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    Friday October 9th 1998
    About Iggy 3:00 am-
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    And if anyone remembers when I mentioned that crazy Iggy a while back I finally got to meet Iggy in person. That crazy goddamned Iggy! I tell you this person is a loon. A total maroon!

    Views: 828
    Thanks Pia!! 3:00 am-
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    My buddy Izer always likes to point out when I don’t update. Just for the record I had updated 14 days in a row, my streak died because of my lack of sleep and me playing a new computer game called Independence War. Oh well. I have updated the Harpy page with the addition of Pia who runs PJKNFHHJK. Who I see has thrown links to my website at the top of her page. I also have noticed a increase of hits since then. I say thanks to any of my viewers coming from Pia’s site. And a big thank you goes to Pia herself who is lovely enough to link to my humble domain in the first place. Thanks and welcome to anyone coming from Pia’s website.

    Views: 680
    Tuesday October 6th 1998
    Harpyijat World 3:00 am-
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    This is what I’m always saying. This is why the Internet is so cool. You can talk with people in different countries. I have had my first visitor from afar. A lady by the name of Pia Kiuttu. Pia runs a site called PJKNFHHJK. As she explains it:

    This mysterious combination of capital letters comes from the words ‘Pelvoittavien Ja Katkeroituneitten NettiFemakkoHarpyijoitten HöyryJyräKlubi’. In English this would be something like ‘The Frightening And Bitter NetFeministHarpies´ SteamRoller Club’, TFABNFHSRC. Not bad, eh?
    The history, or should we say herstory, of PJKNFHHJK has its roots in the Finnish Usenet group sfnet.keskustelu.seksi (sfnet.conversation.sex). Some sharp women write their opinions and get some male nerds irritated. These males use words such as ‘bitter’, ‘feminist’ and ‘harpy’ to describe these women. So, the ladies take what the males give them, and found the SteamRollerClub.

    The main idea, however, is not to be extremely feminist. We collect links, texts and such that handle gender and sexuality with a new or refreshing perspective. And, although it can be hard to imagine, we support the mental welfare of both males and females. It is easier to deal with a happy man than an unhappy one.

    Now most of her site is in Finnish. But she does have a page in English, in which she goes over what her site is about. It was neat just going through all of the links and seeing all of the stuff she had to offer. Pia also offered this:

    Just in case you might also want to have a foreign nominee in your Harpy World… I could be a good one. I already am a Harpy, you see, with a brain and a will of my own.

    So if Pia sends me a pic we have our first foreign Harpy. I just think this so neat. She definitely sounds like a very interesting women. I would love to be able to read the majority of her site. Time to get a Finnish to English dictionary.

    Views: 915
    Monday October 5th 1998
    Enough Touchy Feely Crap 3:00 am-
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    I got to say after reading some of the mail Turk has forwarded me, I can say that he really worries to much about bullshit. I have been given carte blanche in what I can say. So I say if these fucking people have any sense, this childish behavior should quit. My impression of Turk is that he’s just a little strange, but an ok guy. I wouldn’t think he would do anything to diss his friends. But hell what do I know? All I say is act your age. That goes for Turk and his so-called friends.

    By the way, nice to meet you all. It like I know all of you very well. So let all be friends. “Make love not war” as my mom would say. If any one has a question, comment, or general grievance with me and what I say drop me a jingle. My New spiffy e-mail address is spider@hotelblues.com .

    Views: 1,232
    Sunday October 4th 1998
    Ready Or Not 3:00 am-
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    Quick!!!! Look to the left. You will see that Spider’s contribution to the site has arrived. He e-mailed that he uploaded it to the server early this morning. What are you waiting for? Go and see it!

    On another note if you didn’t jump and click Spider’s Web on the left right away, The hotel was tped last night on my shift. The little bastards also hit my house. Punks. You young kids have no respect for your elders. Anyway, excellent job on the act of terrorism. Keep it up gentlemen.

    Views: 722
    Walking On A Thin Line 3:00 am-
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    This is really only for three people. If you are one of them than you know what I’m talking about if not ignore or read, I don’t care.

    Exactly a week ago I was told to stop with the “pertinent hotel information” by the head fascist. I do not take the prospect of me being fired over my practicing of my constitutional rights very well. So I did what I do when a whole heap of shit is thrown on me. I put my alcoholic nature into overdrive. Along with the threat of being fired and my own nervous ticks I have seemed to alienate three people I consider friends. All of whom I work with at the hotel. Of course it could just be me. But, they seem very quiet when I am around now. Again it could just be me.

    One of them accused me having to many shields up. Well I guess I do sometimes. The same person also has told me more than once that I have ulterior motives for everything I do. Maybe. I don’t know sometimes. The shield is a thing I have had for a long time. Its hard to bring it down. I sorry if I changed your impression of me.

    The other two I don’t directly work with. But I see them every once in a while. The gentleman of the two is the one I am worried about the most. I had hoped I had explained my “nature” to him. He was very mad with me. And of these two he is most likely to read this page. And again it could just be me. I hope so. I really do. I don’t want to think I fucked up a good friendship because of one night of me boozing it up. Please drop me a line to tell me I am right or wrong. And I hope you know now how I feel about her. If you have doubts, please voice them. I will do whatever I can to prove you wrong, if I can.

    It was one of those days that anything and everything possible went wrong. So ends my plea.

    Views: 21,462
    Saturday October 3rd 1998
    Welcome Spider!!! 3:00 am-
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    All right, I have some help with the site. So expect to see a lot of the new guy Spider. If you have signed the GuestBook recently you have seen some of his crazy writings there:

    You Manger types are all fucking assholes. If it where me I would fucking kick your fucking shins in and fucking cut your eyes out. You are all the the scum of the universe. Just a concerned fucking web surfer. Fascist didn’t die with the nazis. You got ’em at your hotel where ever its at.

    Its me again! I was just checking to see if you had heard anything from those ACLU guys? You haven’t written any more about what’s going on at your work place. I have one question. Where exactly is this fucking hotel you work at? If you give me directions I’ll come down and bash them spastic! Fucking bastards! Don’t give in to those sons a bitches. Keep fighting the good fight Turk. You have many followers here in the Big Apple.

    He will be contributing to the site and have his own little rant page called Spider’s Web. Hopefully he will have the first installment done within a day or two. Like the majority of the readers he is a employee at a major chain hotel, just like us! So we will find if his hotel is run by fascist also or if they are actually nice people. We will see. So everyone welcome spider!

    If you have anything you would like the bombastic Spider to cover send an e-mail his way. E-mail him at spider@hotelblues.com.

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