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    Sunday October 22nd 2000
    Iggy’s Webpage 11:45 am-
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    Iggy stopped by to see me the other night. It was nice to see her. I promised to plug her website again. I of course forgot to do it yesterday. So Here it is now. Everyone go on over to “TREKKIN’ ON” the Gustafson Family Vacations webpage. Heck the only comment I have is that Iggy needs a links page.

    Views: 865
    Saturday October 7th 2000
    Off That Street 11:59 am-
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    Well today is the day we move old Izer out of his house and off that fucking street. Now I hope that I don’t ever go down that street again, in the literal sense. So I say Adios Moore Street.

    Views: 924
    Wednesday September 13th 2000
    The Guestbook, Again 1:24 pm-
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    My old buddy Saddler stopped by early in the morning today with this to say:

    Where did you here about my site: written in blood on the three toed lesbian sloth I ate this morning
    what is up it is approx.3:32 in the a.m. and I am on my lunch break .. so what’s going on? just thought I would say hi. That was pretty nice at Mary & Clarence’s the other day it was nice to see everyone again. We need to do that more often. Well gotta go I have to work on my DNA splicing lab fun. huuhh. later.

    You guys are getting clever with the “where did you here about my site?” responses. It should be noted the last time Saddler signed the guestbook it was regarding the movie Saving Private Ryan. That one just about made me cry with tears.

    Views: 899
    Thursday September 7th 2000
    The Guestbook 12:59 pm-
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    Damn my eyes! I have not heard from Karstaedt on this, so I would think that any comment made would be take in the spirit of it. It just fun, witty banter. Banter not unlike when we are sitting at the bar. Anyway here is what Ross has to say:

    Where did you here about my site: the old man in scene 24

    hey Turk, what’s shaken? you got to let me know when you got a weekend off so I can get you up here for those steaks and beers! One more thing I want to publicly apologize to Karstaedt for my comments. A difference in political Ideals is not a right to verbal attack someone. again I apologize.

    Now on the other hand Ross doesn’t mention an apology to old “Ground Meat”. It’s just an observation, I’m not passing judgment on anyone. On a personal note. Ross’s last guestbook entry had me stumped. Here and now I admit I had no idea who George Lincoln Rockwell was. I looked up the name on the internet. Now, after that I laughed my ass off.

    Aj MULjUmYcQYTYM aM m bv g
    Views: 1,131
    Tuesday September 5th 2000
    My Helper 6:12 pm-
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    So I went over to the Isley’s to use the net and to do some chores here on the site. I have added the new GuestBook and added another archive page. And just a few other things. I picked up a helper today. A little woman almost two helped me all day. In the pictures below you can see how she shows me to do some of the more complex web techniques. Lainey is quite the little lady. A definite candidate for a future harpy.

    My Helper My Helper
    My Helper My Helper
    My Helper My Helper

    She knows that her Uncle Turk is at her command. If she wants something she knows I’m a sucker. What can you do? She’s my girl.

    Views: 1,246
    Wednesday August 30th 2000
    Lost Data 2:43 pm-
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    Well I had a mishap with an uploading that caused this page to revert back to an earlier version. So I lost a few days of posts. I’m going to try and recap what was lost. First we had Karstaedt who said:

    You outta add a Karstaedt and Rindfleisch section of your website. WE could add political insight, sports, and trade amusing cheap shots at each other. What do you think?

    In direct response to this Ross had this to say in the Guestbook:

    Where did you here about my site: a passing pigme
    hey man giving those two morons a chance to put out there ” political insight” is like giving George Lincoln Rockwell a permit to parade in Harlem. think long and hard on that one! don’t wreck a good thing

    I won’t even comment on GLR. But if we assume Mr. Ross represents one variety of the people that visit this site then the next is at the complete other end of this comparison:

    Where did you here about my site: THE ICE MAN!
    YO! YO! V A N I L L A I C E!! Hard to Swallow Tour 99 “F U C K T H E C R I T I C S”

    Right. And finally Mr. Rindfleisch checked in with this to say:

    I see how you are. Just throw your friends e-mails right into the trash. I believe that technically it would translate into ground beef but anyway. what’s with the mushy stuff? Are you getting soft on me? You know this isn’t a secure line don’t you? What’s new? Anything? I’ll talk to ya later.

    Yeah I know it got mushy for a while. But no more. I’m back to the old me. I wonder if that’s good or bad? And just so I don’t look like I’m trying to erase all of the somewhat bad press here is what that guy named Conrad said in the Guestbook:

    Where did you here about my site:www.ishouldbeworking.com
    I have read your site for a while now. And I have made it through your archives. Most of the time you are long winded and boring, but every once in a while you write something funny. Reading your site is akin to the morbid fascination one has when they pa s a car wreck. You don’t want to look, but often do. The lady your article entitled “The Proposal” is mentioned many times in the past. You past writings made me assume she was a friend at the least. And I read the piece “Spider” wrote explaining your views on friendship. So my question to you is how can you be so mean? “The Proposal” was a base and villainous thing you did. I was kind of shocked. So you have a crush on the woman? Big deal. It happens. Under the flag of friendship I would feel a little uncomfortable if one of my woman friends got drunk and told my buddies that she had a thing for me. I would think that would be a natural reaction. So your ego has been hurt? Get over it. Are you going to ruin a friendship just because this poor lady has had a natural reaction to something that usually one doesn’t expect from friends. And if she means anything to you (and I think she does) you should apologize. Shit she is just asking you for help on a subject you seem fairly adept at. Just think about it. You seem like a pretty cool guy.

    I don’t really want to get back into this, but here is a recap of what I said in regards to this. Your right. I’m wrong. I’m sorry. End of discussion

    nFEtbFvNzcdWONODJs M V zLUXIFu
    Views: 808
    Tuesday August 22nd 2000
    The Proposal 6:00 am-
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    The offer of freelance work is interesting. You shouldn’t have used the term “freelance work” as that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Being the comic book freak I am I look down on the idea of freelance work. Within the comic book industry “freelance work” often meant the creative help was going to get fucked in the end. Often when artist or writers did “freelance work” the big comic companies cheated them out of royalties when it came to their work. Often the actual artists and writers didn’t even get credit for their work.

    So now that you want my help on a business level I am happy that you would consider me. Freelance work honestly isn’t something I have thought about. I have no actual idea of the cost. For my website the cost is only in the software and the registering of the domain. So in helping you on the basis as a paid employee under the wording of “freelance work” I have to be honest in that I have not really ever thought about what I would charge. I have had “Friends” ask for my help and have offered my services free of charge. I guess I will have to talk to the parties involved to get an idea of what it is you are wanting done.

    As far as cost and to when I could help you out it really depends on what you guys are looking for. So you let me know what it is exactly you want or need and I will make a decision based on that.

    This response doesn’t indicate I’m saying no. I just really need to know what you have in mind. I just really need input from you guy’s as to what you want. It’s not my website so I can’t make a proposal right off the bat. So if this doesn’t offend your delicate sensibilities feel free to drop me a line.

    Also if you don’t want something to be seen in the guest book my advice to you is don’t sign the guest book. If you remember my troubles I have had over the site, you should realize I’m not in the habit of amending or editing my website in any way. If you have to get a hold of me try my e-mail or you could call me. If you don’t have my phone number it is in the book.

    Don’t take this as I’m saying eat shit and die. I just never have considered doing work on the “freelance” basis. You never have understood my sarcastic nature so I hope I haven’t offended you.

    You let me know. And your welcome.

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