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    Tuesday September 7th 1999
    A Few Things 11:47 pm-
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    On the left you may notice the little logo thing that flashes the NEW Hotel Blues. And right above this post it says Hotel Blues everything but hotels. What does this mean you may ask? Hell I don’t know either. I have been debating for a while a little reworking of the place and this is just the beginning of it. I can’t figure out what kind of look I want to go for. So if anyone wants to contribute ideas to the new look and design of this site drop me a line or talk to me at work or at home.

    Now just because I say “everything but hotels” doesn’t mean I will totally forget the nature of this page. I have been kicking around the idea of doing a memoirs thing of my experience being a bona fide corporate lackey. I have a few things I want to cover, I just have to get my ass in gear.

    That’s it. I have to get ready for work. The quiz thing is over. This is how it ended:

    25% Don’t change a thing.
    0% Do game and movie reviews.
    0% Make it a Starfleet Command website.
    13% Do a ass kissing corporate suck up page.
    0% Who wants your opinion. Close it.
    63% I hate pop up windows!!!

    Thanks to Ericka for agreeing with me about the annoying pop up window. And a sarcastic thanks to Iggy for voting for the ass kiss page.

    Views: 710
    Wednesday September 1st 1999
    Sim Shatner 11:00 am-
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    I like Star Trek. I dislike William Shatner. The William Shatner Acting Simulator is a hoot. It will make you cry, it will make you laugh. You get to make fun of William Shatner, what more could you want?

    Views: 1,160
    Saturday August 28th 1999
    The Quiz 11:51 pm-
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    A few of you people that use Netscape have told me you couldn’t get the quiz to pop up when the site loads. So in punishment for using Netscape and for the fact I can’t figure out how to get the thing to work by clicking a link I give you the results so far: When it changes I will let you know.

    Q: If I change the site what should it cover?
    (of 4 respondents)
    25% Don’t change a thing.
    0% Do game and movie reviews.
    0% Make it a Starfleet Command website.
    25% Do a ass kissing corporate suck up page.
    0% Who wants your opinion. Close it.
    50% I hate pop up windows!!!

    Views: 781
    Iggy Has A Fever 11:48 pm-
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    Great to see you back working at the good ol’ Hotel! I promised you I would hit your site. but no ranting here today. I am extremely excited to see that your smiling face will be greeting me as I come in the door half dead from lack of sleep! (Please refrain from the philosophical conversation at this time in the morning ok? hehe) At any rate, it sure is good to see you back behind the desk! But I do have one question for you…Why aren’t you updating your page on a regular basis? I do think that maybe it would be great to make the Hotel Blues News a place of sweet smelling roses, brimming with lots of love and happiness about our Beautiful hotel. This would be a nice way to please our Higher up authorities…and show them that not everything about the hotel is all that bad. (Hold on a minute while I go check my pulse. something is wrong here) Okay am back. blood pressure a little low…seems like I have a fever. not sure…Better go make an appt with the dr…On that note I am calling the paramedics now…Talk to ya later buddy!

    Views: 850
    Thursday August 19th 1999
    Blair Witch Sucked 9:08 pm-
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    I was really pissed after seeing the Blair Witch Project. I had first heard about at Blue’s News which covers games like Quake 2 and such. And those guys over at Blue’s are usually right on the money about anything. If you like First Person Games you have to check them out. Any way, they had mentioned how they saw Blair Witch in New York when it was being previewed and they said it was really good. And I read either at Blue’s or elsewhere on the net how it was kind of like a Hitchcock movie. Meaning that it didn’t show any gore like most movies these days. It scared you through the suspense as the story played out about these three college kids who were doing a documentary on this supposed Blair Witch. The kids go missing and their footage shows up a year later. It was sounding really good from what I read.

    And then there was the special the Sci-Fi channel ran which was a pseudo documentary about these kids going missing and it showed some background on the legend of the Blair Witch. The Sci-Fi special was ten times better than the movie. The movie did not explain what the Blair Witch was. It didn’t show any of the fake material the Sci-Fi show did. The Sci-Fi show had stuff on a guy from the forties that killed a bunch of kids and said the Witch made him do it. It showed some clips from a 70’s hippy occult guy who explained the back story on the Witch. Which the movie does not cover. I was really bummed. American Filmmaking has gone down the shitter.

    Which (excuse the pun) brings me to Bruce Willis’s movie The Sixth Sense. Excellent movie, no doubt about it. It did to you what Blair Witch was supposed to do. It scared you with out excessive violence and gore. Besides that, the ending will have you surprised. It blew me away. It was the kind of thing that just shocked the shit out of me. I did not see it coming.

    So there you have it. The witch sucked stick with the sense.

    Views: 1,203
    Sunday August 8th 1999
    Hello To Ericka 10:14 pm-
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    I just wanted to say hi to Ericka who signed the GuestBook the other day. More of you should learn from her example. I have talked to Iggy in the last week so maybe I can get Iggy to write up another rant. Here is what Ericka had to say:

    Hey Buddy! I was online checking out some info for school and I had to drop you a line. I haven’t seen you in a while, but I know that you have been busy with your new job and all that traveling. We will still have to get together for a few drinks and philosophy when you get some time. My birthday is coming up and I might throw a party. If I do I’ll contact you, otherwise if I don’t contact you it isn’t happening. Still love your site! Your friend, Ericka

    You can count on me being over for drinks. I just don’t know when I can get back home. As soon as I make it back you guys will know.

    Views: 1,071
    Thursday August 5th 1999
    In The Field 4:55 am-
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    I’m in Metropolis, Il. I’ve been here almost two weeks. Not much to report, really. I have found a nice bar that I have been spending my time. Found me a real cutey that I have been wooing. I really dig the southern accent.

    My old man has been sending me e-mails with advice about work and stuff. He and The Sister are the only ones that have e-mailed me since I have been on the road. You are all lazy bastards. I’m kidding, you all know I love you guys. I should note that my bud Iggy has IMed me a few times since I’ve been down here in Superman’s town. Thanks Iggy. Send me a e-mail or sign the GuestBook so I can post it like the old days. Any way here is what my old man has had to say:

    my ma said you called her before you reached me last night. you talked about moving but it was the other topic you talked to my ma about that perkt my ear she said you said you didn’t get paid as much as you thought you should is it true
    are the korpsuckers [long as you’re fisher not fish korps short for corporate carp you’re fine godsend for this godfaring torpor of country we if we have a smidge of a mind to call our own hesitate to call our own] paying you the 24 thousand they said they was or are they paying you 7 or 8 bucks per hour and if it’s the latter or anything near it then you’d no worse off if you quit them pronto and got a 7 or 8 buck per hour job here in winn or rock counties that way you keep your house and pay your car payments and insurance too which if i know you at all you’d probably like better than what you’re doing now

    you have to be honest with yourself if no one else

    don’t be a sucker for status especially if pay and fringes don’t go with it if they call you a gm but have you doing auditor chores in wayback of nowhere [only claim to fame metropolis has is that it’s where an emigrant comic book hero hailed from] and even worse pay you at auditor rates are you worse off if you become an auditor closer to home i don’t think so

    how secure is your email can your bosses read it if they can erase this message fast but keep its contents in mind before making furthur decisions

    love your dad

    And this one:

    i talkt about business in my other letter of a minute ago now i’ll talk pleasure especially in the acerb way i take mine
    i had no trouble getting on net this morning i notice someone turned on your airconditioner which ain’t a bad idea if you have your computer’s best interest in mine and i think you should it is a fascinating instrument i must say keep it on

    i hope you are a better letter answer than my dumbkoff brother and that you take time and answer my letters if nothing else it’s a way to keep in touch which i hope you do if nothing else it’ll give you something to do

    what do you do with your free time if you have any my ma said you went to a flick in peducak do you know i went there once when you were kneehigh to grasshopper and looked for work without much luck it was in 75 that climateric year for a lot of people and i had quit stl and was floundering like a carp in a dry mudhole i was trying to add engineering to my useless anthro degree and taking courses at siu at carbondale a bottom moment in my life [i was blesst with many] i didn’t have the math i had later and have since forgot and so i knew i couldn’t hack my engineering courses and so i quit and came back home and was still unable to find work etc

    writing about that time 75-80 fraught times for me i’ve never been able to get over fears and insecurities it induced so you see your progenitor had troubles not unlike your own so didn’t mine but he’d never admit it

    what else write reviewing this it sounds more like confession maybe because i think pleasure is a sin it ain’t never believe that whatever else you do

    love dad


    i want to warn you watch that drinking happy to see you wrote and sorry i hadnt check your mail til now but i been busy it’s been hot out and i’m getting old and working harder than i care to so i been to tired to write i must have got through couple days back because my letter was in your file it was hotter than a bitch out even if in my experience of the last bitch i was hitched to she was the opposite of hot
    love your papa

    And this:

    anyone there on the enterprise or did you beam off into motes
    if you check e-mail i sent my fandango brother you’ll notice i used a similiar heading under subject to him hope to hell you ain’t as out of any world as he pretends he is in dedecated pursuit of selfishness [wish i could be half as selfish as he is i wouldn’t do zilch today instead i interrupt my real trip to grocery store to a virtual trip to you by the by i’ve aways found communication with anyone but self arduous in the extreme that you are my son doesn’t make that difficult task any easier maybe it’s harder cuz we assume we have so much in common]

    in sum i interrupt my usual sunday chores to stop at your house and see if you answered my letters especially the first about your job but much to my consternation answer there was none i can’t tell you how much it perturbs me when my replies go unanswered and it doesn’t escape me why the journal is my genre of choice when i write in it i know no ones going to answer me back

    enough lamentations

    i have so little free time however that if you do answer i won’t know you did til next weekend when once again i’ll check the log of letters to see if you wrote me unless of course you reach me before then by phone

    got to run as i have trim to do and to pick green beans too before i can do what i do best take life easy and let time fondle me

    love your papa

    Thanks for e-mailing me Pop. I was really glad to hear your advice. I owe you a few e-mails.

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