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    Wednesday January 17th 2001
    Space Empires IV 5:00 am-
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    I have been pretty good at updating. I missed the last couple of days. I even have a good excuse as to why I have neglected my site. Three words. Space Empires IV. A 4x computer game made by Malfador Machinations. I swear its becoming a crack like hobby. Expand, Explore, Exterminate, and..? Well I can’t remember what the other x stands for. And don’t even ask why its 4x instead of 4e. Anyway SE4 is a game like Masters Of Orion, or Stars! I think its the best one I have played. Almost everything in the game is modifiable. You don’t need to know any programming. You just tweak text files.

    There is a demo you can grab from Malfador. Once your hooked you can get the full version from Shrapnel Games. Its only available from them on the net. A patch for the full version is available here and its version 1.19.

    Also be sure to check out Shrapnel’s SE4 Forum. It contains lots of info for tweaking and adding to the game.

    I just want to play one more turn and then maybe update my website again.

    Views: 961
    Monday January 15th 2001
    This And That 4:30 am-
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    Wow, I’m off four days and a few interesting things happen at the hotel. Nothing that affects me. The hotel’s restaurant got robbed. I hear that they think it was a “inside job”.

    The big news of course was that the Front Desk Manager either quit or got fired. Now I have never mentioned the FDM here on the page. Not the up to now current one. I didn’t want any wrong ideas getting into his head. I referred to him as “The Kid”. Which he didn’t much care for. Let me right now clear up any misconceptions about The Kid any of you could have got from hearing me talk about him.

    I have/had nothing against him. Sure in the beginning I didn’t like the idea. But, he was a nice guy. I never had any problems with him. In fact I would go as far as to say that the problems the hotel had with him were not his fault. Why? You may ask. Here’s why. The blame should be heaped on the shoulders of whoever hired him. It wasn’t his fault. He got a job that is always a learning experience. I’m sure they were not paying him the greatest amount of money. He’s young. So he is going to pick up things he didn’t maybe know before.

    I bet all of us at one time got a job that we may not have been totally qualified for. You learn as you go. That’s part of biting off more than you can chew. I had more than I can handle when I got the gig with Amerihost. And it didn’t work out for me. But I got some experience doing something I hadn’t done before. And it looks good on a resume. I hope he lands on his feet. And I wish him luck.

    So who is the title Front Desk Manager going to? Well to my surprise a lady who was Front Desk Manager a few FDM’s back. She’s one of the old guard. She has the experience to run the Front Desk the way it should be ran. So we have a new GM and a new FDM. The new GM doesn’t know me, so I don’t know what to expect from him. She on the other hand has worked with me before. I have change since the last time she worked with me. The biggest change in me is of course this website. She knows that I have it.

    But I still don’t know if this site is going to become an issue. I hope not. Because I’m not going to give it up. I don’t foresee me going out of my way to cause trouble. But I will not take any grief over this. I am exercising my rights as an American. I may be getting nervous in my old age. But you never know.

    Views: 790
    Friday January 12th 2001
    The GuestBook 10:42 am-
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    The GuestBook has been pretty quiet as of late. No Ross. No Rindfliesch. No Karstaedt. With out those guys it gets a little boring. But yesterday we have someone who is a cousin sign the GuestBook:

    Name: cousin
    where: you
    Date: 01/11/01
    Time: 09:00 AM


    Hey Turk,

    What’s up? Do you not know how to call or stop by or drop a line to family? By the way Turk I Thought you were not going to put any pictures of me on your loving site. At least it was one of good taste (I suppose). We need to get together and have some fun again I really need it bad. I need to hear some BILLY JOEL.

    Well see ya but wouldn’t want to be ya ! JUST JOKING BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DROP ME A LINE FROM TIME TO TIME IT WOULD BE NICE TO HERE FROM YOU SHITHEAD!!!

    I have an idea who this is. I’m just not positive. Send me an e-mail cousin.

    Views: 870
    Thursday January 11th 2001
    Dear Iggy 7:30 am-
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    Well it’s finally here. The first official contribution by a second party. Sure I have people sign the GuestBook before and I posted here on the main page. But, this is different. This is all Iggy. Once again if you don’t know Iggy, you should check Iggy’s greatest hits here. So if you have some kind of problem and you need the kind of advice Iggy deals in, make sure you check out Dear Iggy.

    Views: 887
    Wednesday January 10th 2001
    Almost Done 7:42 am-
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    All of the main page archives have been converted over to the new look. That just leaves the Working section and a few odds and ends. Then I can rest, the process of re doing each page is a little boring.

    I still have not heard from Guido or Iggy. They most be lost in limbo. But I have more time on my hands than them. So I’ll keep waiting.

    For those interested here are some screenshots of my progress in my season of Techmo SuperBowl:

    Views: 1,030
    Tuesday January 9th 2001
    Techmo Football 3:02 am-
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    Years ago Me, Rindfleisch, Karstaedt, Izer, and Ross would play a Nintendo game called Techmo SuperBowl. We would set up tournaments and drink beer. It was a lot of fun. In my mind it is one of the best football games ever. I recently found a site which had Nintendo Emulators and Roms.

    Below are some shots showing me whooping some ass. Against the computer I had no problem. Against the boy’s I was to predictable.

    The Emulator of choice is a program called NESticle. You can get it from me right here. It is a 470kb download. The NESticle website is here. They have a more up to date version for download.

    Views: 1,603
    Monday January 8th 2001
    I’m Waiting 5:00 am-
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    Well I have yet to hear back from Guido. I think I may have surprised him. I may have surprised quite a few people with my last post. I just hope Guido gives me something good to work with.

    On another note, I wanted to mention a website I just found out about. If I had to describe it I would have to say It’s the female version of this site. A day in the life of a Crackwhore is the name of the place. Don’t let the name fool you. Anyway just go and check it out.

    Views: 832
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