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    Sunday April 15th 2001
    This And That 5:30 am-
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    So it been like weeks since I got my lazy ass up to write anything. Usually I can only blame myself, but this time it’s all Jeff “Edris” Lee’s fault. This guy has turned me on the online phenomenon called MUDS. Now MUDS to the uninitiated are also known as Multi User Dungeons. It basically a text only version of EverQuest. The one I have been playing non stop is called Animud. Their website can be reached here.

    Now this MUD thing is a lot of fun. You either need a telenet client or you can play the game right at the Caffeine Gamez website through a fancy java applet. Either way check it out.

    Now to some other things. First I went out with the Applebee’s girls a couple of nights ago. Megan, Barb, Marie and me stayed out till bar time. And I had a lot of fun. “That one girl” was brought up a few times. I stayed mum on the subject. Now the reason I brought this up is that I had an interesting experience at the before mentioned Applebee’s. Me and the girls got to meet the 2008 future President and Vice-President candidates. I kid you not. Two drunken fucking hillbilly yokels named Johnson and Favor.

    It was quite annoying hearing these putz’s talk about their plans for sweeping the 2008 election just about gave me a headache. Future President Johnson solution to the problem with China was to “tell ’em he was sorry and then nuke ’em.” So I guess they will be on the Republican ballot? It seems I always run in to the weird ones at Applebee’s.

    Other than that it’s been a slow month. I can’t believe it already the middle of April. Of course summer is just around the corner. And hopefully it’s a nice one.

    Views: 756
    Friday April 6th 2001
    Rummage Sale 8:00 am-
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    Well today Troy is having a rummage sale and I have commandeered a table to sell some of my old computer games. None of the good ones. Just some of the stuff I don’t play or the ones that ended up sucking worse than Monica. I won’t make up my investment in the games, but every bit helps.

    While the sale goes on I will also be sneaking down to the basement to play some more of Black And White. I’m a little confused by the game. I’m not exactly sure I like it yet. It’s a strange one like the Sims. I was playing at Troy’s yesterday and Troy game down to see what I was doing. And I’m trying to potty train my tiger. I got a weird look from Troy.

    So much of the game involves training this pet of yours. I of course haven’t been paying it enough attention. At least that’s what the game tells me. It also seems I have some how taught the tiger to be evil. Although he isn’t super evil, just nasty. It’s like raising a kid. I also seem to really like beating the shit out of my tiger. I’m kind of sick that way.

    Anyone else playing this one? If so let me know what you think.

    Views: 1,133
    Tuesday April 3rd 2001
    Bored At Work 1:30 am-
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    My no bar directive hasn’t really been followed. And when I said no bars, what I really meant was no The Bop. But I guess a part of me wants a second chance to be able to say I’m sorry. Or say something. The fact is I like going to The Bop. I like Bert. She is the best bartender. And she is a nice lady. Also if I’m going to go to a bar I feel that I must support The Bop. I’m a diehard supporter of The Bop.

    I also like the people who who hang out there. I have got to know a number of the people who hang out there. Heck some of them I can even call friends. Of course some of them fall under the bar crowd type friends. And that’s not a bad thing.

    What else? Did I mention the Izer’s want to set me up on a blind date? I’m thinking about it. It may do me some good. Of course the last date I went on ended up a disaster. And that one wasn’t even a blind date. It’s a long story. Maybe some other time I’ll tell you guys about it.

    Views: 963
    Monday April 2nd 2001
    MOD Shift One 11:32 pm-
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    So far the night has been very quiet. I have walked around the place more times than I can count. Got my fancy suit on. Now I don’t like wearing suits. I don’t feel right in a suit. To me the suit represents authority. And I just don’t like authority types. I got the standard “you look nice” remarks. As opposed to how shitty I look when I’m not wearing the suit.

    Also I get a lot of comments how great it is I’m MOD. People think because I’m MOD that they are going to get away with murder. And they are probably right. Except I’m not going to let extreme shit happen. Like goofing off in front of guests. And sure my management skills are a little lax. Maybe lax is the right word. I’m a peon. I don’t have the management outlook. I won’t ever tell someone to “look busy.” It just won’t happen.

    And hey I like these quiet nights. Easy money. Paid for eight hours, essentially doing nothing. It’s all good.

    Views: 844
    Sunday April 1st 2001
    The Truth 2:00 pm-
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    So I was going to do the April Fool’s Day prank. Yet I decided that it may have caused more trouble than it would have been worth. So I decided just to forget about it. Maybe next year. I think I only told Ross about the idea I had. So not to many will be disappointed.

    Now this bit is entitled “The Truth.” You may wonder why? Well I had to get something off of my chest. A while ago I made a bet with Troy’s Father in law. The bet was that I could stop smoking and stay quit for a year. Forty dollars is on the line. I have lost the bet. On Saint Patrick’s Day I started again. Simple as that. After I finish the pack I’m on, I will quit again.

    Views: 868
    Thursday March 29th 2001
    This And That 12:30 pm-
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    A number of items before I can go on my way. First a big thank you to the Ross’s for taking in. I had a lot of fun. Dinner was excellent and I even told my grandma that I ate sausage! Almost Famous is a movie I definitely recommend to everyone. Especially if you really get in to music. And maybe the cat did get to me just a bit. But It was a trip I needed and I glad I went.

    Second some more game stuff. I told Ross about a game called Black And White. I picked this badboy up yesterday and loaded it up at the Izer’s. It is as weird as it is just awesome to look at. You are a god in this one and the neat feature is that you can raise a animal as a pet. It grows to a godly stature. And it does poop. First time I saw this happen I didn’t know what to think. You could hear the creatures stomach rumble and then it squats. Weird.

    My birthday was ok. I had some fun. Dinner with the Izer’s was nice. Only I wasn’t as behaved as last year. I did tear up the t-bone. Me and my little brother went down to McClintock Brewery and Grill for a few. Free beer. A fine gentleman named Craig had a digital camera and snapped a few shots of the Turk brothers.

    This And That This And That

    Craig has a neat site that you can click here to get to.

    After me and my brother were done I went over to Applebee’s. Megan was bartending and she hooked me up with drinkable booze. No offense McClintock. And that was it. I went home and fell asleep.

    Views: 770
    Tuesday March 27th 2001
    My B-Day 8:24 pm-
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    Well here it is, my birthday. So I’m twenty nine now. I’m going out for a beer with my brother in a few minutes. Later I do plan on hitting Applebee’s and of course McClintock Brewery and Grill. Maybe I will stop into The Bop. So if you know me and you are in the area stop down to one of these places. As the night comes I will put up just where exactly I will be at.

    I also have to wish Troy a happy birthday. Me and him were born on the same day, same month, but a different year. Happy b-day buddy! Also a happy b-day to Carla (Tom’s wife) who also shares this day with me and Izer.

    Check back later for times and places if your interested in having a beer.

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