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    Tuesday December 15th 1998
    The Game 3:00 am-
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    Ok everybody don’t forget our good friend Sergei Fedorov and the Detroit Redwings have a game tomorrow. Game time is 7:30. So be sure to cheer Sergei and the boys on against Boston.

    Views: 726
    Sunday December 13th 1998
    What A Fucking Toughguy 3:00 am-
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    Now what can I say? Its obvious that Turk was taking advantage of his friend Izer. Who I know is a nice guy. Well kiddies here is a few shots of a match me and Turk had. Take note of the pic I cut and pasted all of the death messages. Funny shit. Turk disconnected with me winning 12-0.

    Me and Izer will have to challenge him to a match one of these days.

    On a another note if my pal Sarah is reading this still, drop me a line. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let this Sergei Fedorov have number six win. Its time to organize baby. Who the hell is this Sergei Fedorov anyway?

    Views: 767
    That Sergei Fedorov 3:00 am-
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    Of course I know who Sergei Fedorov is. I wasn’t certain that it was the Sergei Fedorov. I’m very sorry for offending you Mr. Fedorov. And I’m sorry about 0-3 loss to Carolina on the 12th. You didn’t score any goals in that one did you? In fact this the first shutout for the Hurricanes’ franchise against Detroit since November 14th, 1989? I could be wrong. In fact I wish you guys the best of luck against Boston on the 16th. Well enough about hockey.

    Spider this message is for you! Who is Sergei Fedorov? For all you ignorant sheltered individuals, Sergei Fedorov is probably the single greatest hockey player in the NHL (National Hockey League for all you dumbasses out there). He plays for the two time defending Stanley Cup Champions(equivilant to football’s Super Bowl(You do know what football is don’t you spider? Maybe you have heard of Joe Montana or Barry Sanders?) Detroit Red Wings. So hopefully now you have a fucking clue who Sergei Fedorov is! By the way hockey is played with a puck. Two teams try to put the puck in the net against each other. If one propels the puck into the net that is called a goal. The team with the most goals at the end of a game is the winner. Got it now spider? On another note, Harpy #6 deserves the award. I don’t know how you can comment and have opinions on all these people that you don’t even fucking know. That makes a hell of a lot of sense. Well that basically sums up all I have to say to you, you fucking arachnid. I hope now you know who Sergei Fedorov is, and I hope you understand the attitude that he has. Thank you for your time!

    Sincerely, Sergei Fedorov

    Sergei Fedorov

    Sergei Fedorov

    Personally I think number six is fine in my book. Turk has mentioned her a few times. I not trying to offend. If I did so I apologize.

    Views: 1,751
    Saturday December 12th 1998
    Quaking With Izer 3:00 am-
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    Well Mr. Izer just had his first taste of Quake 2. He suffered from a bad case of high pings. And the fact that I handed him his ass. half of his problem was that he uses AOL. AOL is horrible for online games. Oh well. There’s always next time Izer. Maybe me and Spider can get you into a game. Spider isn’t as merciful as me.

    Views: 995
    Friday December 11th 1998
    To Go Boldly… 3:00 am-
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    Today the new Star Trek movie opens up. Insurrection. I’m not totally sure this is going to be a good one. I think it just might blow. This is the third next gen movie, and if you go by the curse of the odd movie this one is going to suck.

    Views: 734
    Wednesday December 9th 1998
    Harpy Six A Goddess 3:00 am-
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    Well it seems while I was having some computer problems, Sergei Fedorov the head of the Harpy Number 6’s fan club checked in to the GuestBook with this to say:

    Yes, I am signing your guestbook page again. However, I am only doing this because the e-mail is down at RVC and I’m in the middle of English class. I cast my vote for harpy number 6 because she’s changed my life over the last 6 months. She really is the greatest and deserves the honor of this award. Myself and my friends in English 101 class all cast votes for harpy number six. This comes to a grand total of 23 votes. No one will beat that! I do think however that you need to get a better more recent photo of harpy number six.

    Sergei is rabid enough of a follower to get all of his classmates to vote for Harpy Number 6. Now that’s what I call devotion.

    So to recap that’s 23 votes for number 6 and 12 and 4 both weigh in at one vote each.

    Views: 1,791
    Another Vote 3:00 am-
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    Here is a vote for our newest Harpy. Well its one one. Number 4 and 12 tied. The person had this to say in their picking of twelve:

    Personally I have to vote for Harpy number 12. The attitude, the way she carries herself, and just her personality in general has my vote.

    Once again I say to vote send email to: @hotelblues.com or spider@hotelblues.com to vote on the Harpy of the year.

    Views: 854
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