend money to make money. Yeah I’m more than a little pissed off that it’s been over five years since I got a raise. With all of this cutting corners and cheating the system the hotel does I would think they can afford to give me a raise. But no. They just keep doing shit like this.

    At some point I keep thinking that shit will change. That the managers and owners will eventually wake the fuck up and start running this hotel the way it is supposed to be run. I also think that they should have taken better care of covering up shit like this. I guess they have no clue just how pissed off a guy can get when it’s been over 5 years since his last raise. Sometimes you got to learn the hard way.

    Views: 1,896
    Tuesday June 27th 2006
    Robbed 1:35 am-
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    You just can’t buy this kind of bad press:

    Police seek two in armed robbery
    South Beloit police are looking for two men who robbed the Shithole Hotel early Sunday morning. According to police reports, the desk clerk said a black man carrying a long-barreled shotgun approached the desk from the north hallway at 1:02 a.m., pointed the gun in her face and demanded money. She gave him money and noticed a second black man standing around the corner, who then also approached the desk.

    All of this I personally find very funny. When I got robbed back in the day we had cops doing security. Which makes this post even more of a “I Told You So” than before.

    One thing worth mentioning (for comedy value alone) is that after I was held up the hotel management at the time decided to install four cameras. Two of these cameras look at the front desk area, One looks in back at the drop box, and one looks at the first floor pop machines. The idea was that the cameras would stop anyone from robbing the hotel. Which up until now it did I suppose.

    Being as old as this camera system is the recording device is just a vcr. Now this thing will record about 24 hours a tape I believe. When you watch it time is played back at faster pace so it all looks like some bad black and white keystone cop movie. But on the night of robbery there was no tape in the vcr. Which one has to wonder just how incompetent is the hotel management that they can’t put a blank tape in the vcr?

    Lets go back to the Security topic again. Now the two guys had a shotgun. What would the hotel engineer (yes it’s still the hotel engineer doing security) do if he happened to come up while the place was getting robbed? At the most the guy has his tool belt and maybe pepper spray. The guy also is one of those guys that wants to be a cop. So the guy would have most likely got himself and possibly the desk clerk hurt.

    Is the money the hotel is saving by not having cops security worth risking it’s hotel employees? Because that’s the way I see it. These cheap fucks are even too stupid to figure out that all the cops wanted was a raise or two now and then to make them happy. A month later and a fucking engineer is still doing security on the weekends? According to the gm engineering was a “temporary solution”. Does it take a month or more to get rentacops? I’m starting to think that this is just how it is now. Which really is sad.

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