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    Tuesday September 19th 2006
    Drunk With Cerebus 9:42 pm-
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    Drunk and in a mood. These two pages from Cerebus issue 66 sums it up pretty good:

    Issue 66 » Page 3 Issue 66 » Page 4

    What I wanted was out of the hotel. Now that I got what I wanted I’m unhappy. Such is life.

    gyJKkrY XBSMEQn rd aQi KHMopc
    Views: 1,392
    Monday September 18th 2006
    My Day 6:03 pm-
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    So I got my ass fired. That’s the recap. Here is what I did today.

    First I called and talked to the Illinois Department of Labor and updated them on the latest developments. They were very interested to hear about my firing. The lady I talked didn’t think “the morale of the team would be better without me” was a sufficient reason to be let go. And that it was more than a little suspicious that I file a complaint and then a while later get fired for no good reason. Now that I no longer work for those assholes my desire to cause them trouble grows even more.

    Second thing I did was file for unemployment. Which was fun. When it asked for the name of the person that fired me I entered “powers that be” and reason for being fired I put “the morale of the team would be better without me”. Will be interesting what those assholes at the hotel actual excuse will be when they fight my unemployment.

    Thirdly I applied at the new Menard$ being built here in my neck of the woods. Was one of those deals were you go in and fill the application out and then someone interviews asking some general questions. Not sure if it’s a preinterview or if that was the real deal. Not sure what I would do at a place like Menard$. But a job is a job. Beggars can’t be choosers.

    Finally I think I shall continue my boozing ways and go get a twelve pack. Seems like the thing to do when you’ve hit the bottom of the barrel.

    Views: 1,371
    Sunday September 17th 2006
    Fired Again 1:02 pm-
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    Fired again. It’s official. Damn near word for word transcription of the recorded phone conversation.

    Sheriff: Good afternoon this is the Sheriff.
    Turk: Hi Sheriff this is Turk.
    Sheriff: Hey yeah.
    Turk: Hey I checked the schedule last night. I’m not on the… I don’t have time on the schedule.
    Sheriff: Oh yeah, I guess I… I guess I forgot to put you on the schedule.
    Turk: So I’d.. Just you know… Am I working or not?
    Sheriff: Umm… No actually, no your not working.
    Turk: Yeah er. Could you care to explain?
    Sheriff: Yeah I will explain. Actually I was going to be in here tonight anyways. But uh, the powers to be have decided to let you go.
    Turk: So I’ve been fired?
    Sheriff: Um. Yeah. I… I’d… If you want to put it in that sense. Yes. It wasn’t my decision. But they’ve let you go.
    Turk: What was the reasoning for my being let go?
    Sheriff: Well like I say. The powers that be let you go.
    Turk: Was there a reason or did just decided just to just let me go?
    Turk: Theres got to be a reason.
    Sheriff: I think part of it was just to let you go. I think they they deemed that the morale of the team would be better without you.
    Turk: (laughing to myself) Ok.
    Turk: Alright I guess that works.
    Sheriff: Yeah. But um. But no I didn’t want to see you go. But of course my vote was out voted by everybody else.
    Turk: No of course. Of course. Thank you Sheriff.
    Sheriff: But no. Because I think. I think your one hell of an auditor and I can work with you. I don’t care what your attitude is or anything like that. I just said your a hell of an auditor and I can work around all… all your attitudes and stuff like that.
    Turk: (laughing again) Well I think my attitudes justified.
    Sheriff: Yeah. And I agree also.
    Turk: Ok well thanks Sheriff you have a good day.
    Sheriff: You do the same Turk
    Turk: Yeah I’ll try.
    Sheriff: Ok.

    The Sheriff ladies and gentlemen. Give him a round of applause for that performance. Bravo!

    Here is the mp3 of the above conversation:

    Fuck him. I think the sheriff has to be heard. Just so one can understand the magnitude of his pussy factor.

    Views: 3,571
    Permanent Vacation 1:24 am-
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    So vacation ends. Today I would go back to work. Would being the key word:

    Permanent Vacation

    I’m not even going to get fired. The way these guys run things they will keep me on the schedule. Sale on Mybossisapussy.com shirts!

    Views: 1,463
    Friday September 15th 2006
    Blocked By IRS! 10:22 pm-
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    This I find amusing and cool all that the same time:

    Blocked By IRS!

    Not even the retards at the hotel have been able to do this. Go IRS!

    Views: 986
    Thursday September 14th 2006
    Another CoV Post 2:50 pm-
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    Played some City of Villains last night with Gawain. Heres some updated pics of the Dead Presidents, who are now fully buffed:

    Johnson Bush
    Nixon Rache Von Holstmann

    For those really bored read the chat text in the screen shots to witness first hand the wit of Gawain. The last screen shot is a look at the bio of G’s character Rache Von Holstmann.

    Views: 1,154
    Wednesday September 13th 2006
    TT’s Memoirs 1:39 pm-
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    Interested in another persons take on the goings on at the hotel I work at? Want to an inside look directly on how the place is managed? Then ladies and gentlemen I present to you the first four parts of TT’s account of her less than two weeks working at that hotel:

    And just to wet your whistle to get you to click those links here is an excerpt from day one describing the Accounting Manager? that trains her:

    She deletes phone messages from creditors, she shreds mail, she throws important documents relating to state and federal payroll taxes? in a file she calls stuff I don’t handle?. She is an angry employee? who hides it and has been operating like this for a long time. I help her open the mail and we get a notice that the power is going to be shut off in 2 days. Now this to me is funny. I open more mail, we bounced some checks I see, we are having our phones disconnected, we owe back taxes, shit is getting deeper. Didn’t the City give us $400,000 3 years ago? She takes the big stack of bills that came in the mail and puts them on top of a pile on top of a filing cabinet. What are you going to do with them? I ask. Nothing, she says.

    With any luck we I’ll be able to put the rest of this when she gets it to me.

    T EOgo
    Views: 1,221
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