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    Tuesday August 28th 2007
    Hotel Watch Day 4 3:19 am-
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    The worst hotel ever is still closed. Hurray!

    Views: 780
    Monday August 27th 2007
    Hotel Watch Day 3 11:27 pm-
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    Well the worst hotel ever isn’t dead just yet according to this WREX article:

    Mayor Randy Kirichkow says they’re waiting for test results to come back on air samples from the hotel. He tells us if they’re okay, at least part of the Ramada could open back up as early as Tuesday.

    This info is coming from the mayor. The retards that run it may have other plans. One can only hope this downtime at least leads to the worst hotel ever’s eventual final death.

    Views: 977
    Sunday August 26th 2007
    Hotel Watch Day 2 12:52 pm-
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    The big question on my mind is how long can the worst hotel ever go with out generating revenue? Today is day two of Hotel Watch here at Hotelblues.com. Hotel Watch is a record of the full days the worst hotel ever is actually closed. Everyday it is closed for business is another nail in it’s coffin. I eagerly await its final death. The proverbial stake through the heart. Below are some shots took this afternoon of the two notices on the front doors of the worst hotel ever.

    Notice of Hazardous Building Flood Damage Note

    As a bonus here are some pictures of the entrance to the flooded basement the Beloit Daily New article mentioned. Also take note of the picture of the generator powering the four pumps used to get the water out of the flooded basement.

    Flooded Basement 1 Flooded Basement 2
    The Power Generator

    I’ve saved the best for last. Pictures of the empty parking lot. Honestly it brings happiness to my cold bitter heart to see such bad things happen to that place.

    Empty Parking Lot 1 Empty Parking Lot 2
    Empty Parking Lot 3 Empty Parking Lot 4

    I honestly won’t be happy until the day I can take pictures of the place being demolished. I worked at that hotel for a long long time and it pains me to see the state it now is in. Blame can be firmly placed on the backs of those so called “new owners” (who call themselves Serena Hospitality) of the worst hotel ever. I wish only failed ventures on these inept people. If you read between the lines you will see that they ruin everything they touch:

    In an interview, Vezzoso said the management style of the inn’s new owner, Noor Tejany, and his management style were somewhat different.

    It’s so sad that they ruin everything they touch. Stick around for Hotel Watch as I count the days the worst hotel ever is closed for business. Hopefully leading up to the point it’s closed for good.

    Views: 1,234
    Saturday August 25th 2007
    Hotel Watch Day 1 10:36 pm-
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    What a great night. It’s like waking up x-mas morning and getting the presents you always wanted. Read the great Beloit Daily News article Ramada Inn shuts down over flooding. This is my favorite part:

    Noor Tejany is the owner of the Ramada Inn, according to South Beloit Mayor Randy Kirichkow. Calls to Tejany were not returned by press time Friday evening.

    I like how the owner doesn’t comment to the press.

    In order for the Ramada to re-open, Wilder said a contractor will have to make sure the fixtures are operating safely and the electric company will need to check levels of humidity and ensure there are no moisture problems.

    Each day closed is lost revenue. How long can the worst hotel ever stay closed? I will be counting the days.

    Below are some pictures taken at night. My camera was acting weird, so in the morning I’ll try to go and get some better pictures.

    Notice of Hazardous Building Flood Damage Note
    Front Doors Locked

    Views: 1,197
    Thursday August 23rd 2007
    BioShock 3:07 am-
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    BioShock is a great game. With that out of the way let me explain why I own two copies of this game. It began with the Minimum System Requirements:

    Operating Systems: Windows XP (with Service Pack 2) or Windows Vista
    CPU: Pentium 4 2.4GHz Single Core processor
    System RAM: 1GB
    Video Card: Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 128MB RAM (NVIDIA 6600 or better/ATI X1300 or better, excluding ATI X1550).
    Sound Card: 100% direct X 9.0c compatible sound card
    Hard disc space: 8GB free space

    And then the Recommended System Requirements:

    CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo processor
    System RAM: 2GB
    Video card:
    DX9: Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 512MB RAM (NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GT or better)
    DX10: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 or better
    Sound Card: Sound Blaster X-F series (Optimized for use with Creative Labs EAX ADVANCED HD 4.0 or EAX ADVANCED HD 5.0 compatible sound cards)

    So my pc is somewhere in between the Minimum and the Recommended. The game was released on the 21st. The pc demo for the game came out a day before release. The 360 demo came out on the 12th. So naturally I panicked and preordered a copy of the limited edition for the 360.

    As it turned out I can run the game pretty good. Far better than I had honestly expected. On the demo my fps were at the lowest in the 20’s, the highest I saw was in the 70’s. So of course I was mad that I had preordered (and prepayed) the game for the 360. So I decided I would fire up Steam and preload the game, in case I decided (as I did) to buy the game twice.

    When I did buy the game off Steam I was confident because I had preloaded it. All I had to do was wait for the designated time and I could play the game on the pc. As soon as the game unlocked I tried to fire it up, only to get the game to crash (the dreaded msvcr80.dll error) before even getting into the actual game.

    My fix was to delete the local content for the game in Steam. Which meant I had to download the game again. I let it download while I was at work and when I got home I was happy to find out I could play. This is not a definite fix for the msver80.dll problem. It worked for me, but other claim no dice for it fixing the error.

    Here is two screen shots followed by some more info important to anyone who either picked it up or is thinking about getting it. And don’t let these issues stop you from getting this great game.

    Bioshock 2007-08-20 19-48-57-07.jpg Bioshock 2007-08-20 19-49-08-01.jpg

    Despite many positive reviews. There are a number of well documented issues. Including (but not limited to) issues with the widescreen support and the presence of SecuROM copy protection (even on Steam) which limits you to two installs at a time.

    Views: 1,532
    Wednesday August 15th 2007
    Chat Log Again 6:52 am-
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    Because these really are so easy. The last time I shocked Gawain like this it was my confession of disliking the Blue Man Group and that Jack Nicholson is a bad Joker.

    [06:03] Gawain: lotion hee. I forgot about this.
    [06:04] Gawain: I need to download the mp3 again.
    [06:07] Turk: what is it?
    [06:07] Turk: why do I want to watch it?
    [06:07] Gawain: its the greenskeepers signing “it puts the lotion in the basket”
    [06:07] Gawain: its OOOOOOLD.
    [06:07] Turk: ahah
    [06:07] Turk: ok
    [06:07] Gawain: but still awesome.
    [06:08] Turk: you lost me at greenskeepers
    [06:08] Gawain: what?
    [06:08] Turk: never heard of it/them
    [06:08] Turk: this another weirdo german speed metal band?
    [06:09] Gawain: no, not at all.
    [06:09] Gawain: its acoustic guitar I think.
    [06:09] Turk: ok looked it up on wikipedia
    [06:10] Gawain: its just a funny goddamn song. christ.
    [06:10] Turk: ok
    [06:10] Turk: sorry
    [06:10] Gawain: you’d think I sent you furry porn at some point or something.
    [06:10] Turk: come on you know me. billy joel and frank sinatra
    [06:10] Turk: musically challenged I’ve been called
    [06:11] Gawain: well this is funny and you should watch it if you haven’t seen it. it came out like a couple years ago, but its still good. especially if you’re a silence of the lambs fan.
    [06:11] Gawain: which I am.
    [06:11] Turk: I’ve never seen it
    [06:12] Gawain: hah hah. thats really funny. hah. not seen silence of the lambs. man you almost had me there.
    [06:12] Turk: honestly
    [06:12] Turk: hand to god
    [06:12] Gawain: but… its one of the classics of modern cinema!
    [06:12] Gawain: anthony fuckin’ hopkins!
    [06:13] Turk: yeah I know of it
    [06:13] Turk: just not seen it
    [06:13] Turk: not really up my alley
    [06:14] Turk: I’ve shattered your perception of me again, haven’t I?
    [06:14] Gawain: …. HOW CAN THIS BEEEEEEE?!
    [06:14] Gawain: shit, and now I have to go to work.
    [06:14] Gawain: and watch it.
    [06:14] Turk: in fact
    [06:14] Turk: the line
    [06:14] Turk: rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again
    [06:14] Turk: I know from an episode of family guy
    [06:14] Gawain: omg.
    [06:14] Gawain: I can’t talk to you anymore.
    [06:15] Gawain: jesus. download the movie. watch it. jesus. never… seen… jesus christ. how could you… have… gaaaaaaaaaaagh
    [06:15] Turk: I’m just not into serial killers
    [06:15] Turk: sorry

    Not only have I not seen The Silence of the Lambs, I never seen any of the sequels either. I’m just not into these kinds of movies.

    Views: 1,418
    BioShock Demo Movie 1:41 am-
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    Someone recorded the 360 demo of BioShock. Embedded video below:

    Video Died

    You need the divx webplayer installed to view this video. You can get it here.

    Views: 1,147
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