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    Sunday January 31st 1999
    One Year Old 5:17 am-
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    Its been a year since this humble little website of mine came into existence. I like to think its been worth it. I have learned how to run a half decent sized website with little help. I’m finally getting the hang of HTML. I might even branch into a little more complicated waters in the coming months. There are many things you can do to jazz up a website. Bells and whistles as Spider calls them.

    In the years time the biggest thing to happen to me is because of this website. I sure you people would ask has it all been worth it? Would you do any of it over? Yes its been worth it. I have been expressing my right as an American to voice my freedom of speech. Despite the fact I was fired by those Fascist bastards because of my “opinion”. If I had the chance to do this all over again I would go after the head honchos a lot more than what I did. I feel that I was pretty lax in my treatment of those assholes. Next time I’ll burn them down to the ground. I don’t mean that literally.

    Its to bad there is no one left with my “bad attitude” to carry on the torch. But after my departure you all are probably afraid to voice your opinion. And your being right in those fears. I don’t look down on any one for having those fears. I do admit I am a little disappointed that no one does step forth to voice their opinion when they know their right. Those bastards at that Hotel can’t go on treating the employees like shit. One of these days they will get what’s coming to them. And boy will I be laughing my ass off. Soon. Be patient. I am.

    Views: 704
    Saturday January 30th 1999
    Retro Gaming 2:22 pm-
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    Have you ever surfed to a site and then went on a journey to the different links they had on a page and found some really neat shit? Well I did. Those of you who have read this page for a while know I love computer games, well this obsession didn’t start yesterday. I go back as far back as the Atari 2600. I loved loved the game River Raid, it was the shit. And who can forget the SNES great Techmo Super Bowl. This is the best football game period, over any system. It was fun without being to complex. Me and a few of my friends used to have Super Techmo Bowl tournaments. There is nothing like playing Super Nintendo and drinking large quantities of beer. Well now you can play these old classic SNES games right on your PC. Some guy figured out how to make a program called an emulator. And then you have the people who basically pirate the old cartridge games into programs called roms. It pretty cool. If you don’t mind the idea of stealing from the big corporate type like Nintendo. After the screen shots I have a few links if your interested in trying this out. I was the Giants by the way.

    Classic Gaming.com-A nice source of information on the whole Emulator/Rom scene. They won’t post roms though because they don’t want to get sued out of their minds.

    Views: 840
    Wednesday January 27th 1999
    Its Up To You 8:33 pm-
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    Someone wrote in mentioning how this site isn’t controversial or juicy any more. Unfortunately I really don’t have any controversial or juicy stuff anymore, I’m out of touch as far as the hotel is concerned. I only hear about the place from some of you guys who reads the site. So the website suffers. Not much I can do about it. I do have an idea. If any of you ever want to write stuff I would be more than happy to post controversial or juicy stuff. That goes for anybody. And I remain faithful as far as not telling your secret identities if you chose to use one. So its up to you the hotel employees to keep the Hotelblues.com from becoming a place boring ass Sci-Fi movies and fucking re-runs of x-files posts. Sorry. its up to you people or I’ll cram more X-Files reviews down your throat. In two weeks there is going to be a real cool episode that is supposed to answer all kinds of questions. Who are the faceless aliens? What is the black oil? And what really happened to Mulder’s Sister? See I can go on forever about the X-Files. And if you mess with me I’ll have Spider go on endlessly about how hot Scully is.

    Views: 660
    Tuesday January 26th 1999
    Piss On It 11:34 pm-
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    I’m sick of looking at the old look so I uploaded the new look early. Let me know what you think.

    Views: 764
    Changes Are Coming 5:41 pm-
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    This is more a reminder to my self, this website will be a year old on the 31st of this month. I’ve been working on a little re-design that Troy calls “modern”. But I feel that this look is old and it doesn’t represent me any more. So I changed the font and some other small things. There won’t be any sweeping changes, just a few cosmetic touches. A makeover as it is. So if your interested come down on the 31st and see the new look.

    Views: 624
    Saturday January 23rd 1999
    I Hate My ISP!!! 2:41 pm-
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    Help I’m going through withdrawal. I have not been able to get on the Internet since late Thursday night. If this goes on any longer I’m going to have to hurt someone. I have to thank my buddy Izer for letting me use his connection.

    Views: 742
    Friday January 22nd 1999
    Starman(1985) 1:04 am-
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    The movie I picked as a contender to the throne of greatest SCI-Fi movie of all time is Starman. A John Carpenter movie. Like in Close Encounters the alien was not the “bad guys”. The government was the bad guy there is no doubt to me.

    The movie starts out with shots of space as the Voyager probe hurtles into the void with its message of greetings. It reaches a planet that pulls it down. Shortly after that the planet shots a spaceship out headed for Earth. Which brings us to Jenny Hayden who is grieving over the death of her husband played by Jeff Bridges. Then we see the US governments way to greet a UFO, blowing it out of the sky. And of course it crashes near Haydens’s place where the alien takes the appearance of Jenny Hayden’s dead husband. She watches in wonderment as the alien changes into her dead husband. “I send greetings” he says and Jenny Hayden passes out.

    Which brings us to my favorite character of the movie, Mark Shermin. He is a scientist who is with SETI. When he arrives at the crash site one of the guys inspecting the crash site asks him if he’s with the National Security Agency. Shermin responds “Not really, I just work for them. On loan sorta like a library book”.

    In fact when Shermin is explaining it to George Fox(who is the NSA lead asshole) of why and how this alien came to our planet. The NSA asshole thinks that if there are aliens that they are out to get us. Shermin plays the greeting from the Voyager probe and says that we have invited them here. The NSA goon tells Shermin that “Greetings is just what the cannibals told the missionary before he ate them.” Shermin smile and asks “Who is the missionary and who is the cannibal?” Another good bit is towards the end when Shermin gets to the Governments HQ and sees the Autopsy area they have setup for our visitor. He inspects the buckles and leather belts and says with a heavy heart “Welcome to planet Earth.” A little after that Shermin Asks Fox what is going on. And Fox tells him “Its the one thing I don’t need from you is a lecture on morality.” Shermin snaps back “All right screw morality. What ever happened to good manners? We invited him here!”

    You can see I really like this Shermin guy. But how about the alien you all ask. What about him? The alien explains what his people are like “There is only one language, one law. And there is no war, no hunger. The strong does not victimize the helpless.” Of course the alien is finally captured. But before the NSA guys can get their hands on him my buddy Mark Shermin shows up. Shermin is truly amazed. This is something he has only dreamed about. He has so many questions to ask. He asks if they have been here before. “We are interested in your species. You are a strange species not like any other. And you would be surprised how many there are intelligent but savage. You are at your best when things are worst.”

    Shermin lets him go. His Boss George Fox the NSA asshole is not happy. “Shermin you are finished. I will have you eviscerated for this.” Shermin looks at him and says “Well as much as I hate to stoop to symbolism” and he blows a big poof of smoke into Fox’s face. Shermin has a big shit eating grin on his face happy in knowing that the alien was allowed to escape and have a happily ever after.

    Views: 929
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