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    Sunday July 18th 1999
    On The Road Again 9:23 pm-
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    I’m out the door as soon as I finish this post, I’m off to Sycamore Illinois for about a week and then who knows? I didn’t really do much this weekend. I got to see the Izers and tried to go out drinking with my brother. But as usual the guy didn’t call me. He is embarrassed to go out drinking with me. He thinks I will make fun of him in front of his friends.

    And speaking of drinking I tried to get a hold of Kevin, and had no luck. You will have to listen to this answering machine message first.

    Played [drain file 38 hits] Times

    Then I’ll tell you why this guy is such a putz. And don’t get the wrong idea. Me and this guy have been through a lot. I mean it as a sign of affection. He tells me in this message to give him a call. This just shows what a smart ass he is. The guy (to my knowledge) doesn’t have a phone yet. He uses his cell phone and I don’t have that number. What can you do? Hopefully we can catch up sometime this weekend and drink some brewskies.

    So I’m off. As per the usual with me being out of town you can get a hold of me through the spider_jerus@hotmail.com address. I catch you all later. And let me know if you found the answering machine wav funny and I might put up some others.

    Views: 913
    Tuesday July 13th 1999
    Short Stop 9:36 pm-
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    I just got back from Mosinee and just had to stop and check my e-mail. Some people just take forever to write back. I am just about out the door to Rochelle to take part in some sales and marketing meetings. Yuck! I hate that kind of shit. I just want to go to bed but alas I have no choice.

    I will find out in the next couple of days where I will be going. The best guess right now is Texas or Indiana. As soon as I find out I let everyone know. To get in touch with me when I’m on the road just send it to spider_jerus@hotmail.com and I will be able to communicate with people still.

    I also wanted to thank everyone who wrote in and had comments about the bit I wrote in titled “The Sister“. A few people had some pretty wild notions. And I am glad that some of you worry about my life or lack of life. But you really need to keep the comments to yourself.

    Views: 879
    Sunday July 11th 1999
    The Sister 6:41 pm-
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    Well my friends wedding has come an gone. It was fun and a lot of beer was consumed. There were a few moments that will stick in my memory. At the reception toward the end of the night when everyone else was heading over to some bar me and Kevin decided that it would be a lot smarter to stay at the reception hall and finish off the free beer. We stayed until one o’clock in the morning telling jokes and drinking beer with the guys who work at the reception hall.

    I got to meet Ross’s sister again after a long time. First let me say that after meeting her three times I can say she is a very smart and beautiful woman. It’s one of those gut instinct calls. But she makes me very nervous, I haven’t pegged why, she just does. I don’t think in a bad way. Its another one of those weird feelings one can get when they meet someone. Maybe some form of a slight deja vu experience or something.

    Any way we all had way to much fun and probably indulged a little to much in the consumption of alcohol. Although someone had to do it so it might as well have been us. Well I have to go eat at Grammas and then head back to Mosinee. So I will see everyone later.

    Views: 804
    Tuesday July 6th 1999
    More Starfleet Command 5:19 pm-
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    I was looking around for some info on the game Starfleet Command and found some neat stuff for the demo. First up are some new missions that are playable within the demo. The best of them a mission in which you get command of a Dreadnaught class ship (pictures are below). You can get this file at SFC Alpha Quadrant, just click the link called Files on the left. To add to the homemade missions also download the plasma torp graphics, that way everything works. You do have to rename a file and put it in the demo’s directory but the readme include with the files tell you how to do this.

    The next file is called Starfleet Command demo editor, and it allows you to tweak the Heavy Destroyer in the skirmish mission called the duel. It only work in that mission. I had some problems getting this to work. It tells you to put in a certain folder, yet it doesn’t work correctly when you do it the way the readme says. So I left it in the default folder WinZip puts it in and made a short cut to the program. Then you just have to dump the file the program creates into the right folder in the SFC folder.

    Now keep in mind these two files might not work together as I have not tried to edit the ship after playing the new missions. But have fun either way.

    And while I’m thinking of it, I have found a way to cheat in this game. You have to edit the file called sfc.ini for this to work. Just open the file up and add the following two lines under the [AI (Artificial intelligence)] heading: AIAttack = 0 and AIMove = 0. 0=no action, and 1=action. So set them to o and the enemy AI will not attack or move. Or let them move and not attack. Its up to you. You can also get higher resolutions out of the game by adding changing another line in the sfc.ini file. Add make the line lowres=0 read lowres=2 under the [3D] heading to get 1024×768 resolution. If anyone needs help e-mail at spider_jerus@hotmail.com because as of tonight I’m heading off to Mosinee again.

    Views: 3,169
    Monday July 5th 1999
    Seti At Home 1:00 pm-
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    Seti At Home is a really neat little program that I downloaded a while ago that I have been meaning to tell everyone about. It is a program that lets you be a part of the Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence or SETI right from your computer. Or as the people who made the program say:

    SETI@home is a scientific experiment that harnesses the power of hundreds of thousands of Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by running a program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data. There’s a small but captivating possibility that your computer will detect the faint murmur of a civilization beyond Earth.

    They have the program available for download for Windows, Mac, or even a text based version for UNIX, WinNT, OS/2, BeOS, Mac OS X Server.

    The Windows program is Version 1.05 and is a 725K download. The Windows version requires at least 32MB RAM and the ability to display 8-bit color in 640×480 resolution (though 800×600 or higher is recommended in order to fit all the graphics on the screen). The software will not work if your PC does not meet these requirements.

    The Mac program is Version 1.0 (with a promise for a Version 1.05 very soon) and is a 304K download.The SETI@home software for Mac requires at least the following to run: 32MB RAM (it could run with as little as 24MB RAM, but would be quite sluggish). The ability to display 8-bit color in 640×480 resolution (though 800×600 or higher is recommended in order to fit all the graphics on the screen). PowerPC processor System with Mac OS 7.5.5 or later.

    Views: 1,318
    Third Time Is The Charm 1:30 am-
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    Well I went and saw the South Park Movie again. It was truly a masterpiece. It was some of the little things that I liked the best. Especially the ending, it was kind of a homage to Japanese animation. That and Satan’s “I have had enough of you” line which was obviously borrowed from Star Trek 3. The musical numbers where as good as some of the Disney wannabes.

    Each and every time I have seen the movie I have been waiting for people to get all pissed off and storm out of the theater because their delicate sensibilities were hurt. So far I have not seen that reaction. I am also surprised that none of the news media has done stories on how people were offended by the movie. And what about Saddam Hussein? Don’t you think he will be a little pissed off for been portrayed as Satan’s gay lover? Will he issue a death threat for Mr. Parker and Mr. Stone? It will be interesting to see what happens.

    Views: 1,142
    Thursday July 1st 1999
    Welcome Vancezanne 8:03 pm-
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    Well I finally had someone sign the GuestBook from that PMOTW thing. So every one say hi to Vancezanne. Who got his “handle” from some famous artists. So check out Vancezanne. This is what he had to say:

    Heya Turk, as a recent inductee into the PhenomenalMOTW, I was checking out the links to other people’s pages. A lot of them seem self-absorbed and over-important. I clicked your link cuz you seemed like a normal guy through what you wrote for your site profile. Anyhoo, I like your site, its got a very personal touch. Yes, when I visit I can tell a person has been here. Not like a lot of web pages where its all tech’d out and over-bloated in self-importance and hasn’t been updated in ages. Nice site, I like it. :) Sadly, this GuestBook is at geocities. Have you seen their revised terms of service lately? (as dictated by Yahoo! which owns geocities). I’m on a boycott, but I wanted to sign your GuestBook anyway. Take care Turk, you da man

    I have tried to set up my own GuestBook and never had any luck. I don’t seem to be putting the files in the right folder on my server. So the Geocities GuestBook has to do until someone can help me figure out what I’m doing wrong. I also have to say hi to a old friend who recently sent me an e-mail. So Hi to whoever you are. I think it’s Chad, but it could also be Bret or Larry.

    Views: 1,181
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