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    Monday September 28th 1998
    FUCK THEM ALL 3:00 am-
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    Well I don’t think I need to comment any more on this. All I tell you is this is from my friend Mr. Izer. I think he pretty much has the floor.

    Well TURK i told you this would happen an you know what i want to say? FUCK THEM FUCK THEM ALL. By the constitution of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA which up till now i thought wasn’t called the COMMUNIST STATES OF AMERICA. unless something has changed in the 48 hours that i was out of town. You by your GOD GIVEN RIGHT CAN SAY OR WRITE ANYTHING THAT YOU WANT UNLESS THEY HAVE CHANGED THE FIRST AMENDMENT ALSO IN THOSE SAME 48 HOURS THAT I’VE BEEN GONE!!!!!! If those people at the Hotel THINK THAT THEY CAN USE GESTAPO METHODS TO CONTROL THE “PERTENENT HOTEL INFOMATION”Which by the way can anybody define that for me please. As being a former employee that put in SEVEN LONG YEARS OF BLOOD SWEAT AN A LOT OF TEARS ABOUT MY PAY OF COURSE! That I might be too stupid to know that definition.In my years of work at that hotel I’ve seen management come an go but the glue that really holds it all together are the employees!Without employees management could’nt do all that shit that they the employees do all by themselves.If they think that they can I would like to see them try! I think that “management types of the hotel” need to worry about other things that to worry about some web page that is only wrote by some guy that is supposed to be working there? Pretty flimsy! I’ve talked to alot of former guests that no longer stay at our hotel because of the change over of people over the last two years which shows some people that the hotel doesn’t take care of their own people so how can they expect for the hotel to take care of them! Well this is enough of my first letter to this TURK fellow whoever he may be??ONLY THE SHADOWS KNOW????????
    P.S. this is the first of many letters that will be written about this subject!



    Of course someone has mentioned that this whole story and this webpage should be leaked out to the local media. I think the Beloit Daily News might enjoy this. And If they don’t I bet the Rockford Register Star would. Just a thought. We will see. Time will tell, it always does.

    Views: 3,062
    Cheating With Huey 2:56 am-
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    In reply to Turk’s comments above I’d like to add that not only did I get him out of his miserable drunken mood I managed to get the guy to be happy. Maybe he was just pretending but, he sure fooled me. After a nice slap across the face and a huge kick in the rear end I drug him out on a short road cruise and forced him to listen to Huey Lewis and the News Greatest Hits. Sure, he hung out the window and screamed at god for about an hour but he eventually came around. I think I made him see that its all in his attitude. Turk is famous for his attitude. Anyway I can’t take all the credit for his good mood. Huey had some effect on him. He started to laugh and joke like an average happy to be alive guy. He claims that I was cheating by playing Huey. What I wonder is if Turk spent as much time trying to be happy as he try’s to being mad what he would be capable of doing. He probable start letting the homeless stay in his spare bedroom. Its a little small but I’m guessing he might even let them have his own bed. I guess the only way that this is gonna happen is if we actually convince him that the world is a happy place full of love and joy and goodness. You can probably tell that I’m an extremely happy and completely satisfied woman so that is easy for me to say. But, I plan on working on Turk for a while. Only time will tell what comes of it.

    Views: 765
    The Unworthy 2:55 am-
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    I was ready and willing to be a miserable drunk and on certain nights am. But Ericka being the goddamn diplomat she is had to interfere with my well laid plans of a drunken stupor. No that isn’t good enough for her. I have to be told that I should feel good about myself not what happens around me. So my argument that he doesn’t deserve the woman is simple enough this: because I say he doesn’t!! Of course my goddamn conscience tells I am wrong. I am not shallow enough to wish that everyone should be as alone as me. They deserve everything they have. I would never advise anyone to stand in their way.

    Views: 850
    Sunday September 27th 1998
    Who The Fuck Is Iggy? 3:00 am-
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    Found this bizarre shit in my GuestBook:

    EVIL-Laugh!! HAHA…The dark side of the lowly hotel ranks..HAHAHA!!

    I Just have to say that as I ran through the pages of this GREAT invention, that obviously has come from a mind that must reach the far depths of comedic genius.(.that only the Three Stooges could even come close to compare,) that I found myself Rolling o the floor in the midst of all of the crap that has been laid out before me during my employment at this FINE establishment! I do have to say that although it is messy..the floor…I found myself loosing it over and over..This is a wonderful outlet for u poor abused souls..who just so happen to be digenerate enough to understand it. Well kiddies..time for me to get ready for High School..ooops I mean work…Thanks to Turk for all of the great satirism..I truly believe we have come into the deep dark unk own ..sometimes called oblivion when we think about our place in this joyride called Holiday Hell..(snicker) Leaving with quote of wisdom: If you are mentally confused and prone to wandering: HAVE WE GOT A JOB FOR YOU!!~author not known…even to himself.


    I guess its ok to have the weirdo fanatic element in force on this page. Especially since the Asshole are trying to fuck with my freedom of speech and press. You go Iggy, you crazy bastard. Write back.

    Views: 979
    An Open Letter To The A.C.L.U. 3:00 am-
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    This a copy of the E-mail I sent Jay Miller Executive Director of the ACLU of Illinois:

    Dear Mr. Miller,

    I have a web site (/ ) in which I discuss situation at my work place as I see it. I do not claim that My take on the events I talk about are truth I only voice my opinion. Now I do have, I admit, a very outrageous opinion on things. And If you look into my web site you will see every thing that I have posted up to today(09/27/98).

    Ok, here’s the question, my problem is that on the morning of the 26th of this month I was told by the General Manager Of my Hotel that if I continued to post what he called “pertinent hotel information” that I could be fired. And when I asked the General Manager what his definition of “pertinent hotel information” was and if that included my opinion he stated that “If you want to put your opinion on your web site then you can use your web site to look for a new job.”

    So this is my dilemma. Can I not write about my experiences at work? When I do write about work I only refer to the people that are my friends by first name. Those I don’t trust or if they are managers at the hotel I only refer to them by job titles. Now I think that I’m being wronged. I do believe that I am entitled to freedom of speech and press? Or am I wrong and these ideals do not mean anything in today’s day and age. I would think that this is something our forefathers had in mind when they created the constitution. Because in essence I am running a underground newspaper and I am being attacked by the fascists in charge.

    So to end this letter I again state that I do not believe that I am doing anything wrong. So please if you can help please reply as soon as you can. I do not like to think that my personnel freedoms are being oppressed by the fascists I work for.

    Thank you for your time.


    I let everyone know if I hear back from them.

    Views: 838
    Saturday September 26th 1998
    Proper Usage Of The Word Fuck 3:00 am-
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    I have been meaning to do this for a long while. Seeing how I have been told by a proclamation from the almighty to ix-nay on “pertinent hotel information” I figured this would be a perfect segue into stuff about me. Here we go. And bear in mind this has absolutely nothing to do with “pertinent hotel information” so you have been warned. If you are snooping around for the “pertinent hotel information” (and you know who you are) I have this to say: Fuck Off!!! See no “pertinent hotel information”. Bastards. Its just a bunch of words that have nothing to do with “pertinent hotel information”.

    Ok, the word fuck. I like the word fuck. I love the word fuck. If you know me you me you know I use it a lot. That’s because it is a great all purpose word. You can use it in a sentence or just all by its lonesome. And depending on the tone of voice you use the word with it also takes in different meaning. You can say it in many different word combinations. Fucking Bastards. Fucking bitch. Fucking no good fuck. Try it.

    First. Fuck as a verb. Go fuck off. in this sentence the word fuck is a verb. Or you can use it as an adjective. Your are a fucking asshole buddy. Or the the Fucking secret word is box. See it has many uses. Or even better it can be used with itself. What a no good fucking fuck bastard. This is my fucking opinion, so live with it. Fuck. See it is good all by its self (no sexual connotations please). Ends my lecture on the word fuck.

    And to all my loyal readers out there, don’t take any shit from anybody as Billy Joel says. You guys are more than welcome to e-mail me with anything you want to discuss. It won’t go here, but we will definitely stay in touch.

    Views: 2,436
    “Pertinent Hotel Information” 3:00 am-
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    Well here it is. This site has been up since January 31st. It is now September 26th. Today The Man called me into his office. He wanted to discuss my site and threatened to fire me. It seems the FDM didn’t want to talk to me about anything. He came in this morning acting the same as usual. And once again I want to state that I have nothing against the guy. I like him.

    Now The Man (GM Type) stated to me that I can not have “pertinent hotel information” on this site any more. When I asked him if “pertinent hotel information” included my opinion he told me I could put my opinion on my site to look for a new job. Which if you ask me that isn’t much of a definition.

    So what does this mean? For a while no more “pertinent hotel information” as The Man says. But it also frees up some time to do research on the subject. I in a way new this was coming, when I gave this address to the F&B.

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