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    Wednesday May 19th 1999
    Jedi Mind Trick 12:46 am-
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    Ok its 9:30 right now. At 12:02am I will be seeing The Phantom Menace. I have to say that I am a little excited. It better be good. Kenan(a dark jedi) has foreseen that the movie will be a success. I just hope that George doesn’t fuck it up. In fact saying I’m excited doesn’t do justice to how I feel right now. I feel like I’m five again. That’s the weird thing about this whole Star Wars thing that has happened. It doesn’t just interest people my age(25-30), it reaches people of all ages. My dad wants to see it, Kenan and Izer’s dads want to see it. Even my grumpy bricklaying brother wants to see the movie. So enough for now, in a few hours I will write up on my thoughts of the movie.

    Views: 835
    Tuesday May 18th 1999
    One For Him 1:28 am-
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    Well I got some feedback on the subject of the FDM, here’s one person that says the guy is ok. This comment was sent in by my good bud Sergei who is a good judge of character.

    The new front desk manager seems to be one hell of a guy. He meets all of the requirements: He seems nice, he works hard, he is straight, and he generally has a really likable personality. He is better than any other FDM.

    You have to keep in mind those of you that are employees at the hotel to keep your own opinions. I know that a few of you from the front desk check in every once in a while. So make your own decisions on people. Don’t take it for granted because you hear it from someone at work or if you read something here at my site. You have a mind of your own, so use it. Being able to think and make our own judgments is what makes us all unique people. I think it would be boring if everyone thought the same.

    Views: 925
    Me Phenomenal? 1:28 am-
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    Here is another strange event in the life of my crazy little website. I came across a website called the Phenomenal Men Of The Web and figured I would give it a shot and see if I had what it takes. When you are filling out the form there was this bit of text that kind of made think I didn’t have a chance:

    It is given to men on the Internet with outstanding websites. Sites with pages of Excellence, Honor & Intelligence. Membership is not given to everyone that applies. There is only one seal. There are no 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place winners. If you are awarded this seal… your site is extraordinary.

    But if you look to the left I guess I was wrong, they think I have what it takes. Go figure. By the way the Lady who runs the site also has a website for women called the Phenomenal Women Of The Web. I think it’s a pretty neat idea. Any way just go and check them out.

    By the way my pages profile is here.

    Views: 1,077
    Saturday May 15th 1999
    The Facts? 11:26 pm-
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    Another hotel insider had this to say about the last employee to check in.

    I really feel that I must clarify for the person before mentioned who was let go. It wasn’t necessarily the fact that they where let go, it was the fact that, from what I hear, it was done by a phone call. This person had gone to work, worked, went home and then got a call hours later, after the FDM got to work, that they where being let go because they where unhappy. It’s back to the fact that it wasn’t done face to face. I really hope that this helps clear up the anger.

    So this whole tangent was in answer to my question about phenomenon of letting people go with a note or a phone call. I don’t really pay attention to the stuff I write. So I thank the last person for being involved enough to mention this to me. And for the record I wasn’t angry with anyone. I just want to make sure if any management types read this and want to know names that I would never tell. Its kind of a patient/doctor kind of thing. I’m not mad about anything. Except maybe the fact I have four days left to wait for the Phantom Menace.

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    Advice From A Madman 4:50 pm-
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    Four more days to the opening of The Phantom Menace. I’m starting to get excited. On Tuesday me and Izer and Kenan will be having a Star Wars marathon run of the first set of movies.

    I heard from a hotel employee again, At first I did not understand the first email.

    Just wanted you to know that their must be a lot of unhappy people, at least you and me, if you get the hint ! ! ! !

    Then I got this next one which made it clearer.

    Well as you know theirs a new FDM. One almost has to feel sorry for him. As the newest victim on the unemployment line, I guess I just want everyone to know that it’s not his fault. Society as a whole has let this gentleman down, it has taught him that this is just a throw away society and instead of facing situations and attempting to work them out, you just get rid of them. One has to actually feel sorry for someone like this and attempt to understand the fact that it’s not their fault. Like I said, society as a whole has let him down, explains a whole lot about all his ex-wives. You have to understand that someone like this has no soul, just a big black hole where one use to be. “The flowers that where laid upon her breast will shed no fragrance to a heart forever stilled.” That’s enough serious stuff, any advise for someone joining you in the unemployment lines?

    Well it seems as of late a few of you hotel people have been expecting advice from me. I really don’t have any for you. I’m out of touch as far as the hotel is concerned. So any judgment on my part would be unfair. The last time I heard from any of the hotel people it seemed like this new FDM was an ok guy. I have only seen the guy and have not spoken to him so I can’t make that gut reaction to how he is. This guy did work the bellman job to learn how it goes, so I thought that was kind of neat. The putz he succeeded never tried that. So automatically this guy gets my approval. Again though I say I have never really talked to the guy so my bullshit/asshole detector has never had a chance to peg him for what he is. So I will have to take the black hole of a soul as an opinion of someone else’s. And if Mr No Soul wants to toss in his two cents he is more than welcome. But remember I won’t tell who the author of the above emails are, so if anyone wants to know that I say tough shit. And once more let me state this website is my personal journal. So if anyone doesn’t like what’s here you should have never came here in the first place.

    Views: 1,052
    Thursday May 13th 1999
    Star Wars Geek 1:42 am-
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    Ok, I had to do it. I admit it’s a act of a fanboy. I like to think I’m not a total fanboy. I don’t dress up as a character or any really weird shit like that. I do love the movies. I even had been on record as saying that I wasn’t going to see the movie on opening night to avoid the crazy mad rush of the crowds. You should have seen the night Star Wars was re-released. It was a mad house. So for those of you who are not going or couldn’t get tickets I have for your enjoyment the scanned images of my tickets.

    The tickets.
    Views: 1,164
    Wednesday May 5th 1999
    Unemployed Again 10:25 pm-
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    Well my time of employment has ended. Once again I’m without a job. I got the call about a hour ago, they called to tell me I wasn’t cutting it. In a way I’m happy, but on the other hand I’m a little disappointed. I wish management types would be able to tell someone face to face about these kind of things. Why is it they can’t tell you to your face? Do they think one will go postal? That your going to smack them one upside the head? I just don’t get it. If I was a management type I would give you the common god damn courtesy of telling your to your face that your being shown the hatch. But hey that’s just me.

    If any of you management types would like to write in and explain this phenomenon of letting people go with a note or a phone call I will post it with out to much heckling of you. And I expect you people to write in, I know that there is a few management types that read the page every once in a while. So send your excuses to yourfired@hotelblues.com.

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