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    Friday February 5th 1999
    Temp Agency 3:19 am-
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    I Learned my lesson for the day. Sometimes the truth isn’t the best policy. I tried my first temp agency today. I will not name the name of the place. Needless to say I wasn’t to impressed by it. The ladies that worked there were very nice. Don’t get me wrong, its not them its me. I am colossal cluster fuck. In the application it asked for reason of leaving your job I wrote “let go”. Which of course is sure to bring up questions. And the inevitable question was asked. I asked “do you want the truth?” like a putz. So I told this nice lady about my website. Because that was the reason of my departure. She looked at me funny and asked if I was going to do one on temp agencies. I told her no that www.hotelblues.com is paid and mine for two years. I thought I was being witty. WRONG. This is not the kind of thing you want to tell people at a temp agency. Any way there are more temp agencies in the phone book. So next time I will not tell them my life story. I’ll tell them something they want to hear. I recommend a strong dose of Dilbert for me and anyone else who takes working to serious.

    If you by chance work at a temp agency let me remind you this my opinion and should not effect your personal or company view on me. That and there’s this thing called Freedom Of Speech you might of heard of, its in the Bill Of Rights.

    Views: 917
    Thursday February 4th 1999
    Hi To Lynn 2:05 am-
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    It’s been so long since I have had a new viewer I almost forgot what to do. So I say Hi to Lynn. She found out about my site from one of my buddies “Strange” Kevin. I very surprised that Kevin remembered my address. And anyone who knows Kevin tell him the next time he comes over to HOTELBLUES.COM Headquarters he had better bring MGD not that disgusting Miller Lite. Yuck!!!!

    Views: 780
    Tuesday February 2nd 1999
    The Consequences Of My Slander 2:04 pm-
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    Its to bad that the Preacher is not going to look at the site again, because I did not mean to scare him off. I hope he doesn’t take me for the Anti-Christ. The guy should have e-mailed me if he wanted to talk. That’s my main problem with people like him. They don’t make it easy to talk to them. The way he handled it shows me that this is a person that doesn’t want to here another persons opinion. Me hell I’m open minded. You ask any of my friends. If I wasn’t open minded to this whole topic would I waste the space on my website for it? No.

    What else I don’t get is why if God did make all of this and that includes me and all the rest of humanity why is he such a unforgiving god? Keep in mind I’m not doing any research into this, its just me typing away. If you believe in god and do what he tells you to do you get to go to heaven. That’s the basic premise right? Ok so if you don’t believe in god you either go to hell or you can change your mind and embrace god as your lord and savior. But if I was god and I created everything and I was all knowing I would cut some slack for the people that didn’t believe in me. It just doesn’t make sense. Also I’m supposed to just change my belief just so I can go to heaven? I can’t do that. I can honestly say with out a doubt I don’t believe in the god in the bible. And I would not change my opinion on my death bed just to get into heaven.

    Another thing, why is it that just because I would like to believe in other worlds and other possible life forms I have to believe in god? Science shows that with the right distance from a star and with that special primordial soup the possibilities of life springing up on other planets should be something that could happen. I treat aliens and other worlds the same way as I treat god, I will believe it when I see it. But, I can believe in little green men and other worlds that support life because they are concepts that are shown can happen with science. We and our Earth are proof of that. Of course this all depends on how you look at it. Believe what you want. I’m not trying to tell you I’m right and that this guy is wrong. You have freewill so use it to make your own decisions. read a little and find out. Never listen to just one person and take it face value.

    AD j thiZ
    Views: 1,057
    Yee Of Little Faith 1:00 pm-
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    Oh, Turk I did not want you to take what I said the wrong way. However, I have a few more verses for you. Psalm 13:1 “The fool says in his heart that there is no God. They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.” Turk, this will be the last time that I visit your site. I am sorry for any trouble that I have caused. I will continue to pray that God works in your life and eventually will one day see him. I wish you the best of luck! I also hope you know the consequences of your slander. One day every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.That is you too “Oh yee of little faith”. What fascinates me is your interest in other worlds and possible life forms and yet there is no place for a God amongst this entire universe. Maybe one day you will see the light before it is to late.

    Views: 1,117
    Sunday January 31st 1999
    More Religion Related Links 10:26 pm-
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    To sum up what I’ve been trying to say here is a quote that really says it all for me: ” I have nothing against religious people. Hey, some of my best friends are religious. It’s nobody’s business what sort of ignorant, superstitious rituals they perform in their own homes and churches. No one should care what sort of bizarre mythical creatures they worship, or what kind of “holy” objects (statues, icons, and / or books) they revere.”

    Damn Here’s another really good link called Kissing Hank’s Ass. Its what some folks call a parable. This morning there was a knock at my door; a well groomed, nicely dressed couple. The man spoke first: “Hi! I’m John. We’re here to invite you to come kiss Hank’s ass.”

    This last link comes from a site by a guy named Rev. Jim Huber, Heretic. he has a lot more of the parables and more stuff that just makes sense.

    Views: 712
    My Take On Religion 8:43 pm-
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    Here’ my take on Religion. It’s none of your business whether I believe or not. I can say this, in order to find something one must be looking. I don’t want to get into religion here. So lets drop the subject. Don’t shove your beliefs down my throat Preacher and I won’t shove mine down yours. In a way I have shoved my ideals down your throat because you read this site. this is where your being able to make choices comes into effect. If you don’t like what I say then don’t look at my website. In reality this whole website is for me not you people reading it. If you do read it cool. If you don’t so what. This is what makes us unique, we can make these kinds of intelligent choices.

    If you must really know what I feel on the matter of religion I give you these links for you to understand how I feel:

    Is Science Religion? An interesting question that sums up how I feel. I of course am not that smart. Richard Dawkins is very smart. And he makes sense.

    [drain file 40 show]

    Views: 1,002
    I Feel Your Pain 8:41 pm-
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    Hello, I am a preacher. I go around, in my spare time, and view websites all over the world wide web. My mission is for all to find God. It was not by random chance that I found your website. I have spent hours over the last two days viewing everything on your website. I read each article carefully. I feel your pain. You seem to be very bitter about your former management at your former place of employment. Turk you seem to be a pretty sad guy right now. Don’t be angry or vengeful but rather pray for their souls. You have to in essence kill them with kindness. I don’t know what your take on religion is but I want to share with you a verse from Galations. “Do not be deceived. God is not mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will receive a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people.” Galatians 6:7-10. Turk, I’m sure that these individuals wronged you but they’ll get what’s coming to them. What goes around comes around. You must not be hateful because there is a time and a reason for everything that has ever taken place in your life. Turk you need to let go and let God. That is all I have to say for today. I will check on you in the future. May you find God and May He be forever with you.

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