Close Encounters Of A Third Kind. It might be a contender. It to me has concepts that really reaches me. The idea that these aliens that do come and buzz rednecks are not evil or ugly bug eyed monsters gives me hope. At least it does for me. If they came across the galaxy just to turn some cows inside out and abduct rednecks I will cry. If they can create the technology to travel across the galaxy I don’t think they would come to probe Billy Bobs anus.
The bad guys if there were any in the movie, would be the government. These guys would make Fox Mulder a good nemesis. Making a cover story about some kind accident that unleashed a terrible virus. But, even the “bad guys” really were not that bad. They didn’t kill anyone to keep them out of the area where the UFO’s were buzzing. So its a pretty positive movie.
And how about Richard Dreyfus’s character? Would you give up the wife and three annoying kids to go off with the nice aliens? I would. Did I mention those annoying kids. Sorry honey I’m out of here. Just imagine what you would see? I think it would be amazing. Amazing just to get away from those fucking kids.