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    Monday October 26th 1998
    The Strangest Thing 3:00 am-
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    The strangest thing just happened this morning. I just got home from work and jumped straight on to the net to check my e-mail and the stats for my website. As soon as I pulled up my website a strange static electrical charge shot up from the base of my CPU case through my chair and computer desk then into my keyboard and mouse directly into me. I was thrown from my chair because of the shock. It was fucking weird! I am not hurt and I don’t seem to have any burns or anything. And my poor little computer seems to be fine. I am tired maybe because of work and maybe because of this accident. I guess this is enough for today.

    Views: 685
    Sunday October 25th 1998
    The Party Is Coming 2:00 am-
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    Had one wise reader who was smart enough to inquire about where the party will be. The proper question is not where but when. This is what they had to say:

    Just wanted you to know that I also grieve with you, but being the good Irish girl that I am I have one question. After the wake and grieving always comes the celebration of life, where the hell is the party ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    We have a few more sick brothers who are on their last leg. Their demise is coming I can tell. Perhaps Me and Brother Spider being the Fine upstanding Christians will help these poor souls on their way out of this life. Or at least try our best to nudge them on their way down. Two more and then the party begins. A joyous day that will be.

    Views: 995
    Friday October 23rd 1998
    Our Time Of Loss 3:00 am-
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    Hello my children, it is I your padre of love coming to you on top of my pulpit. I wanted to talk to my congregation about the passing of two of our brethren. I was silent when the first of our sisters passed on. But I feel that with the passing of our own Mother Theresa that I should speak up on the subject.

    I have conferred with Brother Spider and felt it was time to bathe you all in reassurance. Any time we lose loved ones it is a hard and terrible road to recovery. You most be strong. You most not think of the loss as a bad thing, but as a release of those in pain who are better off in the great hereafter. For their pain was so great it is a mercy to be in the big unemployment line in the sky. You most not dwell on the hurt they were in on their final days, you most remember them in their moments of life when they brought cheer and joy to us all. So do not mourn. It is a time to be thankful.

    I would hope a quick respite for any of our brothers and sisters who are in their final days on this earth. We most pray that they also will receive a timely death to end their suffering. For I see many of them who are in pain like our beloved AGM. And I assure you that we will all see a day when they have received their just rewards like our AGM. So be patient my children. We may not have long to go to see the rest of brothers and sisters pass on to that big unemployment line in the sky.

    So to end lets have a moment of silence for our beloved Sister Sue and Sister Mary.

    I bid you all a good day. and if any of you need to be consoled in this time of passing my door and e-mail address is always open. God be with us all. Amen.

    Views: 779
    Thursday October 22nd 1998
    I’ll Try This Again 3:00 am-
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    One more time, hopefully not making an ass of my self in the process. My pal Sarah is gracious enough to allow me to go drinking with her again after the fiasco last time turned out to be. I will be on my best behavior I promise. No I really mean it. All right you people in the peanut gallery can shut the fuck up. Don’t think I can’t hear you while you read this. I am a gentlemen. Always have been, always will. I will not cause trouble and will be a good boy. My best behavior is what I will be concentrating on. Anyway, whatever an all that. Hopefully you all hear from me again. You know what they say ” A Harpy scorned..”

    Views: 1,238
    Wednesday October 21st 1998
    Get This Game!!! 3:00 am-
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    If any of you guys play computer games have I got a recommendation for you! If your like me though you will want to download the demo, before you spend your hard earned hotel money. You can get the Shogo demo here. Beware this baby weighs in at 40 Mb. It is well worth your time downloading it. And its has the right amount of violence to please any hotel employee. Blood just pours out of the bad guys! Besides killing people Quake style, you get to pilot anime(Japanese Cartoons) mechs. You can really tell the influence the game has from anime cartoons like Ghost In The Shell and Robotech. It makes an interesting game. Well I have to go and play some more.

    Views: 633
    Tuesday October 20th 1998
    SICK AND TIRED 3:00 am-
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    SO the “non-excrement type” says that he has only seen the site once?? HA HA HA!!! You know I have to talk here…I AM SO SICK AND TIRED of the cover-ups and the fear of being a “smart” individual in this place!! I don’t get it. What is the harm looking at this site could possibly do for your job? The harm was already done when you were hired!! HA HA!! In the real world most people don’t have to condemn others and boast about what they do to prove they are a competent worker. Unfortunately there must have been some clause in our application and hiring papers that said “upon employment you will find the incredible desire to spread gossip about others and to build yourself up by tearing others down” It must have been there because everyone is following this supposed rule. I just feel that if looking at this site is such a shame, then you aren’t worthy enough to look at it in the first place….brains are a requirement anyway. and besides I think the bathroom isn’t found on a webpage.. Not this one anyway. So excrement…guess what…you don’t belong here. so get out. WE HAVE PLACES YOU CAN’T and SHOULDN’T ENTER NOW…how does it feel?

    Views: 867
    Monday October 19th 1998
    Enough Is Enough 3:00 am-
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    I have just had my ass jumped by my dear Mother. Who is looking to become a fascist just like my Bosses. She read me the riot act for putting up a fucking rumor. Again as per the usual I didn’t name any names. This is the second time I have altered my webpage because of Fascist intervention. I will not do it again. This attack from my loving supportive Mother has led me to believe that I will not let this kind of shit go. I am as of today putting all my spare time into contacting the ACLU. Who up into now I only sent one e-mail and pretty much left it at that. I will have to guess my Boss will be giving me shit about it too. Too fucking bad for all of you Fascists!!! Attention Fascists!!! Please read the following quotes and learn about our supposed laws.

    Here’s a few quotes taken from the net:

    Free Speech Rights Apply in Cyberspace: CAD Declared Unconstitutional-source

    The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that free-speech rights granted under the Constitution apply in cyberspace. Reno v. ACLU (No. 96-511, June 26, 1997), a historic ruling released June 26, 1997, strikes down two key provisions of the Communications Decency Act, a federal law that sought to impose restrictions on material placed on the Internet.

    “One man’s vulgarity is another’s lyric.”
    — Justice John M. Harlan, Cohen v. California (1971)

    From the ACLU Briefing:

    The path to freedom was long and arduous. It took nearly 200 years to establish firm constitutional limits on the government’s power to punish “seditious” and “subversive” speech. Many people suffered along the way, such as labor leader Eugene V. Debs, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison under the Espionage Act just for telling a rally of peaceful workers to realize they were “fit for something better than slavery and cannon fodder.” Or Sidney Street, jailed in 1969 for burning an American flag on a Harlem street corner to protest the shooting of civil rights figure James Meredith

    In 1923, author Upton Sinclair was arrested for trying to read the text of the First Amendment at a union rally. Many people were arrested merely for membership in groups regarded as “radical” by the government. It was in response to the excesses of this period that the ACLU was founded in 1920.

    The Supreme Court has recognized several limited exceptions to First Amendment protection.

    • In Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942), the Court held that so-called “fighting words … which by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace,” are not protected. This decision was based on the fact that fighting words are of “slight social value as a step to truth.” 
    • In New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (1964), the Court held that defamatory falsehoods about public officials can be punished — only if the offended official can prove the falsehoods were published with “actual malice,” i.e.: “knowledge that the statement was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.” Other kinds of “libelous statements” are also punishable. 
    • Legally “obscene” material has historically been excluded from First Amendment protection. Unfortunately, the relatively narrow obscenity exception, described below, has been abused by government authorities and private pressure groups. Sexual expression in art and entertainment is, and has historically been, the most frequent target of censorship crusades, from James Joyce’s classic Ulysses to the photographs of Robert Mapplethorpe.

    From the ACLU Artistic Freedom briefing:

    What is censorship?

    Censorship, the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are “offensive,” happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral values on others. Censorship can be carried out by the government as well as private pressure groups. Censorship by the government is unconstitutional.

    In contrast, when private individuals or groups organize boycotts against stores that sell magazines of which they disapprove, their actions are protected by the First Amendment, although they can become dangerous in the extreme. Private pressure groups, not the government, promulgated and enforced the infamous Hollywood blacklists during the McCarthy period. But these private censorship campaigns are best countered by groups and individuals speaking out and organizing in defense of the threatened expression.

    So endeth thy lecture.

    Views: 996
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