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    Friday December 4th 1998
    Star Wars Episode 1 3:00 am-
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    I don’t know if anyone else has been paying attention to things relating to the Star Wars movies, but I have been meaning to mention this. If you are not aware, Star Wars episode one will be at theaters May 99. A trailer was released on the net and at movie theaters. I spent eight hours downloading the trailer from a site called countdown to Star Wars. I have followed some of the rumors and such. And I was a little worried about the casting of Ben Kenobi. If you don’t know, Ewan Macgregor is playing the young Ben.

    This worried me because the majority of Macgregor’s work are kind of weird movies such as Trainspotting. To me he just wasn’t right for the role. These feelings were put to rest with the release of the trailer. Wow! You only see him in one bit where he talks, but his accent is perfect. None of his hard Scottish accent like in Trainspotting. Plus we have Liam Neeson and Samuel Jackson in the movie. Of course it will be weird not having Jackson swearing, but I will live with it. Can’t expect him to say shit like “that mutha-fucka is a true jedi.” It just would be wrong.

    You can also check out www.starwars.com for more info.

    Views: 3,614
    Thursday December 3rd 1998
    About Number 12 3:00 am-
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    Here’s a message found in the guestbook:

    Hey sorry to here about what happened. I’m starting to wonder when all of the others that have been there forever are going to get canned. On the other hand I enjoyed my visit into your world of wonders. I guess you need a harpy #12 I’m willing to be so honored. what can they do to me fire me? oh well their lose not mine. like they say they all come a dime a dozen. CHOW !

    Only problem I don’t have a really decent shot of her. So you read this get me a nice head and shoulders shot of you. Thank you for being brave and accepting your spot as no 12. Oh yeah, you were right.

    Views: 822
    Wednesday December 2nd 1998
    Link Of The Day 3:00 am-
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    Now this here is some strange shit I found the other day. I told Turk about it and he has been sitting on his ass moping since his release. So here it is: Star Park.

    So go and check out this fucked up mess of Star Wars and South Park. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry. I did. they do have a goofy layout, but you’ll get over it.

    I also want to say high to my favorite harpy. Hi baby!!! It was nice to get e-mail from you.

    Sorry about you ass Luke.

    Views: 936
    Tuesday December 1st 1998
    Half-Life? 3:00 am-
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    And no I’m not referring to my unemployment collecting ass. I picked this game up a week ago. This is one of those that clenches any thirst for bloodshed one might have. Besides being a first person shooter this game really has a story. It based on the Quake engine by those guys at id. Seeing how bad SIN ran on my poor 166mhz with a monster 3d card(3dfx!!) Half-Life ran smooth. The only problem I had was a sound hick-up hear and there. If you click the picture you can see the blood up close. The security guard laying at my feet is Barney. God rest his soul. Great game!!! Go buy it and I’ll see you online.

    By the way go hit the Area-S website. Right now!!! Ok after you go out and pick up Half-Life.

    Views: 837
    My Apologies To Sarah 3:00 am-
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    I am an insensitive bastard. I’m also hard to be friends with. So I say I’m sorry to Sarah. She has never done me wrong.

    Views: 827
    Monday November 30th 1998
    My Apologies To Gabilan 3:00 am-
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    I butchered poor Gabilan’s name when I wrote about Area-S yesterday. Oops. Sorry. Anyway make sure you go hit the Area-S website for an amusing look at wrestling and RTS games. he made sure to point the error of my ways:

    Glad to see you’re entering the contest dude. One thing…since I’m the one primarily running the contest, it’s probably a smart idea to spell my name correctly in your posts. I’m funny like that.

    To read about their contest go to the Area-S website.

    Views: 831
    Sunday November 29th 1998
    Area-S Is Back!!! 3:00 am-
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    One of my favorite sites is back! Area-S is the place to go for real-time strategy news. Loomer and company have a way with words. Its poetry for the soul. I loved all the shit about Bill Roper, that and Gabilan’s loving essays on pro wrestling. And the Smack Padâ„¢ is the best.

    So what are you waiting for. Go check out Area-S.

    Views: 711
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