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    Tuesday May 1st 2001
    This And That 1:20 am-
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    Few Things. I bought a cd burner a few weeks ago and I have turned into a Napster freak. But Napster is coming to an end. Are there any alternatives to Napster? That anyone knows of?

    My days as a manager on duty are over with. I was asked what days I couldn’t do the MOD on. So I told them that my only request (except I said It wasn’t a request it was a demand) was that I don’t work weekends if it’s a weekend I’m off from the audit. I checked the MOD schedule for May and I’m not on it. That’s ok. The MOD thing was cool and all. But I was doing them a favor, not the other way around.

    I want to say hi to gmason who is a big fan. It’s neat to finally be able to talk with someone I don’t know like that. It’s strange that I have a big fan. It could have been sarcasm. Still it was nice talking with you.

    Also tomorrow me and my friends go down to Lan Planet. I’m looking forward to that. Except I wonder what games we should play? I have played FPS long enough, but the rest of them are kinda new to it. I really want to try out Counterstrike because I hear so much good about that mod. On the other hand I would like to dabble with Tribes 2 again. My newbie buds have never played the first Tribes so I don’t know if we will play that one. Maybe we will keep it simple and do Quake 3 or UT. Whatever we play it will be fun. I plan to kick some ass. Against my friends. The kids that play down there a lot scare me. I won’t mess with them.

    That’s about it. It’s hard to believe that April is all over. Time flies.

    Views: 916
    Sunday April 29th 2001
    Easily Irritable 1:00 am-
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    Can you guess? I’m at work. I’m at work and I’m not smoking. It’s going to be tuff. But I’m taking this whole “quit or else” thing kinda seriously. It’s been just about five day’s since I last had a smoke. And it’s at work I smoked the most. It’s the people that really irritate me. Not the guests. I’m talking about the people I work with. From the lady who wants me to put a quarter in a plastic cup every time I cuss to the guy who gets off having a radio and does so every other minute. It’s these people that are going to make it hard staying quit.

    But it’s going to be really hard. The “quit or else” thing is what’s making it work this time. And I’m really going to have to stop going to the bars. Because if I’m going to quit smoking, I’m going to have to quit drinking. And I think about it, it’s not going to be that hard to quit. The bars are boring. I have no fun when I go to the bars. None of my friends do that any more. They are all married and have kids. But that’s ok I think.

    Let’s face it in recent years the only fun I had was because I hung out with some fun young people. I was some how invited into that world for a little while. And I did have lots of fun, make no mistake about it. It has honestly been hard letting go of that time. That’s why “that one girl” was such a big thing for me. I have grown old. And for a while I tried to forget that fact with a couple of potheads. Does that shock anyone?

    You see I felt for awhile that the growing old thing was a bad thing. So I clutched on to what fun I could have. And yeah I smoked me some pot. But I was having fun. Except (and I realized this recently) I’m still having fun. It’s just a different kind of fun. I’m not a teenager any more. Next March I won’t even be in my twenties anymore. And the hitting thirty thing is one of those things I’m scared of.

    Wow this is running long. What’s fun now? Well going with my friends to entertain their kids has turned into a lot of fun. And I get to turn my buddies kids onto some of the things I dig. Which is turning into a lot fun. About four of us are going to the before mentioned Lan Planet and we are going to have some fun. And you know I’m really looking forward to it.

    Views: 977
    Friday April 27th 2001
    A Neat Place 1:00 pm-
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    Wow. I’m feeling under the weather and a few day’s seem to disappear right in front of me. So the Doctor say’s I got to stop smoking. Mentioned asthma and pneumonia. So I have to shape up and quick.

    Enough about me. Now if you live in or are near the Rockford, Illinois area boy have I neat place to tell you about. Lan Planet. Know what a lan is? Lan is short for local area network. Lan Planet has 18 computers hooked up. Sweet rigs. The games look good on these systems. They have all of the popular pc games. Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, Half-Life, and the various popular mods like Counter Strike. Check their site out for info.

    Views: 1,970
    Tuesday April 24th 2001
    This And That 4:00 am-
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    One of these days I’m going to have to make an “about this site” page. I think maybe it would let people know what the deal is. I heard back from Mike, which was good. Welcome to the site. The only place to find my observations on life, the universe, and everything.

    I ran into Sergei. Ok I didn’t just happen to run into him. he’s working at Applebee’s now. Me and Sergei had an interesting friendship. In a way I could have been a little afraid to see him. The past is unforgiving sometimes. But it was nice running in to him. And I owe him a shirt.

    Views: 945
    Monday April 23rd 2001
    Fan Mail? 7:08 am-
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    Like I say I always get the weird ones. Let me clarify for any newcomers. This site is done by me for me. Don’t think I don’t appreciate the meager traffic I get. I do. I think it’s neat that people come here and read what I have to say. But make no mistake, it’s not for you. This site is hard to define. It is as strange as it’s viewers.

    Yeah I got a weird way of greeting people. I snap to often on the poor souls who happen by. And I’m trying to be a nicer host. It’s just a bad habit. Of course I don’t get a lot of interaction from my audience.

    Thanks to Mike for e-mailing me. It was interesting to say the least. I wish more of you would write in, at least to tell why or how you stumbled on to my site. Or why you come back, if you do. Just a thought. The e-mail address is @hotelblues.com.

    Views: 1,070
    Wednesday April 18th 2001
    MOD Shift Two 8:30 pm-
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    Well it’s MOD shift again, and I’m bored out of my mind. It’s been really quiet around here the last few months. And it seems I write more when people give me something to work with. It seems the gods know this as well. Someone named Septembervirgin wrote in and they follow my readers weird profile. Anyway this is what they had to say in the GuestBook:

    Name: septembervirgin
    Where: I’m scooting about, seeking naught but casual fascinations
    Date: 04/17/01
    Time: 08:09 AM


    Avoid time travelers! Are groundhogs the missing link between gophers and beavers? I’m bored to insanity, someone please eke out a merciful conversation to me.

    If you have not seen the film Heavenly Creatures, do so pronto. If you have not read the novel Vurt (by Jeff Noon), do so pronto. If you have not listened to Another Day by This Mortal Coil, pronto Tonto lasso that mountebank. Heeyah.

    I have not see the film Heavenly Creatures, so I can’t comment. As far as Vurt, I have to admit it’s not one I have read. I’m just not really into the cyberpunk genre, but I will give it a try. And here is strike three. The Mortal Coil just isn’t my thing. The Amazon.com info thingie said this:

    The debut release by this superstar-Goth outfit shined (and still does) in all its glorious misery and despair.

    Now I don’t want to sound like a square, but that really isn’t my thing. Is that what you people think? If you knew the music I got into you would laugh. Ross am I missing anything here? I respect Mr. Ross’s opinion on all things, so I will wait for a second opinion from him. Vurt I will give a go. I’m always on the lookout for good Sci-Fi. Thanks for stopping by.

    Views: 1,370
    Harpy Number Thirteen 8:30 pm-
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    Ok this was asked of me a few weeks ago, so I figured it was a good idea. At least it was an about time kind of thing. For your viewing pleasure here is the newest addition to the thing that started as an insult that turned into something that had a life of it’s own. And it isn’t an insult any more.

    Harpy Number Thirteen. Click I dare you!

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