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    Sunday March 4th 2001
    March Madness 3:30 am-
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    So March is like a slow month for me, at least if last year is any indication. Last year there was not any posts for the month of March. The Archive jumps from February 27th to April 7th. March is of course the month of Me and Izer’s birthdays. Looking back on last March I can not figure why I did not write anything. Last March was a lot of fun. The birthday outing was really good. Me and the Izer’s had fun that night. And thanks to the Harem Scarem Escort Service I had company that night. No not that kind of company. We went and saw the Julia Roberts movie Erin Brochivich. Which turned out to be a really good movie. This year is going to be a little different. The thought of turning 29 is kind of scary. That of course means the big three O is next year.

    Views: 986
    Tuesday February 27th 2001
    My Average Night 2:45 am-
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    Let me tell you about my average night. This is no bullshit, this is how my night at work goes. I roll out of bed at nine pm. Very grumpy of course, and curse and swear for five minutes just because I have to get up to go to work. Then I walk over to my grandma’s to take a shower. Yeah I have to walk next door to shower. If I wake up my oldman there will be hell to pay! So use the hot scolding water to wake me from my waking sleep. More swearing. Still half asleep I some how manage to get dressed. Elapsed time for all of this: about thirty minutes. Depending on my mood I may walk back to my dad’s to check my e-mail and see if any weirdo’s have signed the GuestBook. Then I get in the car and drive to work.

    Depending on how long I stay on the computer at home relates to if I make it to work on time. I have the laptop still so I make it in on time. Depending on how early I get to work relates to how early I punch in. The sign by the time clock states:

    No Employee Is Allowed To Punch In Until 5 Minutes Prior To Scheduled Time. In Order To Punch In Before your scheduled shift you must have approval from your department head or m.o.d.

    thank you for your cooperation management

    Really that’s what it says. So I am of course M.O.D. on the third shift and I always approve me punching in early. Convenient huh? So I usually punch in at 9:50 or earlier depending how my hours look. Now just because I punch in doesn’t exactly mean I’m going to start working. Most times I head down to the restaurant to get my supply of Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew is what keeps me going. It’s my life’s blood. If I could I would get the syrup and hook it to a vein. Also depending on who is working in the restaurant I may chat a while. We don’t have to many interesting people at night any more so that doesn’t happen often. By now it’s around ten thirty.

    No I’m not working yet. Next I set up the laptop. The thing has to be plugged in to work so I waste another ten minutes doing this. Then I of course connect to the internet. The laptop only connects at 28.8 for some reason and it sucks really bad. But it gets me on the net. So now it’s around ten forty and I do a little work. I print up my reservation listing and rooms available report. Then a room rate variance. And a final balance report. I fake looking these over so I don’t have to do any real work. I do look them over later. The desk clerk by now is ready to leave so it’s just about eleven o’clock. This is when the real fun begins.

    On the third shift I usually don’t have to many check ins so dealing with guests is limited to the phone. I try to start the audit as soon as the bar closes. Midnight or earlier on the weekday, around one o’clock on the weekend. So from eleven to one I do the “hard” work. Which is making sure all the departments balance. Now this takes just about ten minute, so the rest of the time I’m surfing the net. this is a good place to stop and I will continue tomorrow.

    Views: 999
    Sunday February 25th 2001
    Penny Arcade 4:00 am-
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    If you pay attention to the quick link thingie over on the right you will see I added a link to a place called Penny Arcade. Penny Arcade is an on-line comic strip. It follows a group of friends as they play games. Penny Arcade has a nice style and is in color. One of many that have been keeping me from updating. I just love the idea of the on-line comic strip. There are lots as I said, but only a few that are worth a damn. And Penny Arcade is my favorite. The guys that do it have a sense of humor like mine. Twisted? Maybe. They do a game oriented comic strip. They make fun of PC, MAC, and Console games. Really funny shit if you get into that kind of thing. I of course highly recommend it if you do get into that kind of stuff.

    Here are some other on-line comics worth checking out.

    My second favorite on-line comic is Angst Technology. Angst Technology is about a game development group. Angst Technology is like Penny Arcade in many ways. They both have a darker comic flair. They both are not afraid to make fun of the whole game industry and themselves. With Angst Technology I even have a favorite character. Dante, Lead Programmer of the company. This is how the Angst Technology site describes Dante:

    The linchpin of the company. He’s the kind of guy that if he were hit by a bus, everyone might as well just go home. He is a hard worker, a chain smoker, and has strained his eyes to near nonexistence from staring at millions of lines of code. Some say he now has “binary” vision.

    Just funny shit. Go and check it out. Here’s one of my favorites.

    Another good one is PVP. PVP follows a group who works at a game magazine. PVP has a nice look, and is funny. PVP is a black and white strip with color Sundays. Yet it doesn’t get me as much as Penny Arcade. Still worth a look.

    You see the pattern here right? I play way to many computer games.

    Views: 814
    Random Thoughts 1:45 am-
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    Here is a few things that slightly irritate me. I say “slightly irritate” because I firmly believe it’s a waste of energy to hate. An emotion just not worth it.

    First up we have hotel guests. Not all of them, but more than a few. The ones that buy microwave popcorn and then have me make it for them. Yeah I know I work at a full service hotel. And I don’t mind once or twice. But come on, ten times in a row? MOD/Audit/Popcorn Gourmet Cook? Not the last time I checked. Tonight must be popcorn night.

    On the 28th of December I wrote a bit called Banditos telling about how the hotel had gotten robbed. Well they finally caught those little assholes. One of the hotel security guys let me know. Nineteen year olds. The gun was a BB gun. I just knew that gun didn’t look real. The worst that little shit could have done was shot my eye out. Stupid bastard.

    Views: 835
    Saturday February 24th 2001
    This And That 2:30 am-
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    I don’t usually talk about stuff regarding Mac goings on. But this just floored me. At MacWorld Tokyo during a presentation by Steve Jobs, John Carmack (co-creator of Doom and Quake) showed off the first shots of Doom 3 in action. It was part of Apple showing off the GeForce 3. The GeForce 3 will be out for Macs first. The GeForce 3 combined with a powerful processor equals some amazing visuals. Just look at these shots of Doom 3:

    It looks like Toy Story quality graphics. And these shots are of the game engine, not some pre rendered cut scenes. Just amazing. Blue’s News has more shots of Doom 3 and also a video of the actual footage.

    I also had some action in the GuestBook again. This time Joey signed in with this to say:

    Are you being paid to do this site? It’s really cool. Anyway, when did you start this thing? Do you have website anniversaries? If so where’s the f—ing party, man!

    No I’m not being paid to do this site. I’m glad you like it. This site first saw the light of day back on January 31, 1998. As far as anniversaries no nothing big. I just chuckle to myself that it’s lasted this long. The fucking party? I don’t know, maybe for the five year. That could be the name of the event. The Hotelblues.com Fucking Party! What a night that would be. Thanks for stopping by Joey.

    Views: 848
    Wednesday February 21st 2001
    The Onliest One 11:00 am-
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    Well it’s GuestBook time again. This time one of Disney’s beloved characters stopped in to chat with me. This is my first cartoon character so I will try to be nice (damn I was hoping for Bravo). Here’s what Tigger had to say, broken down of course:

    Ah, The Drama. That’s what I said when I finished reading the site. Why the hell do you let people make you feel bad? Who cares what you write on your web page? What’s the point, if you have to keep apologizing all the time.

    Consider it a diplomatic function and nothing else. I don’t apologize for everything. I only apologized once when I really meant it and was not just being diplomatic.

    Anyway, I didn’t drop by to lecture. I wanted to say hello. Apparently you’ve been contemplating the obstinate and overwhelming control of our government. I wanted to share my thoughts on the government. Their purpose is to maintain justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common welfare, and if you are still reading this I am kinda quoting the Preamble. I’m just fooling with you. I have no opinions of any importance.

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Well if you are still reading I’m directly quoting from a little ting called the First Amendment. And I happen to take this stuff seriously.

    I have no opinions of any importance.

    That’s to bad you feel like that Tigger. Of course he was just trying to soften the blow of his next comments:

    I do believe that one day they will force us to have chips implanted into our heads that communicate with a big computer down in Washington. the chip will tell Washington when we swear, when we belittle the president, and alert them to the frequency of our bathroom breaks. That’s why I’m moving out, man. I figure that at the rate that I am going, I’ll be ready to flee to Canada by time I’m 30. We’ll see. Nice talking to you, Turk.

    Well all I can say to you on this Tigger is “Good luck, eh Canuck!” Or maybe “see ya there when I arrive eh.” Anyway have you heard about this Government Program previously known as Carnivore? It will let the FBI get in to our e-mail. Stop Carnivore before we all go north.

    Wow my first conspiracy theory nut. Cool.

    Views: 1,175
    Monday February 19th 2001
    Free Speech and Such 11:50 am-
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    OK here is a few things that I found on Blue’s News. Now I feel these items are worth merit and as such deserve to be commented on. First on a lighter note we have this AP story found on Foxnews.com called Animal Rights Activists Unhappy with Survivor Pig Killing. Now I feel this story is like the reaction to the Bonsaikitten.com story. This is just a case of political correctness getting out of hand. If you were going to win a million dollars wouldn’t you kill a pig? I would have diced that bastard a lot worse than what Skupin did. They didn’t even show the pig get it. This is just getting out of hand. And keep in mind I happen to really dislike that damn Survivor show.

    Now this next one I take more serious. This story also reminds me of the Bonsaikitten.com story. I just can’t believe this. A gentleman named Glen Given wrote an editorial for his college paper the Stony Brook Press called “Editorial: Dear Jesus Christ, King of Kings, all I ask is that you smite George W. Bush.” Now granted this is a very controversial topic. Another Foxnews.com news item called Secret Service Accused of Threatening Free Speech which I think explains why I decided to tell you about it. Now the actual piece that Given wrote isn’t on the net as of yet. If you download a copy of the letter that The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press wrote to the feds. the letter is in the PDF format and you need a copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it but it does include the editorial in question. I happen to have a copy located locally on my server which you can download here.

    Here are a few of the highlights in case you don’t feel like clicking links:

    Secret Service agents questioned him extensively and asked him to submit to a psychological evaluation which…consisted of personal questions about his family and his parents’ divorce. During questioning, Mr. Given was not represented by an attorney, nor was he advised of his rights as an accused. He also signed a medical release authorizing the Secret Service to obtain his medical records. Mr. Given was told by Secret Service agents that his editorial was not protected by the First Amendment… Agents also stated that they may file charges if they received additional complaints about the editorial. Although Mr. Given voluntarily signed the waivers and offered to remove all remaining newspapers from stands, such actions were taken under the threat of arrest and without legal counsel. The paper has since reported that 2000 copies of the newspaper are missing from a storage area, and there is a concern that Secret Service agents seized those copies.

    Read the rest for yourself. Can you believe this? I find this to be alarming. I plan on personally following this story. I understand that treating the President is a serious offense. But this was an obvious case of Satire and Parody. The lawyers defending Givens called his editorial a “Political Hyperbole.” Just read the thing. If you can’t see that it’s satire well then you probably find this site offensive as well.

    So what I want to know is this not the USA? Doesn’t the First Amendment count for anything anymore? The term Free Speech means nothing now. And why are they singling out this Givens? The Lawyers point out that Saturday Night Live has parodied the office of the President for years. They haven’t ever been faced with this kind of shit. Did anyone else see the skit recently were SNL has Bush senior thinking about shooting Bush junior. isn’t that the same thing?

    And when I say “what’s next?” I mean it. They take away our freedoms bit by bit hoping we don’t notice.

    [drain file 28 show]

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