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    Tuesday January 15th 2008
    Not News 3:05 am-
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    CNN is fucking doing it again. I’m supposed to be watching a news station. Not the god damn tabloid channel. Britney Spears jesus. Britney Spears is not news. It seems CNN doesn’t understand this. I can’t wait for Britney to overdose like that blonde air head. Of these two idoits Kevin Federline is the smart one? Brrrr that thought just sent shivers down my spine. Come on natural selection, thin this Spears/Federline stump of a family tree out.

    Views: 991
    Wednesday January 9th 2008
    Snow Crash 5:38 pm-
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    So I’m slowly getting back into reading. I devoured Crooked Little Vein and wasn’t sure what to read next. Months flew by and it wasn’t until after x-mas I picked my next book. Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. One that I had heard about. One that seemed up my alley more than a little. Here is a small excerpt:

    The Deliverator belongs to an elite order, a hallowed sub-category. He’s got esprit up to here. Right now he is preparing to carry out his third mission of the night. His uniform is black as activated charcoal, filtering the very light out of the air. A bullet will bounce off its arachno-fiber weave like a wren hitting a patio door, but excess perspiration wafts through it like a breeze through a freshly napalmed forest. Where his body has bony extremities, the suit has sintered armorgel: feels like gritty jello, protects like a stack of telephone books.

    I had a hard time getting into the book though. It has a weird flow that made it hard for me to read. Not sure how to describe it. It could just be me. The ending was also a let down. Just felt like it all ended so quickly. The Metaverse often made me think of Second Life (I have only dabbled). Although I’ve never seen anyone get cut to bits in SL so the Metaverse has one up on them there. All in all I enjoyed the book. I’m reading Gibson’s Neuromancer now, to continue the cyberpunk theme.

    Views: 1,104
    Sunday January 6th 2008
    Poor Indy 10:03 pm-
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    I work for the owners of your old job and I have a couple of questions for you, any chance you can hit me up on aim?
    They own the executive inn in Evansville, IN.. I’m just curious about your experience and maybe a little insight to why they’re running my workplace into the ground

    See there was a reason I wrote about that hotel in Indiana:

    If you read between the lines you will see that they ruin everything they touch:

    In an interview, Vezzoso said the management style of the inn’s new owner, Noor Tejany, and his management style were somewhat different.

    Views: 1,120
    Tuesday January 1st 2008
    Tabula Rasa 12:37 am-
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    Two months is the max I can take.

    Tabula Rasa account successfully cancelled. This account will no longer auto-renew, and you will not be able to log in after your current subscription expires.

    It’s sad really. There are some really nice things about the game. Cloning for example. Well the one thing that is nice about the game. It makes starting over something that is not as tedious as it is some other games. In Tabula Rasa one can clone their character if they have clone credits. You can get these credits from doing quests.

    After you have clone credits you can clone anytime. What happens is you copy whatever character as it is. Skills points are reset. You keep your level and any advanced class choices you have made. Which is where cloning is nice. At 5, 15, and 30 you get to pick an advanced class. So clone right before 5, 15, or 30 and then you can try the class you did not take for your main character. Below is my Ranger and then his Commando clone I made at right before hitting level 15.

    tabula_rasa 2007-12-17 22-00-15-73 tabula_rasa 2007-12-17 22-00-08-64

    That being said the game is more or less like World of Warcraft with more guns. It lacks something I call soul. Gawain just says it’s not any fun to play. Which I suppose both are correct. Maybe in a year (if it is still around) I will try it again.

    Also one more negative thing to say about Tabula Rasa. Let’s say you join a clan (guild) with a bunch of people you don’t know and then later decide to quit it because you want to play with people you know. You would think it’s a simple matter of clicking the accept button to get into the new clan (guild). Nope. Your told by the game after you click the tease of an accept clan invite button that you have to wait a week in real time before you join a new clan. Why even be able to invite someone to a clan (guild) if they have the week waiting period? Honestly it was very irritating.

    Views: 978
    Tuesday December 25th 2007
    Merry Christmas 2:10 am-
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    Early morning here at work and I’m bored off my ass. I start to think about the phat lewt I’m going to get in the morning. Work is so dead. As it should on a day like this. I have a Tabula Rasa post I’m working on. I just don’t feel motivated to write stuff and I don’t think a post with just screenshots is very interesting at all.

    Home now. Merry Christmas for those people that celebrate this day whether it’s for Jesus or for presents.

    Views: 904
    Monday December 24th 2007
    X-Mas Eve 6:32 am-
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    Christmas Eve. The little kid in me is excited. Here is a little snow and controls to change the wind and stop it. After hitting stop the only way to start again is to refresh the page.

    Change Wind | Stop Snowing

    Needless to say I’ve been listening to the Bing Crosby Christmas Greatest Hits and I’m in the mood for the holidays. Simple question though. Why is Christmas pronounced Chris Miss? Why is it not pronounced Christ Mass? Anyone got an answer for that?

    Views: 1,037
    Thursday December 20th 2007
    Wavatars Plugin 2:58 am-
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    For awhile now I’ve been using gravatar. It’s a site that lets you setup a universal avatar to be used in whatever supports it. I can leave a comment at some other blog and have my current avatar show up without me having to do a thing. Which is nice. I have all of my different game characters head shots setup as my gravatars. I use my character from Dark Age of Camelot for my current avatar:

    Turk’s Gravatar

    Even Gawain has one. He use Angela Lansbury (the subject of some sex fantasy?) for his gravatar:

    Gawain's Gravatar

    The downside of gravatars is when people don’t have one. It then defaults to a generic question mark image. Until I found this neat WordPress plugin called Wavatars. Wavatar generates a random image built of many different parts for anyone who doesn’t have a gravatar. It is based on the commentors email address and would be the same at any site that uses the default setup. Below are twenty randomly generated wavatars so you can get the idea what this plugin does:


    I don’t often talk about this kind of thing. But I like the idea of how this one works so I felt it was worth posting. Also the creator of the plugin has a pretty nice blog which can be found here.

    Views: 2,343
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