Turk sent me a copy of his termination papers and I thought it was so funny I had to share it with the group. First just so we are clear here is the Webster’s Dictionary’s definition of Unhappy:
Source: Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [web1913]
unhappy \Un*hap”py\, a.
1. Not happy or fortunate; unfortunate; unlucky; as, affairs
have taken an unhappy turn.
2. In a degree miserable or wretched; not happy; sad;
sorrowful; as, children render their parents unhappy by
3. Marked by infelicity; evil; calamitous; as, an unhappy
day. “The unhappy morn.” –Milton.
Ok here is the hotels definition of unhappy:
1. Turk had put passwords from encore on his webpage. Several people from the property had seen them.
2. Turk also was leaving the Frontdesk at 7:00am when he should have stayed until 8:00am. He was going back to the kitchen and eating breakfast.
3. Turk also had a difficult time dealing with being supervised. He felt he could do as he pleased whenever he wanted and did not have to abide by any rules.
This beautifully written poetry was authored by Turk’s ex-boss Larry. So what Larry is trying to say here is:1. a person can’t have a personal life. I know for a fact Turk put up old password’s of this dipshit’s. The fuck was changing his password every day or two. 2. The employee can not spend time for a break to eat breakfast. Shame. Shame on Turk for doing that. And 3. well I can’t argue with his third reason.
I should point out that in Larry’s written statement he spells felt as feet so the line reads as: He feet he could do as he pleased whenever he wanted. You explain that to me. Those of you who like to see this document in the flesh click here.
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