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    Tuesday December 22nd 1998
    Santa’s Drunk In The Bathroom, Again 3:00 am-
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    So I called my good buddy Tom, who I haven’t talked to in ages, and chatted with him for a while. And I got a chance to talk to little Jonathan. I forget how easy the young can be influenced. So me being me tell Jonathan that Santa is here at my place, and having a beer. The little guy asks to talk to him, so I tell him that Santa is in the bathroom. I figured the kid wouldn’t even remember. Well a few minutes later Tom calls back to tell me that “Santa” had called to talk to Jonathan. Jonathan tells Santa that he just talked to Uncle Chris who told him Santa was over at my place drinking beer in the bathroom. Oops. So I kicked that no good imposter out. The weird thing was a bunch of reindeer pulling a sled picked the guy up.

    Views: 680
    Oh-Oh Detroit 1, Boston 4 3:00 am-
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    It seems Detroit isn’t doing to well. They lost on the 19th. They play Phoenix tonight. Phoenix beat them back on November 6th. We will have to see what happens tonight. Everybody say it with me: GO DETROIT!!!

    Views: 631
    Saturday December 19th 1998
    Sergei Speaks And Stuff 3:00 am-
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    Our good friend Sergei Fedorov finally got through to my buggy e-mail account at geocities and it’s good to hear from him. This is what he had to say:

    Spider do you know what a revelation is? According to Webster’s dictionary a revelation is 1. An act of revealing or making known. 2. An enlightening or astonishing disclosure. I have had a divine revelation from an angel of light. This angel revealed to me things that were once thought inconceivable. This angel finally cracked the shell and made it into the interior of the mind of a genius or a mad man if you will. She spoke of things that shocked me, and yet at the same time things that I have always believed, to a certain degree, to be true. Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. That is all I have to say on the matter. The rest of the hidden messages you can ponder. Long live the Redwings! Sergei Fedorov

    Sergei Fedorov

    I am a little concerned that Sergei has taken a little to many cracks to the noggin, if you know what I mean.

    Just for kicks here are some Detroit Redwing links. This is the Homepage of the Redwings. Who I must say has a very cool design for their site.

    And here are a few fan pages for Sergei himself:

    http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Sideline/6997/ This is a kids page to his idol Sergei. And then we have this: http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/9780/serg.htm another fan page with a picture gallery of Sergei. I like the pic in the second gallery page in-titled “Sergei with an ugly whore”.

    Ok seriously here is a real neat and professional fan page that is worth checking out: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/2691/.

    Views: 1,170
    Clinton Impeached!!! 3:00 am-
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    In case you live under a rock some where, Clinton has been impeached. From the way I understand it this is kind of like the first part. Now the Senate has to hold the actual trial.

    Should this pathetic bastard be impeached for lying about cigars and a blowjob? I think its kind of pathetic. I could understand if it was some serious shit like say the stuff Nixon did. Yes if I was to pick a allegiance to a specific party I’m a Democrat. And I’m being hard on poor Nixon. I just think if I was president I would make goddamn sure I was impeached for some serious shit. It be something like selling out the country. This is bullshit.

    Ok enough of me making a political statement.

    Views: 847
    Friday December 18th 1998
    Dallas 3, Detroit 1 3:00 am-
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    Well Sergei and the Redwing have another loss. Our boy Fedorov really didn’t do much. So you ask is this bad? Two losses in less than two weeks may sound bad. Here’s the standings for the central division:

    Central Division
    Team W L T GF GA PTS
    Detroit 17 11 1 93 72 35
    St Louis 10 10 7 69 67 27
    Nashville 10 16 3 64 89 23
    Chicago 9 17 4 69 100 22

    They look like their doing ok to me. 17 wins, 11 loses. And its still early in the season. At least early enough for Detroit to not worry about it. Of course Dallas is in their conference. And Dallas is 18-5. Don’t forget they play Boston again tomorrow at 7:00pm.

    Ok enough about sports. I’m going to bed.

    Views: 1,008
    Thursday December 17th 1998
    Detroit 5, Boston 3 3:00 am-
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    Well our good buddy Sergei Fedorov and the Detroit Redwings beat Boston 5-3. Sergei had one assist and one penalty. Sergei and the boys play again on the 18th against Dallas. The game starts at 7:30pm in Detroit.

    Views: 2,099
    Wednesday December 16th 1998
    That Annoying Pop-up 3:00 am-
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    Well my host Virtual Avenue has this to say about the pop-up window you may have noticed as of late:

    Launching the pop-up banner is part of our effort to cover our cost for providing service to our customers. Since we launch our service, we have got a great support from our customers like you. However, there are quite a few customers who have insisted on not displaying our banners on their pages. If we let this situation to go on, we will not be able to continouslly improve our services.
    The pop-up banner is intended to be only displayed when our banner is not displayed on a page. When any page is loaded, our server program would check the page to see if a banner is inserted. If no banner is found, the program would pop up a banner. Because of the way it works, our server program cannot tell if the banner has been displayed in a file in another frame. This is why it would still pop-up a banner even though a banner has been displaied in one of your frames.

    We realize that this pop-up would unfortunatly hurt some of our good customers who are using frames. But we could’t find a better solution for this so far. We really apologize for it. In fact, if your viewers don’t close the pop-up banner window, but continue to do whatever they want on your site, they will only be botherred by the pop-up once. We wish this will help you to bear with us.

    As an option, you may remove our banner from your frame.

    We are sorry. Your understanding is appreciated!

    VA Support

    So I’m stuck with that pop-up. On another note Spider wanted me to remind everyone that our buddy Sergei has a game today at 7:30pm.

    Views: 783
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