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    Sunday February 18th 2001
    Nose Bleed 6:50 am-
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    Warning this one is a little gross. I’m at work. Big surprise of course. The majority of my posts have been done at work for almost the last six months. We had a fire alarm pulled and a drunk rowdy asshole. I’m trying to get some work done and still goof off on the net. I’m sitting at the laptop checking my site out and I feel this stream of snot come out of my nose. I go to wipe my nose and find blood. So I’m leaking on my shirt and inadvertently wipe blood on my pants also.

    Of course I don’t see these things right away. I go to the bathroom to wipe my bloody nose and I see myself in the mirror. I look like I just killed someone. The blood on my pants could have been my victim grasping on my pant leg in a feeble attempt of mercy. Guest are going to love this. At least I won’t get to many complaints when people see me.

    I of course couldn’t help but laugh when I saw myself. It’s the maniac in me. Other than that it’s been a quiet night. Be warned this site causes nose bleeds.

    Views: 2,868
    Saturday February 17th 2001
    Quiet Times 7:34 am-
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    It’s been slow here on my little chunk of the net. It seems I have made the owner of A day in the life of a Crackwhore mad at me. I put up her comments regarding the Bonsaikitten.com website. I didn’t ask her permission to post her remarks and I apologize for that. I also don’t have any ill will towards her for her opinion on the subject.

    Now I don’t care if someone wants to take my words all I can say is go for it! Help yourself. For that matter, if you want run a website with the name go for it. Last time I checked www.hotelblues.net and www.hotelblues.org are open for someone to purchase. I will even let you use my layout if you want. People take this all to seriously.

    Anyway it has been really quiet. No GuestBook entries from Secretive. So everything is back to normal. Normal of course not really the “normal” most people expect from the word. Quiet is good. It keeps me out of trouble. Sherry drop me a line, because I don’t want you to be mad at me. Ok? The Bonsaikitten.com link came at a bad time, and my response meter was set at piss everyone off at once. Again I’m sorry.

    Views: 840
    Monday February 12th 2001
    Relax 7:14 pm-
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    Look I don’t want anyone to take this the wrong way. But you need to relax. Ok? A sense of humor is like what they say about opinions. And I realize everyone has a different sense of humor. As a public service for those of you who may not understand terms such as Joke, Satire, and Parody.

    I didn’t want to start any flame wars over this, but to answer a post on A day in the life of a Crackwhore you have to go to her site to read what she says. Needless to say the youngster has her panties in a bundle.

    Read my post again, ok? Nowhere do I say I thought it was funny. I said:

    …a link of the day that’s so bizarre…

    My reasons for putting Bonsaikitten.com as a link was not done for the sake of humor. It was done because of how the FBI is actually going to waste our tax money on investigating this stupid website. Clinton wrote a law that makes it a federal felony to possess “a depiction of animal cruelty.” I’m sorry I see this as a case of Political Correctness and nothing else. The PC attitude is getting out of hand. My main reason for posting Bonsaikitten.com was just to show how the government is taking away rights in the name of Political Correctness. If they start with this. What’s next? That really what I was trying to get through. Maybe I’m wrong. But I feel if we are going to have any rights of free speech then it’s all or none. I don’t like what that Eminem is saying in his “music”, but I don’t think his stuff should be banned. It’s the same reason the fucking Nazi Party runs in elections. And everyone knows what bad guy’s those Nazi’s are. It’s their right as an American Citizen.

    Fuck it. This makes sense to me. I’ll try to calm down and write something more reasonable.

    Views: 1,001
    Good Quote 10:26 am-
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    Now that’s a great quote. I really like that one. Check it out:

    Name: Jim Lowery
    Where: I’m ashamed to say
    Date: 02/11/01
    Time: 08:51 PM


    Strange, bizarre, eclectic. Without which, the web would be lacking avant-garde cool.

    Why are you ashamed to say? And do I know you? It could be a big coincidence, but are you one of the guys referred to as Jim-Jim? Just asking. Drop me a line if you are.

    Views: 708
    Sunday February 11th 2001
    Link Of The Day 3:30 am-
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    Here is a link of the day that’s so bizarre it’s mind boggling. Bonsaikitten.com, a site you have to see to believe. I first saw this site mentioned on Blue’s News. And they got lambasted for putting it up. I want to point out that the site is a work of satire and parody, it is not to be take seriously! Now if you have not been offended go check out this Wired News post called: FBI Goes After Bonsaikitten.com.

    Now Bonsaikitten.com is apparently run by some MIT students. It’s a joke, something a lot of people just are not getting. The Humane Society has put up this page warning about the nefarious Bonsaikitten.com. They even give a warning about viewing the Bonsaikitten.com webpage:

    WARNING: The site described here contains graphic material. The Humane Society of the United States advises against visiting this site.

    I just can’t believe this is going on. The Wired News article even says that:

    …President Clinton signed a law that makes it a federal felony to possess “a depiction of animal cruelty” with the intent to distribute across state lines — such as on the Internet.

    I’m not an expert but this “law” sure does sound like a violation of the First Amendment. This what I’m talking about. If they outlaw any form of free speech, what’s next? Website’s that badmouth hotels?

    Views: 755
    This And That 1:50 am-
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    Well it has quieted down. Things are getting back to normal now that I have scared Secretive away. I had a couple of friends check in on yesterday’s post. My friends can’t believe “they” would do that to Stan Lee. I of course can’t believe it either. Nor can I explain why “they” would do this. No one has explained to me the thought process behind this.

    Views: 763
    Friday February 9th 2001
    Bullshit! 6:43 am-
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    On January 18th I wrote a bit called Raise Me Up. In it I talked about me getting a raise. I talked about a good friend, who didn’t get nothing but jack and shit from them. This guy is the nicest person I have ever met. He doesn’t talk back or start anti-hotel website’s. We will call him Stan Lee after the great Marvel Comics writer.

    Stan Lee gets fucked all the time. People walk right over Stan Lee because of the fact he is a nice guy. Now this is bullshit. Stan Lee has a wife and kid. So his job is important to him. To me if you fuck with his hours, well your fucking with his family. And this is what “they” did. To some of you losing a hour off each day may not be a big deal. Well to Stan Lee it is a big deal. Jesus this really pisses me off.

    Ok so “they” cut his hour? Big deal! That’s what your thinking right? Well to top it off they went and added to Stan Lee’s workload. See this is the kind of stuff (I didn’t say shit) I’m talking about. In the old day’s of this site I would cal “them” cocksuckers because of tactics like this. But since this is the “new” Hotel Blues I’ll just say they are naughty people. See I’ve matured (Cocksuckers!).

    So I guess my question is why do “they” do this? “They” know Stan Lee has a family. A family he needs to make sure they (not “they”) have a roof over their heads and food to feed them. Please, someone explain this to me. I know some of you come here by way of www.ishouldbeworking.com. Do any of you have a good answer for me? And I want a good answer, not some corporate propaganda bullshit.

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